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Give a Gift that Helps Others

A compassionate alternative to gift giving

Your gift of compassionate support for FPMT’s charitable activities creates an opportunity for you and your gift recipient to share and partake in the joy of giving while supporting a worthy and important cause.

When you make your donation, you can choose to have an e-card sent to you, which you can then give to your gift recipient how and whenever you wish.  The beautiful cards highlight the impact the gift will make through the charitable fund you have chosen to support on their behalf.

Gift Giving Options

See below options to support any of these four FPMT Charitable Projects.

Update November 2022: Please note only e-cards are provided, we can no longer offer print cards, sorry for any inconvenience.

Sponsor Animal Liberations

Give a gift that will liberate animals from death and harm while blessing them with holy objects and prayers, with prayers made for the long life of those sponsoring the liberations.

Donate & receive e-card

Support Ordained Monks and Nuns

Give a gift that will provide for the needs of ordained monks and nuns with support for food, accommodation, healthcare, education, and spiritual practice.

Donate & receive e-card  

Provide for the Basic Needs of Others

Give a gift to help social service projects for schools, hospices, health clinics, soup kitchens, elderly homes, and orphanages in India, Nepal, Tibet and Mongolia. 

Donate & receive e-card 

Help Create Holy Objects for World Peace

Give a gift to that will fund the creation of holy objects such as statues, stupas, prayer wheels, and thangkas all over the world.

Donate & receive e-card 

give-a-gift white hand-mandala

Thank you for your support! If you need assistance, please contact FPMT Donor Services.