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Planetary Crisis Summit at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre

Planetary Crisis Summit at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre

In April 2024, Jamyang London Buddhist Centre hosted the first Planetary Crisis Summit, an event that brought together a range of voices from across FPMT Europe to engage in a deep conversation about what it means to be a Dharma ... Read more »
“She Offered Literally Everything She Had”: The Extraordinarily Generous Life of “Mummy” Max Mathews

“She Offered Literally Everything She Had”: The Extraordinarily Generous Life of “Mummy” Max Mathews

The entire FPMT community shared the loss of one of FPMT’s precious pioneers, when “Mummy” Max Mathews (also known as Sister Max), passed away on February 16, 2024. Mummy Max contributed greatly and financially assisted Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa ... Read more »
English Translation of The Meditation-Recitation of White Manjushri Now Available

English Translation of The Meditation-Recitation of White Manjushri Now Available

We are pleased to share that an English translation by Ven. Tenzin Namjong of the White Manjushri sadhana, The Meditation-Recitation of White Manjushri , is now available for free download in the FPMT Foundation Store. This translation was a request ... Read more »
July 2024 E-News is Now Available

July 2024 E-News is Now Available

This month’s e-news brings you important news, updates, and causes for rejoicing regarding: Ongoing prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s swift return, Progress on Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Stupa of Complete Victory, Teachings from Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe, News about ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teachings at Langri Tangpa Center, 2006

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teachings at Langri Tangpa Center, 2006

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered a series of teachings at Langri Tangpa Center, Brisbane, Australia from April 16-18, 2006. These four sessions of profound teachings are on the Eight Verses of Mind Training, a classic Tibetan Buddhist text by Kadampa Geshe ... Read more »
So Humble and Kind: Rejoicing in the Life of Ven. Ngawang Yonten, “Ashang”

So Humble and Kind: Rejoicing in the Life of Ven. Ngawang Yonten, “Ashang”

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s uncle, Ven. Ngawang Yönten (affectionately known as Ashang, which means, “maternal uncle”) passed away peacefully at Lawudo, Nepal, on the morning of July 7, 2024. He was 98 years old and most likely one of the last ... Read more »
Four Kadampa Deities Retreat: The Minute You Cherish Others, There is Freedom

Four Kadampa Deities Retreat: The Minute You Cherish Others, There is Freedom

Earlier this year we shared the addition to our Rinpoche Available Now page of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s 2003 twenty-three part teachings from a Four Kadampa Deities Retreat offered at Institut Vajra Yogini, France. The retreat focused on the four Kadampa ... Read more »
Lama Yeshe’s Wisdom: Buddhism Has Something For Everybody

Lama Yeshe’s Wisdom: Buddhism Has Something For Everybody

The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind is one of the most beloved free books from the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive. The six teachings contained in this volume come from Lama Yeshe’s 1975 visit to Australia. They are all filled ... Read more »
Recitation of the Entire Kangyur Teachings and Prajnaparamita during Chokhor Duchen

Recitation of the Entire Kangyur Teachings and Prajnaparamita during Chokhor Duchen

Chokhor Duchen (commemorating Shakyamuni Buddha’s first Turning of the Wheel of Dharma) occurs on July 9, 2024 and is an extremely powerful day to undertake practices, as the merit is multiplied 100 million times. In honor of Buddhas first teaching, ... Read more »
A Most Happy and Auspicious 89th Birthday to His Holiness the Dalai Lama!

A Most Happy and Auspicious 89th Birthday to His Holiness the Dalai Lama!

Today, on July 6, 2024, the world celebrates His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 89th birthday! We’ve collected several resources for students to use in their celebration of His Holiness and in their ongoing Buddhist study. FPMT International Office wishes His ... Read more »
Charok Lama Praises Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Sister, Anila Ngawang Samten

Charok Lama Praises Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Sister, Anila Ngawang Samten

Last month we shared a moving report about the recent pilgrimage to Lawudo, marking the first anniversary of the passing of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, where 38 students from around the world visited and made heartfelt prayers at the holy places ... Read more »
The Passing of Jeffrey Hopkins: A Legacy of Honesty

The Passing of Jeffrey Hopkins: A Legacy of Honesty

Beloved Buddhist scholar Dr. Jeffrey Hopkins passed away on July 1, 2024 in Vancouver, Canada, aged 83. Dr. Hopkins published dozens of books, acted as His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s translator, and had a long academic career during which he ... Read more »