100 Million Mani Retreats
Vast Compassion
One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the FPMT organization is to sponsor 100 million mani retreats (100,000 recitations of 100 million OM MANI PADME HUM) around the world.
About this vision, Rinpoche commented:
“[I would like] for the organization to establish 100,000 recitations of 100 million OM MANI PADME HUM mantras. This can be retreats of 100 million recitations, so 100,000 different retreats in different parts of the world and where it is happening, then for it to happen regularly, each year.
“There are two ways to count this, one way is once it is established for it to happen regularly each year. Or it can happen in different places, one time and you count like that, maybe they are unable to do regularly but able to do one time or a few times.
“So to establish this in different parts of the world such as Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal, Australia, China, etc.
“We should create a plan on how to lead the retreat of 100 million mani recitations: What practices to do, a plan on how to schedule the retreat, the whole structure. Once you have a structure then it is easy for people to lead the retreat.
“Also you can make mani pills in the retreats.”
100 Million Mani Retreat, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 2018. Photo by Ianzhina Bartanova.
Retreats Completed
(current as of February 2020)
100 Million Mani Retreats
These retreats accumulated at least 100 million mani recitations among the participants.
- 19 retreats offered by the nuns of Tashi Chime Gatsal Kagyu Nunnery in Nepal, as well as supporting a geshe to teach lamrim to the nuns.
- 1 retreat offered by Institut Vajra Yogini, France.
- 7 retreats Offered by Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling, FPMT center in Mongolia and this is now an annual event.
- 2 retreats at Potawa Nunnery, Tibet.
- 1 retreat, Tsum, Nepal at Rachen Nunnery.
- 1 retreat, Rabagayling Tibetan Settlement in Hunsur in the community hall that was sponsored by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
Other Mani Retreats
Smaller mani retreats that accumulated millions of recitations among the participants.
- 500-600 people held a one week mani retreat in Tsum in honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday and recited 30,587,000 mani mantras.
Help Us Offer Grants
The Practice and Retreat Fund offers grants toward the successful completion of 100 Million Mani Retreats. If you would like to contribute to Rinpoche’s Vast Vision, you may contribute any amount to this fund below.
For larger donations by bank wire, or to submit a check by mail, please contact FPMT Donor Services. For more information about the Practice and Retreat Fund or 100 million mani retreats, please contact the FPMT Charitable Projects Coordinator.
The Practice and Retreat Fund is a project of FPMT, Inc. and is administered by FPMT International Office located in Portland, Oregon, United States. All donations made to this fund are tax-deductible within the United States in accordance with IRS Code article 501(c)(3) to the extent allowed by law.
Thousand-Arm Chenrezig statue at Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore. Photo by Ven. Lobsang Sherab.