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Rejoicing in the Continued Flourishing of FPMT Activity in Australia

Rejoicing in the Continued Flourishing of FPMT Activity in Australia

In May of 2018, Lama Zopa Rinpoche spent six-weeks teaching on Bodhicaryavatara (A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life) and offering Rinjung Gyatsa Retreat at the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in Bendigo, Australia. At the conclusion of this ... Read more »
Check Carefully When Meditating on Emptiness

Check Carefully When Meditating on Emptiness

In August 2016, during the Light of the Path retreat, Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised students to check carefully when meditating on emptiness. When many people meditate on emptiness they say that nothing exists. Do you understand? Nothing exists. [When you ... Read more »
Mandala Magazine’s Latest Issue Shares the Story of the Sera Je Food Fund

Mandala Magazine’s Latest Issue Shares the Story of the Sera Je Food Fund

The cover story from the January-June 2019 issue of Mandala magazine, “Sustaining the Pure Unbroken Lineage of Buddha’s Teachings in This World: The Legacy of the Sera Je Food Fund,” shares the history and success of the Sera Je Food ... Read more »
New! ‘Recognizing the False I’ by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

New! ‘Recognizing the False I’ by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Students can now find Recognizing the False I in PDF and ebook formats in the Foundation Store. Recognizing the False I, written by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, is a commentary on and set of simple meditation techniques for identifying the object ... Read more »
MAITRI Charitable Trust Celebrated World Leprosy Day

MAITRI Charitable Trust Celebrated World Leprosy Day

FPMT project MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya, Gaya District, Bihar, India, celebrated World Leprosy Day on January 27, 2019. The day’s activities included a visit to MAITRI’s leprosy awareness stall by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. MAITRI’s director, Adriana Ferranti, shares the ... Read more »
Please Rejoice! Eight Beautiful Stupas Find a Home at Centro Muni Gyana, Italy

Please Rejoice! Eight Beautiful Stupas Find a Home at Centro Muni Gyana, Italy

We invite you to rejoice that eight new stupas have entered the FPMT mandala at Centro Muni Gyana, Palermo, Italy. The Holy Objects Fund was pleased to offer a grant to sponsor the creation of these stupas which will benefit ... Read more »
How to Find a Guru

How to Find a Guru

During the 2018 retreat in Australia, Lama Zopa Rinpoche explained how to find a guru, captured in this excerpt and video clip: As I mentioned, even if you don’t have a guru but study, at least a short teaching, Liberation ... Read more »
The Advantages of Cherishing Others

The Advantages of Cherishing Others

Lama Zopa Rinpoche sent this advice about developing a good heart to a student who had been offering healing classes at a center for twenty-five years. As you know, caring for sentient beings, compassion for sentient beings, cherishing sentient beings, ... Read more »
‘Bodhichitta Mindfulness,’ A Living in the Path Module

‘Bodhichitta Mindfulness,’ A Living in the Path Module

In the complimentary Living in the Path module “Bodhichitta Mindfulness,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche shows students how to take the essence of our precious human life by transforming our normal daily activities—walking, washing, dressing, etc.—into a cause of enlightenment by doing ... Read more »
Kopan Monastery School Students Held a Science Fair

Kopan Monastery School Students Held a Science Fair

On Sunday, January 13, 2019, Kopan Monastery School at FPMT’s Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal, held their second-ever Science Fair. They invited the local community to come to the monastery to talk with the students and learn about their group ... Read more »
Rooms and Prayer Wheels Completed at Lugsum Elderly Home, Bylakkupe, India

Rooms and Prayer Wheels Completed at Lugsum Elderly Home, Bylakkupe, India

Over two years, the Social Services Fund offered grants to support the building of ten new rooms for accommodation (we provided sponsorship for five of these rooms) and the construction of large and smaller prayer wheels on the property of ... Read more »
We Bring You Our February FPMT e-News

We Bring You Our February FPMT e-News

Out now – the February FPMT International Office e-News! This month we bring you: Lama Zopa Rinpoche Schedule Updates, Thanks from Rinpoche for the Sera Je Food Fund, We’re Seeking New Friends!, …and more! Have this translated into your native ... Read more »