Friends of FPMT

Thank you for your interest in supporting the work and activities of the Foundation!
For new or renewing Friends memberships, see below.

Current Friends of FPMT Supporters - Access to Friends Pages
For active members, please click your giving level to access your Friends Resources homepage:

Foundation Friends   |   Dharma Supporters    |   Patrons 

Note: your password for these pages can be found in your Friends of FPMT welcome email. Please contact us if you are having trouble accessing your Friends Resources page.

For New and Renewing Friends of FPMT Supporters

As a Friend of FPMT, you will be offering support to all of the activities of FPMT International Office, providing vital resources to:

  • Help us make the Dharma accessible to as many as possible through FPMT Education study programs, practice materials, translations, and publishing the vast archive of teachings and advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche!
  • Help us build a more compassionate world through managing our many charitable projects.
  • Help us serve our local FPMT centers, projects and services, and train community leaders; connect our global community with FPMT Communications, and more.

Being a Friend of FPMT is joining our work to serve our global FPMT mandala, including those who are wanting to practice a genuine Dharma path and don't live near a center.

Plus, you can enjoy complimentary access to what you are helping bring to others.

With your member support, you can take complimentary online FPMT Education courses, download books, practices and study materials, enjoy the Mandala Publications digital archive, the annual Liberation Calendar, and more.

See the different Friends of FPMT giving levels and benefits for each below. Thank you!

Foundation Friends

Become a sustaining contributor to our mission
Starting with a US$9+ monthly or US$108+ yearly donation

Foundation Friend Resources

  • Full access to the Discovering Buddhism, 13-module online study program.
  • A number of downloadable Dharma books, prayers, practice materials, and audio recordings.
  • Access to the Mandala archives, with 15 years of digital magazines and commemorative e-books.
  • Liberation Prison Project digital Dharma calendar.
  • Print-quality photos of our Lamas and other inspiring images.
  • Sponsored pujas for you on auspicious Buddha Days throughout the year.

Foundation Friends Monthly Donation   Foundation Friends Annual Donation

Dharma Supporters

Make a great impact and help expand access to the Dharma for others
Starting with a US$25+ monthly or US$300+ yearly donation

Dharma Supporter Resources

  • Full access to every FPMT Education online program and course: Discovering Buddhism, FPMT Basic Program, Living in the Path, Heart Advice for Death & Dying, Meditation 101, and Buddhism in a Nutshell
  • A bigger collection of downloadable Dharma books, prayers, practice materials and audio recordings.
  • Access to the full Mandala digital archive, with every issue published from 1983-2021 and commemorative e-books.
  • Liberation Prison Project digital Dharma calendar.
  • Print-quality photos of our Lamas and other inspiring images.
  • Sponsored pujas for you on auspicious Buddha Days throughout the year.

Dharma Supporters Monthly Donation    Dharma Supporters Annual Donation


Like the elephant, be a strong pillar of support for the FPMT mission and vision
Starting with a US$100+ monthly or US$1,200+ yearly donation

Patron Resources

  • All the resources listed in the above giving levels, plus instant access to ALL FPMT Education Services published prayers and practice materials, teachings, commentaries, printable images and cards, and audio materials—totaling hundreds of downloadable files.

Patron Friends Monthly Donation    Patron Friends Annual Donation

Our Generosity Policy

Our main motivation is to make the Dharma available to as many as possible. If you are wanting to study our Online Learning Center programs, but can't afford giving at the one of the Friends levels above, please don't hesitate to contact us for scholarship options.

IMI Sangha

Please contact us to join or renew your Friends of FPMT membership at the special IMI Sangha rate.

The Story of the Four Harmonious Friends

In the Vinayavastu ("Foundation of Discipline"), the Buddha tells the story of the Four Harmonious Friends – a pheasant, a rabbit, a monkey, and an elephant – who lived together in harmony. Each of the younger animals showed respect for the older animals’ life-experience and knowledge by carrying the older on his back. Later, the eldest (the pheasant) taught the practice of ethical conduct to the others, who then taught the same practice to the rest of the forest creatures. Because of this, happiness and comfort increased greatly in the world.

It is said that wherever a picture of the Four Harmonious Friends is displayed, the ten virtues will increase, the minds of all will become harmonious, and many auspicious events will occur.