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Mandala Online: Reflections on Teaching Buddhism

Mandala Online: Reflections on Teaching Buddhism

Can university professors help to spread the Dharma? Professor and long-time Dharma teacher Roger Jackson thinks so, and takes the view that scholars of Buddhist studies have plenty to offer to Dharma centers. He discusses this and other issues concerning ... Read more »
Welcome to the November FPMT E-News!

Welcome to the November FPMT E-News!

We invite you to read the November edition of the monthly FPMT International Office e-News – out now! Some highlights: Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice about the benefits of serving a Dharma center,, Updates from FPMT Education Services,, What’s in the ... Read more »
FPMT Wisdom Culture

FPMT Wisdom Culture

Every organization has its own distinctive culture. Around the world, in FPMT centers, projects and services, reflected in policies, charitable giving, and educational programs, FPMT “Wisdom Culture” remains at the heart of all activity. Wisdom Culture signifies a fusion of ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice for After the US Election

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice for After the US Election

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has offered some advice in the wake of the recent election in the United States: My most dear, most kind, most precious wish-fulfilling ones, In regard to the recent election in the United States, I wanted to ... Read more »
15,600 Sangha Joining in Group Prayer This Lhabab Duchen, November 20

15,600 Sangha Joining in Group Prayer This Lhabab Duchen, November 20

Every year on Lhabab Duchen (Buddha’s Descent from Tushita) the Puja Fund sponsors prayers, pujas, offerings to Sangha all over the world, as well as offerings to holy objects in India, Nepal, and Tibet. This year, Lhabab Duchen, one of ... Read more »
For the Love of Beings: Filling the World with Mantras

For the Love of Beings: Filling the World with Mantras

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been busy in recent weeks filling the world with mantras! At Buddha Amitabha Pure Land in Washington State in the United States, in order to bless sentient beings on the land there and in the water ... Read more »
A New Mandala Magazine!

A New Mandala Magazine!

Mandala magazine is in the mail! The exciting new issue is winging its way this very minute to supporters of the Friends of FPMT program as well as to students who receive it through the FPMT centers and projects that ... Read more »
FPMT North America Holds August 2016 Regional Meeting

FPMT North America Holds August 2016 Regional Meeting

“FPMT North America held it’s annual regional meeting on August 15-16, 2016, during the Light of the Path retreat in Black Mountain, North Carolina,” reported regional coordinator Drolkar McCallum. “About forty people attended, representing eighteen FPMT centers, projects and services ... Read more »
Buddha Day Lhabab Duchen Is on November 20

Buddha Day Lhabab Duchen Is on November 20

Lhabab Duchen, one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar, takes place this year on Sunday, November 20. Lhabab Duchen celebrates when Lord Buddha actually descended from the God Realm of Thirty-Three after teaching his mother and ... Read more »
Blessing the Sentient Beings of Omak Lake

Blessing the Sentient Beings of Omak Lake

Rinpoche recently spent some time blessing Omak Lake, near Buddha Amitabha Pure Land in Washington State, USA. Rinpoche did extensive prayers and mantras for all the sentient beings in the lake now as well as those who will be there ... Read more »
Support to 120 Students of Sagarmatha Lower Secondary School

Support to 120 Students of Sagarmatha Lower Secondary School

For the past two years, Kopan Monastery has taken on the responsibility of supporting Sagarmatha Secondary School in Chailsa, Nepal. The school is located on what was once a Tibetan refugee camp and currently serves 120 young students. A foundation ... Read more »
Teaching Buddhism, Spreading Dharma

Teaching Buddhism, Spreading Dharma

When did Tibetan Buddhism come to the West? In 1958 Geshe Wangyal established a monastery in New Jersey where several of the first Americans to learn Tibetan studied in the 1960s. Sakya lama Dezhung Rinpoche arrived in the USA in ... Read more »