Full Catalogue of Prayers and Practices

Below is the full catalogue from FPMT Education Services of prayers and practice and advice materials for download in PDF, ebook, and audio formats. Materials can be ordered through the Foundation Store by donation. The materials available for direct instant downloads on this page are provisional versions. We invite you to make a donation here to support our Dharma publications projects.

Visit our Distributing FPMT Education Materials page for information about our distribution, licensing, and copyright guidelines. 

PDFs and Ebooks

Find downloadable PDFs and ebooks of prayers, practices, sutras, mantras, and other materials below.

Prayer Books
Deity Practices & Prayers
  • Amitabha – Amitabha Festival Book: Extensive Benefits from Now up to Enlightenment (Peerless Happiness), Including Liberation from Saṃsāra (Definite Happiness) | Download
  • Amitabha – Amitabha Phowa | Order
  • Amitabha – Amitabha Pure Land Prayers | Order
  • Amitayus – Meditation on the Long Life Buddha | Order
  • Amitayus – Praise and Mantra | Order
  • Amitayus – The Short Sadhana of Amitayus | Order
  • Amoghapasha – Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha Mantra: A Brief Explanation of the Meaning | Order
  • Amoghapasha – Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha Mantra: Ten Condensed Benefits | Order
  • Avalokitesvara Simhanada – Exalted Lion’s Roar Chenrezig Who Dispels All Diseases | Order
  • Avalokitesvara Simhanada – Arya Avalokitesvara Simhanada: Visualization and Mantras | Order
  • Chenrezig – Chenrezig Who Liberates from the Three Lower Realms | Order
  • Chenrezig – Everflowing Nectar of Bodhicitta | Order
  • Chenrezig – Mantra and Request (Six-Syllable Mantra) | Order
  • Chenrezig – Nyung Ne | Order
  • Chenrezig – Praise to Avalokitesvara (Po Praise) | Endlish | Chinese | Three languages
  • Chenrezig – Praise and Prayer to Noble Avalokiteshvara | English | Chinese | Tibetan
  • Chenrezig – Prayer of Auspiciousness from the Mani Kabum | Order
  • Chenrezig – Prayer to Chenrezig, the Compassionate-Eye-Looking One | Order
  • Chenrezig – Prayer to the Six-Syllable Great Compassionate One | Order
  • Chenrezig – Request to the Supreme Compassionate One PDF | Order
  • Chenrezig – Staircase to Potala Pure Land Guru Yoga: A Practice of Avalokiteshvara PDF | Order
  • Chenrezig – The Light of the Moon | Order
  • Chenrezig – The Practice Called Opening the Eye | Order
  • Chenrezig – Spontaneously Accomplishing Desired Aims: An Abbreviated Way to Perform the Meditation-Recitation of Eleven-Faced Chenrezig | Order
  • Chenrezig – The Welfare of Living Beings that Pervades Space | Order
  • Chenrezig – The Yoga of the Inseparability of the Guru and Avalokiteshvara | Order
  • Chod – Cutting Through the Ego | Order
  • Dorje Khadro – Burning Offering to Dorje Khadro | Order
  • Dorje Khadro – The Preliminary Practice | Order
  • Drugchuma – Offering of Sixty-Four Parts | Order
  • Dzambala – The Wealth-Giving Practice | Order
  • Dzambala – Torma Offering | Order
  • Garuda – Black Garuda Practice | DownloadMake a donation
  • Garuda – The Essential Method of Accomplishing the Guru Transcendental Wisdom Multicolored Garuda  | Order
  • Guhyasamaja – A Short Mystic Communion Sadhana (Short Sadhana) | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – A Pacifying Burning Offering | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – A Short Daily Practice | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – Chenrezig Gyalwa Gyatso Self-Initiation | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – Requesting and Dedication Prayers | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – The Iron Hook that Summons the Two Accomplishments (Tsog) | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – The Treasure Store of All Attainments (Long Sadhana) | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – Tsog of the Great Compassionate One | Order
  • Hayagriva – Most Secret Hayagriva Request and Mantra | EnglishChinese | Portuguese
  • Hayagriva – Most Secret Hayagriva Daily Commitment | Order
  • Hayagriva – The Melodious Song Please the Great Powerful One (Long Sadhana) | Order
  • Heruka – An Abbreviated Cakrasamvara Tsog | Order
  • Heruka – The Yoga of the Three Purifications | Order
  • Heruka 5 Deities – The Yoga Method of the Five Supreme Bliss Deities (Short Sadhana) | Order
  • Heruka White – The Sadhana of White Heruka | Order
  • Hevajra – The Essence of Dispelling Errors (Short Sadhana) | Order
  • Kshitigarbha – 108 Names of Arya Kshitigarbha and the Dharani Mantra | Order
  • Kshitigarbha – Kshitigarbha Practice | English | Spanish | Vietnamese 
  • Kurukulla – An Abbreviated Meditation-Recitation of the Goddess Kurukulla | EnglishSpanish
  • Kurukulla – Meditation on Kurukulla | Order
  • Kadampa Deity Sadhana – Miyowa | Order
  • Kadampa Deity Sadhana – Chenrezig | Order
  • Kadampa Deity Sadhana – Shakyamuni Buddha | Order
  • Kadampa Deity Sadhana – Tara | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – 1000 Offerings: A Cluster of Gathered Attainments: The Thousand-Offering Ritual Connected with Guru Yoga of Jamgon Lama Tsongkhapa, the Great King of Dharma | Download 
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Guru Yoga | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Migstema Prayer and Name Mantra | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Secret Biography | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Swift Fulfillment of Wishes | Order
  • Lion-Faced Dakini Sadhana | Order
  • Loma Gyonma Meditation | Order
  • Mahakala – Four-Face Mahakala Puja | Order
  • Maitreya – 1000 Offerings to the Victorious One Invincible Savior, Maitreya: An Abbreviated Offering Ritual | Order
  • Maitreya – Arya Maitreya’s Promise of Dharani | Order
  • Maitreya – Prayer for a Statue of Maitreya | Download | Make a donation
  • Manjushri – Chanting the Names of Noble Manjushri | English | Spanish
  • Manjushri – Innermost Essence Arya Manjushri Tantra | Order
  • Manjushri – Praise to Manjushri | Order
  • Manjushri Black – The Meditation-Recitation of Black Manjushri | Order
  • Manjushri Orange – Arapatsana | Order
  • Manjushri Orange – A Meditation on Orange Manjushri | Order
  • Manjushri White – A White Manjushri Method | Order
  • Manjushri White – The Meditation-Recitation of White Manjushri | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – A Brief Meditation-Recitation on Guru Medicine Buddha | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – A Very Short Medicine Buddha Practice | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Blessing Medicine | Download | Make a donation
  • Medicine Buddha – Healing Buddha: A Practice for the Prevention and Healing of Disease | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Mantras: Precious Long Dharani, Long Mantra, Short Mantra | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – The Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – The Source of Goodness (Long Retreat Sadhana) | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel (Medicine Buddha Puja) | English | Sinhalese
  • Medicine Buddha – The Wish-Granting Sovereign (Extensive Puja) | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Jangwa | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Ritual Set for Pujas | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Sadhana | Order
  • Milarepa – A Method of Yoga that Instantly Slays the Dualistic Mind (Guru Yoga) | Order
  • Milarepa – Excellent Path to Omniscience: A Daily Practice of Milarepa | Order
  • Milarepa – The Sun Opening the Heart-Lotus of the Fortunate Ones (Sadhana & Tsog) | Order
  • Mitrugpa – A Short Practice | English | French | Spanish
  • Mitrugpa – Opening the Door to the Pure Land of Superior Delight (Long Sadhana) | Order
  • Namgyälma – 1,000 Offerings to Namgyälma | Order
  • Namgyälma – Practices of Namgyälma | Order
  • Padmasambhava – Prayer Eliminating Obstacles and Accomplishing Wishes | Order
  • Padmasambhava – Requesting Prayer to Padmasambhava | Download
  • Padmasambhava – Seven-Line Invocation to Guru Rinpoche | Order
  • Padmasambhava – The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes (Sampa Lhundrupma) | Download
  • Padmasambhava – The Supplication to Guru Rinpoche Clearing the Obstacles on the Path (Barche Lamsel) | Download 
  • Palden Lhamo – A Palden Lhamo Daily Practice | Order
  • Palden Lhamo – The All-Pervasive Sphere of Great Bliss, Free of Elaboration | Order
  • Sarvanivaranaviskhambhin – The Exalted Zung Called “Eliminating Obscurations” | Order
  • Shakyamuni – A Daily Meditation on Shakyamuni Buddha | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Praise by Way of the Twelve Deeds | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Shakyamuni Buddha Puja | Order
  • Samayavajra – The Sadhana of Samayavajra (Damtsig Dorje) | English | Spanish 
  • Tara – 108 Names of Tara | Order
  • Tara – Crying Child’s Tormented Calling the Perfect Destroyer Qualified Gone Beyond Exalted Mother| Download | Make a donation
  • Tara – Mantra Promised by Arya Tara Herself | Order
  • Tara 21 – Abbreviated Praise to the Twenty-One Taras | Order
  • Tara 21 – Names and Mantra of the Twenty-One Taras | Order
  • Tara 21 – Praises to the Twenty-One Taras | English | Chinese |  Spanish | Three languages
  • Tara Chittamani – Chittamani Tara Retreat Sadhana | Order
  • Tara Chittamani – Chittamani Tara Uncommon Guru Yoga | Order
  • Tara Chittamani – Four Mandala Offerings to Chittamani Tara | Order
  • Tara Chittamani – The Method of Performing  Tara Purification Night | Order
  • Tara Green – Praise and Mantras | Order 
  • Tara Green – A Short Practice of Green Tara | Order
  • Tara Red – Red Tara Sadhana (Short Sadhana) | OrderTara White- The Practice of White Tara and Chenrezig Lion’s Roar | Order
  • Tara White – The Sadhana of Chintachakra White Tara (Long Sadhana) | Order
  • Tara White – White Tara Meditation for Long Life: Visualization and Mantra | Order
  • Tara White – White Tara Meditation: Visualization and Mantra | Order 
  • Tara White – White Tara Practice: The Gathered Essence of Immortality | Order
  • Vajra Armor Protection Wheel – Short Practice and Meditation | Order English | German | Vietnamese
  • Vajrapani – The Sadhana of Shri Vajrapani Mahachakra (Short Sadhana) | Order
  • Vajrapani – The Sadhana of Vajrapani, Lord of Secrets (Guru Yoga) | Order
  • Vajrapani Hayagriva Garuda – Meditation-Recitation of the Three-Fold Wrathful Ones | Order
  • Vajrasattva – A Short Vajrasattva Meditation: Purification with the Four Opponent Powers | Order
  • Vajrasattva – Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog Offering | Order
  • Vajrasattva – The Preliminary Practice of Vajrasattva | Order
  • Vajrasattva – Retreat Sadhanas | Order
  • Vajrayogini – The Method of Hand Offering: Essence of the Banquet of Kechara | Order
  • Vajrayogini – A Clear Arrangement of the Abbreviated Way to Meditate on the Quick Path to Great Bliss (Middle-length Sadhana) | Order
  • Vajrayogini – A Compilation of Tsog Offerings to Vajrayogini | Order
  • Vajrayogini – A Pleasing Uncontaminated Feast (Abbreviated Tsog) | Order
  • Vajrayogini – A Short Daily Practice | Order
  • Vajrayogini – Quick Path to Khechara (Abbreviated Self-Initiation) | Order
  • Vajrayogini – The Intermediate Practices of Vajrayogini (Self-Initiation) | Order
  • Vajrayogini – The Pacifying Burning Offering Ritual of Vajrayogini (Fire Puja) | Order
  • Vajrayogini – The Quick Path to Great Bliss (Long Sadhana) | Order
  • Vajrayogini – The Secret Advanced Practices of Vajrayogini | Order
  • Vajrayogini – Short Sadhana Arranged by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Vajrayogini – Tea Offering | Order
  • White Umbrella – Practices of Arya Sitatapatra | English | Tibetan for Wearable Amulet
  • White Umbrella – The Sadhana of Arya Sitatapatra | Order
  • Yamantaka – Celebration of Great Bliss (Self-Initiation) | Order
  • Yamantaka – The Extremely Brief Sadhana Of Solitary Hero Bhagavan Yamantaka (Short Sadhana) | Order
Other Prayers & Practices
  • 16 Arhats – Sixteen Arhats Puja | Order 
  • 35 Buddhas – Confession of a Bodhisattva’s Downfalls | Order
  • 35 Buddhas – Prostration Instructions, Mantras and Meditation | Order
  • 35 Buddhas – The Preliminary Practice | Order
  • 35 Buddhas – The Flowing Water of the Ganga | Order
  • Advice to Correctly Follow the Virtuous Friend with Thought and Action (Nine Attitudes of Guru Devotion) | Order
  • The Advice of Jangchub Ö | PDF
  • The All-Encompassing Yoga Mind Meditation PDF | Order
  • Blessing the Animals in the Ocean PDF | Order
  • Bodhisattva Vows | Order
  • Calling the Guru from Afar | Order
  • Causing the Teaching of Buddha to Flourish | Order
  • Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts | Order
  • Charity to Ants | Order
  • Circumabulation – Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice | Order
  • Complete Dedication Prayer Book | Order
  • Consecration Ritual: Extremely Abbreviated Rabne | Download | Make a donation
  • Consecration Ritual: An Abbreviated Consecrated Ritual | Order
  • Cultivating Mindfulness of Bodhichitta in Daily Activities | Order English  | Italian
  • Daily Prayers | Order
  • Dedication Prayers | Order
  • Dedication Verses – Covid-19 Crisis Teachings by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Download | Make a donation
  • A Direct Meditation on All the Important Points of the Lamrim | PDF
  • Eight Mahayana Precepts – Ritual for Taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts | Order
  • The Eight Prayers | Order
  • Eight Verses of Thought Transformation | Order
  • The Exalted Zung Called “Thoroughly Pacifying Hatred” | Order
  • Extensive Offering Practice | Order
  • Extensive Offering to Large Thankgas – Amitabha Festival Book: Extensive Benefits from Now up to Enlightenment (Peerless Happiness), Including Liberation from Saṃsāra (Definite Happiness) | Download
  • Flower Offering Practice | Order
  • Fire – Practices to Dispel Fire | Download | Make a donation
  • Food Offering Practices | Order
  • The Foundation of All Good Qualities | Order
  • Giving Breath to the Wretched | Order
  • The Glorious One of the Three Worlds | Order
  • A Harvest of Powerful Attainments | Order
  • Heart Practices for Death and Dying | Order
  • Heart Sutra Practices and Instructions for Retreat | Order | Italian
  • Hearts Utmost Need | English | Tibetan
  • Helping Yourself and Others Die Happily: Instructions and Practices for the Time of Death | Order
  • Holy Objects to Place on the Body at the Time of Death | Order
  • How to Make My Lives Wish-Fulfilling: The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness | English | Cambodian | Czech | FrenchGerman | ItalianPolish | SpanishVietnamese 
  • How to Use a Stupa | Order
  • How to Do the Great Festival of His Holiness’ Birthday in the Best Possible Way PDF | Order
  • How This Human Life Becomes the Method for Achieving Complete Buddhahood through Study and Service | Order
  • A Hymn of Experience | Order
  • Incense Puja | Order
  • King of Prayers | Order
  • Lama Chopa and Tsog Offering | Order
  • Lama Chopa Jorcho | Order
  • Lamrim – A Direct Meditation on All the Important Points of the Lamrim | Order
  • Lamrim – Lamrim Prayers | Order
  • Liberating Animals | Order
  • Liberating Animals from the Danger of Death | Order
  • Liberation Tools to Help the Dying and Deceased | PDF
  • Long Life Pujas – Lama Chopa with Request to the Dakinis | Order
  • Long Life Pujas – Abbreviated Long Life Puja to Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Download | Make a donation
  • Long Life Pujas – How to Offer the “Abbreviated Long Life Puja to Lama Zopa Rinpoche” | Download
  • Long Life Prayers – Brief Long Life Prayer of H. H. Dalai Lama | Order 
  • Long Life Prayers – For His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and Tenzin Osel Hita | Order
  • Long Life Prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Long Life Prayers – For Tenzin Osel Rinpoche | Download | Make a donation
  • Long Life Prayers – For Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi | Order
  • Meditations for Children | Order
  • The Method for Water Charity | Order
  • The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment) | Order
  • Milarepa’s Hymn | Order
  • Milarepa – Verse to Put at the Base of Paintings and Statues of Milarepa | Order
  • Morning Prayers and Motivation | Order
  • New Building Blessing and Outline | Order
  • Nolsang Incense Ritual | Order
  • Offerings to the Boudha Stupa | Order
  • Offering Water Charity to the Pretas | Order
  • Prayer and Mantra of Marici for Important Work | Order
  • Practices for the Benefit of a Whole Country | Download | Make a donation
  • A Prayer for the Beginning, Middle, and End of Practice | Order
  • Prayer for the Flourishing of Je Tsongkhapa’s Teachings | Order
  • Prayer to Be Reborn in the Land of Bliss | Order
  • Prayers and Practices to Be Reborn in Sukhavati | Order
  • Prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibet | Order
  • Prayers for Teaching Occasions | Order
  • The Preliminary Practice of Altar Set-up & Water Bowl Offerings | Order
  • The Preliminary Practice of Tsa-Tsas | Order
  • Protector Prayers | Order
  • Rain – How to Stop Rain | Download | Make a donation
  • Refuge in the Three Jewels | Order
  • Remembering the Kindness of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan People | Order
  • Retreat – Rituals and Procedures for Commencing Retreat | Order
  • A Ritual to Perform When Undertaking Activities on Inauspicious Days | Order
  • Self-Initiation | Order
  • The Seven-Point Thought Transformation | Order
  • Six-Session Guru Yoga | Order
  • Song Possessing the Four Mindfulnesses | Order
  • Special FPMT Dedication Prayers | Order
  • Sur Ritual | Order 
  • Sur – Aroma Charity for Spirits | German | Spanish 
  • Swift Fulfillment of Wishes in Dependence on the Great Jetsun Tsongkhapa | Order
  • Taking Bodhisattva and Tantric Vows | Order
  • Taking the Essence All Day and Night | Order
  • A Tea Offering Prayer: The Incomparable Guide | PDF
  • Ten Innermost Jewels of the Kadampas | Order
  • Thangtong Gyalpo – A Request to Pacify the Fear of Famine | Order
  • Thangtong Gyalpo – The Blessed Prayer Known as “Liberating Sakya from Disease” | Order
  • Thangtong Gyalpo – Words of Truth Pacifying the Danger of Weapons | Order
  • The Three Principal Aspects of the Path | Order
  • Three Sets of Vows and Their Commitments | Order
  • Torma – Engaging in the Practice of the Hundred Torma Offerings | Order
  • Torma – Torma Offering to the Landlord Spirits | Order
  • Tsog – An Extremely Abbreviated Tsog Offering | Order
  • Tsog – How to Offer 1,000 Tsog Offerings | Order English | Spanish
  • Verses for the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones | Order | Vietnamese 
  • The Very Nature of Refuge and Compassion | Order
  • The Way to Perform an Extremely Abbreviated Command Ritual | Order
  • The Words of Requesting and Offering to One’s Own Kind Guru (Garsha Drink Offering) | Order
Mantras & Holy Names


  • Akashagarbha Mantra for Success | Order
  • Amitabha Pure Land Prayers | Order
  • Amitayus – Praise and Mantra | Order
  • Amoghapasha – Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha Mantra: A Brief Explanation of the Meaning | Order
  • Amoghapasha – Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha Mantra: Ten Condensed Benefits | Order
  • Arya Avalokitesvara Simhanada – Visualization and Mantras | Order
  • The Arya Wisdom Mantra of Six Syllables | Order
  • Benefits of Two Name Mantras | Order
  • Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret Sublime Success Mantra | Order
  • Clouds of Offerings Mantra: Eight Benefits | English | Vietnamese
  • Chenrezig – Eleven-Faced Chenrezig Dharani (Long Mantra)| Order
  • Chenrezig – The Holy Name Mantra of Chenrezig  (Longest Mantra) | Order
  • Chenrezig – Mantra and Request (Six-syllable Mantra) | Order
  • Five Powerful Mantras | Order
  • Holy Name and Mantra for Offering Flowers | Order
  • Four Dharmakaya Relic Heart Mantras | Order
  • The Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras and their Benefits | Order
  • The Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras – formatted for rolling | Order
  • The Great Wisdom Mantra – Lankavatara Sutra | Order
  • Holy Objects to Place on the Body at the Time of Death | Order
  • King of Naga Lords | Order
  • Ksitigarbha – Ksitigarbha Mantras | Order
  • Kunrig Mantra | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Migstema Prayer and Name Mantra | Order
  • Manjushri – Mantras | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Mantras: Precious Long Dharani, Long Mantra, Short Mantra | Order
  • Microfilm Mantras for Stupas and Prayer Wheels | Webpage
  • Mantra from The Sutra of Great LiberationOrder
  • Mantra of Great Wisdom Vimaloshnisha – Mantra and Commentary (Mantra Taught by Buddha Droden Gyälwa Chhö) | Order
  • Mantra to Avert the Pollution from Consuming Offerings | Order
  • Mantras to Recite for the Dying | Order
  • Miscellaneous Mantras | Order
  • Mitrugpa – Mantra | Order
  • Name Mantra that Multiplies Virtue by A Hundred Thousand | Order
  • Namgyälma – Long and Short Mantras | Order
  • Padmasambhava – Mantra | Order
  • Prayer and Mantra of Marici for Important Work | Order
  • Recognizing the Clear Light of Sleep Mantra and Commentary | Order
  • Tathagata Earth-Holder King – Mantra that Fulfills Wishes | Order
  • The Perfection of Wisdom Praise and Mantra | Order
  • Powerful Mantras for the Body at Death Time | Order
  • Sarvanivaranaviskhambhin – The Exalted Zung Called “Eliminating Obscurations” | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Holy Name Mantra | Order
  • Tara – Names and Mantra of the Twenty-One Taras | Order
  • Tara – Mantra Promised by Arya Tara Herself | Order
  • Tara – Praise and Mantras | Order
  • Tara – White Tara Meditation: Visualization and Mantra | Order 
  • Ten Powerful Mantras for the Time of Death | Order
  • Vajrasattva – Mantras and Meaning of the Long Mantra | Order 
  • Wish-Fulfillment for All Animals: Their Happiness and Liberation—Powerful Buddha Names and Mantras and the Benefits of Reciting Them | Order
  • Zung of the Completely Pure Stainless Light – Mantra and Commentary | Order

Holy Names & Name Mantras

  • Benefits of Three Buddhas’ Holy Names | Download |Make a donation
  • His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Request and Holy Name Mantra | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Migstsema and Name Mantra | Order
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche Holy Name Mantra | Order
  • Name Recitations that Reap the Same Benefit as Reading the Kangyur | Order
  • Rinchen Tsugtor Chen – The Holy Name of Buddha Rinchen Tsugtor Chen | Order
Sutras & Dharani



  • The Dharani of Swallowing Obstacles | Order
  • The Dharani of the Goddess Parnashavari | Order
  • The Dharani Protecting the Preta Beings with Fire Blazing Out of Their Mouths | Order
  • Dharani Which Accomplishes All Aims | Order
  • The Extremely Conquering from Bondage | English | German
  • Kshitigarbha – 108 Names of Arya Kshitigarbha and the Dharani Mantra | Order
  • The Noble Great Dharani | Order
  • The Norbu Zangpo Zung |  English | German | Vietnamese
  • The One Hundred and Eight Names of Arya Ksitigarbha and the Dharani Mantra | Order
  • Possessing the Attributes of All the Buddhas | English | French | Indonesian | Tibetan | Audio
  • Sarvanivaranaviskhambhin – The Exalted Zung Called “Eliminating Obscurations” | Order
  • Vajra Claws | English | French | Spanish | Vietnamese
Teachings, Advice & Commentaries

Teachings & Advice

  • Advice for the Anniversary of the Guru’s Passing Away | Order | German Italian 
  • Advice Regarding Gurus | Order
  • Balanced Mind, Balanced Body | Order
  • Benefits of Three Buddhas’ Holy Names | Download | Make a donation
  • Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice | Order
  • Buddhism in a Nutshell | Order
  • Circumambulating Holy Objects at Home | Order 
  • Clouds of Offerings Mantra: Eight Benefits | English | Vietnamese
  • Creating the Sacred | Order
  • Create Skies of Merit by Making Offerings and Circumambulating Stupas | Order
  • The Direct and Unmistaken Method: Commentaries on the Practice and Benefits of the Eight Mahayana Precepts | Order
  • Filling and Blessing Statues (and Stupas) | Order
  • From Warm Heart to Warm Heart | Order
  • Guru Devotion – Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice | Order
  • Guru Devotion: A Brief Introduction for New Students | Order
  • Heart Advice for Death and Dying | Order
  • Heart Advice for Retreat | Order
  • How to Make Life Most Beneficial for Sentient Beings, Even with Your Speech | English | Cambodian 
  • Lama Chopa Jorcho – A Commentary | Order
  • Liberation Tools to Help the Dying and Deceased | PDF
  • Long Life Pujas – How to Offer an Abbreviated Long Life Puja to Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Download | Make a donation
  • Meeting Death with Wisdom | Order
  • The Method with Additional Practices – A Commentary | Order
  • Patience Is of Utmost Importance | Order
  • Practicing the Five Powers Near the Time of Death | Order
  • Prayers to Stop War – Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche, August 2022 | Download
  • Recognizing My Mother: An Experiential Song on the View: Explanatory Notes by Geshema Kelsang Wangmo |Download | Make a donation
  • Recognizing the Clear Light of Sleep Mantra and Commentary | Order
  • Recognizing the False I | Order
  • Schedule for Three-Day Lamrim Retreat | Order
  • Service as a Path to Enlightenment | Order
  • Spirit Harm – Methods to Counteract Spirit Harm | Download | Make a donation
  • Statues and Stupas – Part 1: Benefits and Practices Related to Statues and Stupas | Order
  • Statues and Stupas – Part 2: Building and Blessing Holy Objects | Order
  • Statues and Stupas – Part 3: Essential Advice and Practice for Filling Statues and Stupas | Order
  • Tales of a Good Heart | Order
  • The Stories and Words of Great Buddhist Masters, Vol. 1 | Order
  • The Stories and Words of Great Buddhist Masters, Vol. 2 | Order
  • The Ten Nonvirtues & Their Results with Teachings by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • The Ten Nonvirtues & Their Results, A Convenient Outline for Quick Reference | Order
  • The Wish-fulfilling Golden Sun of the Mahayana Thought Training | Order
  • Why the Guru Shows the Aspect of Making Mistakes | Order
  • Wish-Fulfillment for All Animals: Their Happiness and Liberation—Powerful Buddha Names and Mantras and the Benefits of Reciting Them | Order


  • Gyalwa Gyatso – Commentary on the Two Stages | Order
  • Gyalwa Gyatso – Taking the Three Bodies into the Path by Choden Rinpoche | Order
  • Heruka Retreat Instruction | Order
  • Tara – Commentary on the Praise to Twenty-One Taras | Order
  • Six-Session Guru Yoga Commentary | Order

Further Advice

Other Texts & Translations

More texts can be found in Draft Translations and non-FPMT Publications, some of which are personally arranged by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. These are authentic Dharma translations that have not yet been checked and edited by FPMT Education Services or standardized according to FPMT styles. We offer texts here to make important Dharma texts available to the public as soon as possible. 

Pilgrimage Manuals

India & Nepal


  • Chariot of Faith and Nectar for the Ears: A Guide to Sekhar Guthog, Tsuglag Khang, Drowolung, Zang Phug, Tagnya | Order
  • The Seed for Faith: Guide to the Excellent Place for Practice, Yerpa | Order
  • Tsaritra: A Clear Explanation of the Extraordinary Features of the Chakrasambhava Residence | Order

Printable Cards

Find printable images of deities, mantras, protection items, Dharma verses, and quotations below.

Buddhas, Deities & Thangka Images
  • 35 Buddhas – Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls Poster | Order
  • Amoghapasha – Poster | Order
  • Chenrezig – 1,000-arm Chenrezig | Order
  • Chenrezig – 1,000-arm Chenrezig (Wallet-size) | Order
  • Lama Chopa Merit Field | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa | Order
  • Manjushri (Wallet Size) | Order
  • Medicine Buddha | Order
  • Medicine Buddha (Wallet Size) | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Mandala| Order
  • Nyung Nä Poster | Order
  • Palden Lhamo | Order
  • The Sixteen Arhats | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Buddha Shakyamuni Refuge Merit Field | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Shakyamuni Buddha (Wallet Size) | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Guru Shakyamuni Buddha | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Guru Shakyamuni Buddha with the Seventeen Pandits | Order
  • Tara – 108 Names of Tara | Order
  • Tara – Green Tara by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Tara – Green Tara (Wallet Size) | Order
  • Tara – Twenty-one Taras | Order
  • Vajrasattva (Wallet Size) | Order
  • Vajrasattva with Wisdom Mother | Order
  • Wheel of Life | Order
  • White Tara | Order
  • White Tara (Wallet Size) | Order
  • White Umbrella Deity | Order
Photos of Lamas
  • His Holiness the Dalai Lama | Order
  • Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Lawudo | Order
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Sarnath | Order
  • Downloadable Altar Photo of Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
Mantra & Mandala Art
  • Door Mantra (Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha) by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • HUM Syllable by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Mandala Wheels for Filling Statues and Stupas | Order
  • Mani Mantra | Order
  • Mantra Image of the Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret Sublime Success | Order
  • Namgyälma Mantra | English | Spanish | French
  • Namgyälma Mantra (Solourful) | Order
  • Phagpa Chulung Rolpai Do Mantra & Six Syllables of Clairvoyance Mantra Card | Order
  • Phagpa Chulung Rolpai Do Mantra Card | Order
  • Purifying the Cause of Samsara – Above the Door Mantras | Order
  • Six Syllables of Clairvoyance Mantra Card | Order
  • Vairochana Mantra | Order
Protection Items
  • Four Dharmakaya Relic Heart Mantras | Order
  • Lama Atisha Protection Mantra | Order
  • Liberation Card for Dying Person |Order English | Chinese | French | German
  • Namgyälma Mantra Car Sticker | Order
  • Namgyälma Protection Amulet | Order
  • Powerful Mantras for the Body at Death Time | Order
  • Samantabhadra for Protection | Order
  • Thangthong Gyalpo – Earthquake Protection | Order
  • Thangthong Gyalpo – Mahasiddha Thongtong Gyalpo | Order
  • Vairochana Mantra | Order
  • Wheel of the Meritorious Elephant Generating Mother | Order
  • White Umbrella Deity Amulet | Order
Verses & Quotations
  • Buddha – The Four Verses | Order
  • Buddha’s Teachings on Our Lives | Order
  • Buddha – Making Offerings to the Actual Buddha and to a Buddha Image Are the Same | PDF 
  • Compassion is of the Utmost Need | English | Tibetan Pecha
  • Enlightenment at your fingertips | Order
  • Flower Offering | Order
  • Inspirational Quotes from Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Live with Compassion Digital Cards | Order
  • Live with Compassion Poster | Order
  • Milarepa – Verse to Put at the Base of Paintings and Statues of Milarepa | Order
  • Padmasambhava – If You Have Devotion, Padmasambhava is Lying at Your Door | Order
  • The Practice of Virtue | Order
  • A Precious Human Life by His Holiness the Dalai Lama | Order
  • Quotes for Life from Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Verses to Inspire Offerings (English & Tibetan) | Order
  • Words to Live By: Quotes from Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order

Audio Materials

Enjoy these materials and albums of Buddhist teachings, chants, meditations, supplementary materials for study programs, and more.

  • Arya Maitreya’s Promise Dharani (mantra) | Order
  • Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret Sublime Success Mantra | Order
  • Chenrezig – Mantra | Order
  • Chenrezig – Mantras of the Great Compassionate One | Order
  • Clouds of Offerings Mantra | Order
  • The Five Powerful Mantras for Liberating Sentient Beings from the Lower Realms | Order
  • Four Dharmakaya Relic Heart Mantras  | Order
  • Green Tara Mantra | Order
  • Heart Sutra Mantra | Order
  • Ksitigarbha Mantra | Order | Video
  • Kunrig Mantra | Order
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche Holy Name Mantra | Order
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche Mantra Recitations, Vol. 1 | Order
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche Mantra Recitations, Vol. 2 | Order
  • Lotus Pinnacle of Amoghapasha Mantra | Order
  • Maitreya – Mantra | Order
  • Manjushri – Mantra | Order
  • Mantra from the Sutra of Great Liberation | Order 
  • Mantra of Pure Morality | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – Mantra | Order
  • Tathagata Earth-Holder King – Mantra that Fulfills Wishes | Order
  • The Method – Mantras | Order
  • Mitrugpa – Mantra | Order
  • Namgyälma – Mantra | Order | Video
  • The Norbu Zangpo Zung | Order
  • The Perfection of Wisdom Praise and Mantra | Order
  • Phagpa Chulung Rolpai Do Mantra | Order
  • Rinchen Tsugtor Chen Holy Name | Order
  • Shakyamuni – Mantra | Order
  • Stainless Pinnacle Essence Mantra | Order
  • Ten Powerful Mantras for the Time of Death | Order
  • Vajrasattva Mantra | Order | Video
  • White Tara Mantra | Order
Sadhanas, Prayers & Practices
  • 35 Buddhas – The Flowing Water of the Ganga | Order
  • 35 Buddhas – Practice of Prostrations to the 35 Buddhas | Order
  • Amitabha Pure Land Prayers | Order
  • Calling the Guru from Afar | Order
  • Chenrezig – Prayer of Auspiciousness from the Mani Kabum | Order
  • Chenrezig – Prayer to Chenrezig, Compassionate-Eye-Looking | Order
  • Chenrezig – Mantras of the Great Compassionate One | Order
  • Chod: Cutting Through the Ego | Order
  • Dedication Verses | Order
  • Eight Mahayana Precepts – Ritual for Taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts | Order
  • Essential Buddhist Prayers, Vol. 1 Tunes | Order
  • Guided Buddhist Meditations | Order
  • Gyalings | Order
  • King of Prayers | Order
  • Lama Chopa Tunes | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Ganden Lha Gyama Puja | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Guru Yoga | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Migtsema Prayer | Order
  • Lama Tsongkhapa – Swift Fulfillment of Wishes in Dependence on the Great Jetsun Tsongkhapa | Order
  • Long Life Prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama | Order
  • Long Life Prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Order
  • Medicine Buddha – A Brief Meditation-Recitation on Guru Medicine Buddha | Order
  • Meditaciones par Niños | Order
  • Meditations for Children | Order
  • Meditations on Guru Devotion | Order
  • The Method with Additional Practices | Order
  • Recitations for Alleviating Pain | Order
  • Recitations for Animals | Order
  • Recitations for the Time of Death | Order
  • Rituals and Realizations | Order
  • Tara – Praises of Tara | Order
  • Tara – Praises to the Twenty-One Taras | Order 
  • Thangtong Gyalpo – Mahasiddha Thangtong Gyalpo’s Prayers | Order
  • Vajra Armor Protection Wheel Short Practice | Order
  • Vajrasattva – A Short Practice | Order
  • Vajrasattva – Heruka Vajrasattva Tsog | Order
  • Vajrayogini – Long Sadhana – Tunes in Tibetan | Order
  • Vajrayogini – Self-Initiation Tunes in Tibetan | Order
  • Verses for the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones | Order
Sutras & Dharanis
  • The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sutra | Order
  • The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra | Order
  • El Cortador Vajra (Spanish) | Order
  • Possessing the Attributes of All the Buddhas | Order
  • Sutra of Great Liberation | Order
  • Sutra of Golden Light – Oral Transmission | Order
  • Sanghata Sutra (Tibetan) | Order
  • Vajra Cutter Sutra | Order
Oral Transmissions (Lung)

A lung (pronounced “loong”) is the oral transmission of a text, mantra, or practice by an authorized lineage holder. Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave permission to take these online. If you consciously decide to listen to the recordings as oral transmissions (lung), then you are able to take them as such. Please be aware that if you decide to do this, it means you are creating a guru-disciple relationship.

  • Amitabha Pure Land Prayers and Mantra | Order
  • A Brief Meditation-Recitation on Guru Medicine Buddha | Order
  • The Array of Sukhavati Pure Land: A Concise Mahayana Sutra | Order
  • Four Dharmakaya Relic Heart Mantras | Order
  • Mahasiddha Thangtong Gyalpo’s Prayers | Order
  • Mantra from The Sutra of Great LiberationOrder
  • Sutra of Great Liberation | Order 
  • Sutra of Golden Light | Order
  • The Five Powerful Mantras for Liberating Sentient Beings from the Lower Realms | Order
  • The Flowing Water of the Ganga: A Practice of Prostrations to the Thirty-Five Buddhas | Order
  • How to Make My Lives Wish-Fulfilling: The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness | Order
  • Vajra Armor Protection Wheel Short Practice | Order
  • Verses for the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones | Order
Teachings & Advice
  • Emptiness Explained | Order
  • Escaping Your Inner Prison | Order
  • How to Meditate on Emptiness | Order
  • Singing the Lamrim | Order

Microfilm for Stupas & Prayer Wheels

Visit our microfilm resources page for information about mantras on microfilm and how to acquire them for filling stupas and prayer wheels.

Visit our Distributing FPMT Education Materials page for information about our distribution, licensing, and copyright guidelines.