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January FPMT International Office e-News Out Now!

January FPMT International Office e-News Out Now!

Welcome to the January edition of our monthly FPMT International Office e-News! This month we invite you to read about: Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Schedule for 2017, Please Rejoice with Us!, Time to Count your Merit Box Offerings, 2017 Practice Calendar ... Read more »
Basic Program Progress, Completions, and Opportunities

Basic Program Progress, Completions, and Opportunities

FPMT Education Services would like to share some news about Basic Program progress and announce a wonderful new online opportunity. The Basic Program (BP) was designed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche for students who wish to progress beyond foundational level study ... Read more »
Offer ALL the Lights

Offer ALL the Lights

“If we want to develop Dharma wisdom, then offer light.” So said Lama Zopa Rinpoche during a teaching in Singapore in 2013. What are the results of offering lights? Rinpoche explained, “It is mentioned that if we make offerings of ... Read more »
Monthly Offerings Continue for Boudhanath Stupa, Nepal

Monthly Offerings Continue for Boudhanath Stupa, Nepal

One of the regular activities of the FPMT Puja Fund is offering white wash, four giant saffron flower petals and the best quality cloth (shambu) to the umbrellas at the pinnacles of Bouddhanath and Swayambunath stupas in Nepal on the ... Read more »
How to Bless Animals [Video]

How to Bless Animals [Video]

How many ways are there to benefit other living beings? At Buddha Amitabha Pure Land (BAPL) in Washington State, USA, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, resident Sangha, and visiting students take many measures to benefit the living beings—animals, insects, snakes, birds, and ... Read more »
Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre Hosts His Holiness at 21st Dharma Celebration

Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre Hosts His Holiness at 21st Dharma Celebration

On December 11, 2016, Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre hosted a public talk with His Holiness the Dalai Lama during its 21st annual Dharma Celebration at the Hotel Ashok in New Delhi, India. Director Prof. Renuka Singh shares highlights from the ... Read more »
‘Smashing the Delusions,’ A Living in the Path Module

‘Smashing the Delusions,’ A Living in the Path Module

Toward the end of the Vajra Cutter Sutra , the following verse is found: A star, a defective view, a flame, An illusion, a drop of dew, a bubble, A dream, a flash of lightning, a cloud: See causative phenomena ... Read more »
Blessing the Atlantic Ocean with Namgyalma

Blessing the Atlantic Ocean with Namgyalma

When Lama Zopa Rinpoche was in New York this past summer, he took the time to go out onto the Atlantic to bless the ocean. A kind friend offered his boat for a ride, and amid rough waves, Rinpoche and ... Read more »
Mahamudra Centre to Build Large Prayer Wheel

Mahamudra Centre to Build Large Prayer Wheel

In May 2015 Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised Mahamudra Centre in New Zealand to build a large prayer wheel similar in design and size as the one constructed at Root Institute in Bodhgaya. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Holy Object Fund, ... Read more »
‘We Must Respect Other Religions’

‘We Must Respect Other Religions’

“[It would be good] for the centers to arrange regular interfaith dialogues with religious leaders in their local community,” encouraged Lama Zopa Rinpoche when he developed his Vast Visions for FPMT, noting that this is one way FPMT can offer ... Read more »
The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness

The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness

Over the past couple of years, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has put a great deal of emphasis on the practice The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment). In this practice, Rinpoche has carefully compiled, and in many ... Read more »
How to Benefit Insects and Other Small Beings [Video]

How to Benefit Insects and Other Small Beings [Video]

A student wrote to Lama Zopa Rinpoche in October 2016 to ask what to do when finding dead insects. Rinpoche responded from Buddha Amitabha Pure Land in Washington State, taking the opportunity not only to give advice but to describe ... Read more »