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Eulogy for Lama Zopa Rinpoche:
“This is the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life” 

Although it is difficult to convey the extraordinariness of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s life, we share an incredibly moving eulogy so we can rejoice from our hearts in Rinpoche’s myriad accomplishments, teachings, blessings, and activities and be inspired to follow in his footsteps. This obituary also includes a gallery of 300+ photos of various stages in Rinpoche’s profound life.  Read the obituary »

We also invite you to visit our Updates Regarding Lama Zopa Rinpoche page for the latest news and announcements, swift return prayer resources, tributes, photos and more. 

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Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teachings at Langri Tangpa Center, 2006

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered a series of teachings at Langri Tangpa Center, Brisbane, Australia from April 16-18, 2006. These four sessions of profound teachings are on the Eight Verses of Mind Training, a classic Tibetan Buddhist text by Kadampa Geshe … Read more »

Lama Yeshe’s Wisdom: Buddhism Has Something For Everybody

Lama Yeshe's Wisdom | July 10, 2024 -
The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind is one of the most beloved free books from the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive. The six teachings contained in this volume come from Lama Yeshe’s 1975 visit to Australia. They are all filled … Read more »

Recitation of the Entire Kangyur Teachings and Prajnaparamita during Chokhor Duchen

Charitable Activities | July 8, 2024 -
Chokhor Duchen (commemorating Shakyamuni Buddha’s first Turning of the Wheel of Dharma) occurs on July 9, 2024 and is an extremely powerful day to undertake practices, as the merit is multiplied 100 million times. In honor of Buddhas first teaching, … Read more »

English Translation of The Meditation-Recitation of White Manjushri Now Available

Study & Practice News | July 24, 2024 -
We are pleased to share that an English translation by Ven. Tenzin Namjong of the White Manjushri sadhana, The Meditation-Recitation of White Manjushri , is now available for free download in the FPMT Foundation Store. This translation was a request … Read more »

FPMT Inc. Board of Directors Update June 2024 Update

An update from the FPMT Inc. Board of Directors: Months have gone by since the last update from the Board, but we have not been sitting still, we can assure you! There are the rather day-to-day responsibilities such as approving … Read more »

Planetary Crisis Summit at Jamyang London Buddhist Centre

In April 2024, Jamyang London Buddhist Centre hosted the first Planetary Crisis Summit, an event that brought together a range of voices from across FPMT Europe to engage in a deep conversation about what it means to be a Dharma … Read more »

Latest Essential Extracts Podcast

The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Essential Extracts podcast episodes, which range from fifteen minutes to half-an-hour, cover many lamrim topics. Please enjoy the latest release below. You can find all previous episodes as well as our full-length teachings podcast on our podcast homepage.

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Lama Zopa Rinpoche with hands together in prostration mudra seated in front of large merit field thangka

Rinpoche’s Video Teachings

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In-depth Story

International IMI Sangha offering prayers each day in front of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s holy body, Kopan Monastery, Nepal, April 21, 2023. Photo by Ven. Lobsang Sherab.

Kopan the Beautiful Mandala—An Intimate Portrait of this Time from Ven. Sarah Thresher

It’s simply impossible to express how beautiful it is in Rinpoche’s room right now,” Ven. Sarah Thresher shared on her Facebook page from Kopan Monastery on May 4, 2023, two weeks after Lama Zopa Rinpoche showed the aspect of passing away on April 13, 2023. “Kopan has done everything to make it the most extraordinarily beautiful and breathtaking offering for Rinpoche. I hope you all will have a chance to visit in the future and appreciate the love and devotion and majesty of Rinpoche’s mandala. I have watched this transformation over the past two weeks and I’m so grateful.”

We are so fortunate that Ven. Sarah took the time to share what it has been like at Kopan during this devastating and moving time. With Ven. Sarah’s permission, we are sharing some of the detailed reports she has written about how “every inch of Kopan” has been in prayer and service as several thousand individuals have come to pay respects to Rinpoche and process this immense loss. The supportive and kind atmosphere, impeccable coordination and handling of logistics, and the care and detail needed for Kopan to receive and care for hundreds of guests from around the world daily—this effort at a time of losing the guru is something to truly consider and rejoice in. 

We have kept Ven. Sarah’s entries dated so readers can appreciate how the events were being experienced in real time. Read the full story »

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