Chenrezig Practices and Mantras

Please find below a collection of practice materials and advice related to the Compassion Buddha, Chenrezig, including downloadable PDFs and ebooks, and audio files.

Advice | Mantras | PracticesMani Book | Other Prayers

  • Chenrezig Six-Syllable Mantra (OṂ MAṆI PADME HŪṂ) and Request | PDF | Audio
  • Eleven-Faced Chenrezig Dharani (Chenrezig Long Mantra) | PDF | Audio
  • Holy Name Mantra of Chenrezig (Chenrezig Longest Mantra) | PDF | Audio
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Mantras of the Great Compassionate One | Audio
  • Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s calligraphy of the Mani Mantra | PDF
  • Chenrezig meditation with Six-Syllable Mantra: OṂ MAṆI PADME HŪṂ
    • Chenrezig Who Liberates from the Three Lower RealmsPDF
    • Everflowing Nectar of Bodhicitta Annihilating the Demon of the Self-Cherishing Mind by Lama Zopa Rinpoche | PDF
    • Prayer to the Six-Syllable Great Compassionate OnePDF
    • Spontaneously Accomplishing Desired Aims: An Abbreviated Way to Perform the Meditation-Recitation of Eleven-Faced Chenrezig by the 13th Dalai Lama | PDF
    • The Welfare of Living Beings That Pervades Space: The Meditation-Recitation of the Great Compassionate One by Thangtong Gyalpo | PDF
  • Chenrezig Guru Yoga by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
    • Staircase to Potala Pure Land Guru Yoga: A Practice of Avalokiteshvara PDF | PDF
    • The Source of All Attainments: The Yoga of the Inseparability of the Guru and Avalokiteshvara | PDF
  • Chenrezig Lion’s Roar (Avalokiteshvara Simhanada)
    • Arya Avalokiteshvara Simhanada: Exalted Chenrezig Lion’s Roar Who Dispels All Diseases | PDF
    • Exalted Chenrezig Lion’s Roar: Visualization and Mantras | PDF
    • The Practice of White Tara and Chenrezig Lion’s Roar to Eliminate Sickness and Life Obstacle | PDF
  • The Light of the Moon that Clears the Pains and Sufferings of HeatPDF
  • Nyung Nā: The Means of Achievement of the Eleven-Face Great Compassionate One | PDFAudio
  • Opening the Eye | PDF
The Mani Book

Over the years Lama Zopa Rinpoche had collected a number of prayers and texts dedicated to Chenrezig, the Compassionate-Eye-Looking One, that he found particularly meaningful or efficacious for our needs.  Often referring to the collection as “The Mani Book”, Rinpoche’s intention was to have the prayers translated and published as a beautifully designed book. To fulfill Rinpoche’s holy wishes as quickly as possible, this online collection starts off with currently available translations, with others to be added when they get completed.

  • The Advice of Jangchub Ö | PDF
  • Praise to Satisfying Sentient Beings by Arya Nagarjuna (courtesy of Kurukulla Center) | PDF
  • Prayer to Chenrezig, Compassionate-Eye-Looking One by Songtsen Gampo | PDF
  • A Song to Recall the Kindness of Father and Mother Sentient Beings Combined with the Mani Mantra on the basis of the Third Gungthang Rinpoche | PDF
  • The Very Nature of Refuge and Compassion by Panchen Lozang Chokyi Gyaltsen | PDF
Other Prayers to Chenrezig
  • Prayer of Auspiciousness from the Mani Kabum by Songtsen Gampo | PDF
  • Praise and Prayer to Noble Avalokiteshvara: Bringing Forth the Rains of Happiness and Well-Being (Phag tö) | PDF
  • Request to the Supreme Compassionate One by Dza Rongphu Tulku Ngawang Tenzin Norbu (Bu Lha) | PDF

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