Animal Liberation Fund

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Where there is a mind, there are feelings such as pain, pleasure, and joy. No sentient being wants pain; instead all want happiness. Since we all share these feelings at some basic level, we as rational human beings have an obligation to contribute in whatever way we can to the happiness of other species and try our best to relieve their fears and sufferings.

—His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

The Animal Liberation Fund supports ongoing animal liberations offered by Sangha and students which include extensive prayers and dedications made for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, his gurus, all sponsors of this fund, all beings who are sick or face an untimely death, as well as many specific dedications requested by the FPMT community. Supporting animal liberations creates the cause for long life for the animals, for oneself, and for those to whom the prayers are dedicated.

There are enormous benefits generated from supporting animal liberations and prayers for long life. The recipients of benefit are the creatures being saved, blessed and released during the liberations; those who support the animal liberation practice; and those to whom the animal liberations are dedicated.


Lama Zopa Rinpoche blesses a horse at an animal sanctuary, June 2019. Photo by Ven. Lobsang Sherab.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains:

“By doing prayers and chanting powerful mantras for the animals, they receive a higher rebirth and liberation. This practice purifies immediately the oceans of samsaric suffering.”

“For the person who liberates animals, or whoever wants to dedicate the merit to those with life obstacles, this practice helps them to obtain long life. Even if you don’t expect it, the karma will cause you to have a long life.”

Liberations, Blessings, and Sanctuaries

The fund supports weekly animal liberations and extensive dedications offered by Sangha at the residences of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. When funds allow, additional animal liberations in Singapore and Hong Kong are supported, as well as efforts to save the lives of animals at animal sanctuaries in Nepal, India, and elsewhere.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche performed many animal liberations and blessings, and offered detailed advice on how to perform blessings and benefit animals and insects, found below.

Due to the kindness of sponsors to the Animal Liberation Fund, we are able to liberate approximately 75,000 sentient beings every year. Additionally, our dedications list has included over 8,000 people.

Weekly Liberations

Lama Zopa Rinpoche circumambulating a stupa at Kachoe Dechen Ling, Aptos, California, November, 2016. Photo by Ven. Losang Sherab.

Weekly Liberations

Lama Zopa Rinpoche requested the Sangha at his house to do the practice of animal liberation every week dedicated to anyone who is sick or having life obstacles.

Each week the Sangha liberate up to 1,000 animals with the animal liberation practice, taking the animals around the stupa or holy objects at Rinpoche’s house, reciting mantras and blessing them with mantra water before they are carefully liberated in a safe place.

Blessing Lakes

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on blessing all the beings in Palmer Lake in Washington State, US, August 2019. Photo by Ven. Holly Ansett.

Blessing Lakes

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on a number of occasions blessed lakes surrounding Amitabha Buddha Pure Land in Washington, USA. Rinpoche designed special prayer flags and set up a number of holy objects to be used on a raft for the blessings, and offered blessed food for the lake-bound beings. Rinpoche asked the local Sangha to continue regular lake blessings in the area using some of the holy objects on the raft.

Read stories about some of the lake blessings here, and here.

Here are some ideas for blessing oceans, seas, lakes and other bodies of water.

Blessing Insects and Small Animals

Amitabha Buddha Statue with flower offerings, Buddha Amitabha Pure Land, Washington State, USA, October 2016.

Blessing Insects and Small Animals

In October 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche responded to a student’s question about what to do when finding dead insects. Rinpoche replied in detail how he and Sangha members work to benefit insects, birds, and other small animals:

“Thank you for your kind email. With respect to dead insects, the main thing you can do to benefit them is to recite the mantra of Compassion Buddha (OM MANI PADME HUM), Stainless Pinnacle mantra, Stainless Lotus Pinnacle mantra, the short Namgyalma mantra, and the Five Powerful Deities mantras.

After reciting a few times—or it can be fifteen times, twenty times, or one mala of each mantra, whatever you can—blow over the dead body of the insect to purify its negative karma and obscurations collected since beginningless rebirths. Then, visualize that it generates into the deity of the mantra you recited…” Read the full advice.

Supporting Other Liberations and Sanctuaries

Goats at the Animal Liberation Sanctuary, Nepal, August 2015. Photo by Tania Duratovic.

Supporting Other Liberations and Sanctuaries

The Animal Liberation Fund has supported liberations offered by FPMT communities in Singapore and Hong Kong. The Fund has also sponsored the ongoing care of vulnerable animals at the Animal Liberation Sanctuary, managed by Kopan Monastery in Nepal, the MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya, India, and sanctuaries elsewhere.

The eight new stupas to benefit the animals at Taru

Annual Grant Updates for Rejoicing

Below are annual news reports of the grant making activities for the Holy Objects Fund, with details and photos for rejoicing.

Grants offered in 2023

Goats being blessed at Animal Liberation Sanctuary, Nepal.

Benefiting animals in any way possible is a high priority for  the FPMT organization and was one of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions. Rinpoche explained many ways that we can benefit animals, not just by saving them from untimely death and caring for them for the rest of their lives, but also by blessing them with mantras, prayers, and holy objects in order to create merit and purify negative karma. We are delighted to announce that the Animal Liberation Fund provided US$18,820.70 in 2023 to support the below remarkable initiatives. Read more »

Grants offered in 2022
Lama Zopa Rinpoche offering prayers to a rescued water buffalo Rinpoche named Bodhichitta

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offering prayers to a rescued water buffalo Rinpoche named Bodhichitta. Photo by Ven. Lobsang Sherab.

Among the many animal liberations happening around the organization, as advised by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, we are also so happy to be offering substantial support to three beneficial animal-centered projects this year. Nearly US$22,000 will be offered in support of these projects and we invite you to please rejoice with us! May all of these dear animals, as well as all sentient beings, receive the perfect care needed for the benefit of this and all future lives. 

Animal Liberation Sanctuary, Nepal

In countries like Nepal, the care and management of animals is very poor and animal sacrifices are common creating tremendous suffering for the animals and those involved. Since 2012 we have been supporting the Animal Liberation Sanctuary which is located on land near Kopan Monastery. Read more »

Grants offered in 2021

Khadro-la and Lama Zopa Rinpoche blessing goats in Maratika, Nepal, April 25, 2021. Photo by Ven. Roger Kunsang.

We invite you to join us in rejoicing in a few of the ways the Animal Liberation Fund has benefited animals in recent months. 

Jangchub is a two year old female horse who was born with a genetic problem with her feet. She is not able to run and can only gallop. Because of this, she was seen as useless and was going to be put down. Aquila Nera Horse Sanctuary in Italy, which has a close connection with Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, offered to let Jangchub live the rest of her life at their facility and cover her vet and medical expenses. The Animal Liberation Fund sponsored her food for the year. Read more »

Grants offered in 2020

Lama Zopa Rinpoche recommended that the animals at the sanctuary get more blessings so he gave co-directors Phil and Tanya a red bag full of holy items with which to bless the animals. Photo by Ven. Thubten Choying.

Every day around the world millions of animals are killed and mistreated needlessly. In countries like Nepal, the care and management of animals is very poor and animal sacrifices are common creating tremendous suffering for the animals and those involved.

In his concern for the welfare of all living beings, Lama Zopa Rinpoche initiated the purchase of land near Kopan Monastery for the Animal Liberation Sanctuary to provide shelter and care for animals rescued from being killed, so that they may live out their natural lives in peace and attain a higher rebirth. The sanctuary benefits rescued animals, not only by freeing from impending death, but also by exposing them to Buddha’s teachings. They regularly hear mantras and are led around holy objects. The animals (seven cattle, 46 goats, and one sheep) are receiving shelter, food, veterinary care, kindness, and Dharma. Read more »

Grants offered in 2019

Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Sangha blessing all the beings in a lake in Washington State, US, June 2018. Photo by Ven. Lobsang Sherab.

The Animal Liberation Fund sponsored the liberations of approximately 84,356 animals at Kachoe Dechen Ling, California, and Buddha Amitabha Pure Land, Washington State, in 2019. Since 2015, 812,455 small animals have been saved from untimely death by resident Sangha and taken around an incredible amount of holy objects, mantras were recited and blown on them and they were carefully placed where they could live out the rest of their life. When Sangha finish these liberations, they make strong prayers for all those who are sick, have recently died, or who have requested prayers. This is one of the most beneficial aspects of this practice as the merit is shared among so many. All are welcome to request prayers and dedications from the Sangha  for themselves or loved ones. In addition to the animal liberations in Washington State, the Sangha regularly bless the beings living in the lakes of this area. Read more »


Animal Liberation Resources

The FPMT Foundation Store offers teachings and practices from Lama Zopa Rinpoche about how to benefit animals, including the animal liberation practice.

FPMT Education Services has complied a large collection of advice and practices from Lama Zopa Rinpoche for benefiting animals.

To send names for dedications, please email: Holly Ansett

Photos and Video

We have collected many animal liberation photos, and videos of Lama Zopa Rinpoche leading animal liberations and blessings which you can view here.

Animal Liberation Fund News & Updates

Animal Blessings and Rescue from Untimely Death in 2023

Animal Liberation | December 5, 2023 -
Benefiting animals in any way possible is a high priority for the FPMT organization and was one of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions. Rinpoche explained many ways that we can benefit animals, not just by saving them from untimely death … Read more »


The annual budget for the Animal Liberation Fund is US$10,000. Any excess funds raised go directly to supporting more animal liberations which include extensive prayers and dedications for the long life of others.

Offer Your Compassionate Support


The Animal Liberation Fund is a project of FPMT Inc. and is administered by FPMT International Office located in Portland, Oregon, United States. All donations made to this fund are tax-deductible within the United States in accordance with IRS Code article 501(c)(3) to the extent allowed by law.

For larger donations, wire transfers, or check donations, contact FPMT Donor Services.
For questions about the Social Services Fund activities, please contact the Charitable Projects Coordinator.

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