Tagged - Audio

Below is the full catalogue from FPMT Education Services of prayers and practice and advice materials for download in PDF, ebook, and audio formats. Materials can be ordered through the Foundation Store by donation. The materials available for direct instant…

A mantra is a series of syllables, most often in Sanskrit, that is the subject of recitation, meditation, or other spiritual practice. While mantras also exist in the sutras, most are recited in conjunction with the practice of a particular…

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Practice Series The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Practice Series (LZRPS) was conceived with the aim of publishing Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s practice text compilations, compositions, and translations. The materials in the series incorporate and exemplify Rinpoche’s personal style of…

Below is the full catalogue from FPMT Education Services of prayers and practice and advice materials for download in PDF, ebook, and audio formats. Materials can be ordered through the Foundation Store by donation. The materials available for direct instant…


Students regularly contact Lama Zopa Rinpoche and FPMT International Office with questions about business, money, and finding meaningful work. The FPMT Foundation Store has three new items that may help with these areas of concern: The Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret…


Reading and reciting The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, more simply known as the Heart Sutra, is a powerful way to create the conditions for having a direct realization of emptiness. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has explained that the…

“We Westerners always have to blame something external when things go wrong, “I’m not happy, so I’d better change this.” We’re always trying to change the world around us instead of recognizing that it’s our own attachment that we have…

These practices have the power to purify obscurations and negative karma that prevent us from actualizing the path. Visit our Distributing FPMT Education Materials page for information about our distributing, licensing and copyright guidelines.