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Lama Zopa Rinpoche Benefits Taiwan

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Benefits Taiwan

In May 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche made a private visit to Taiwan. While there, Rinpoche found plenty of time to benefit others. Rinpoche, with the assistance of Sangha members, preformed naga torma puja near the river next to Shakyamuni Center ... Read more »
Verses for the Eight Auspicious Noble Ones for Success

Verses for the Eight Auspicious Noble Ones for Success

Mipham Jamyang Namgyal Gyatso (1846–1912), also commonly known as Ju Mipham, was an important Nyingma scholar, lama and practitioner and was also a central figure of the non-sectarian Rime movement. Mipham was born in Derge, Kham. It was exactly in ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Travels to Bhutan and Visits Kyichu Lhakhang with Khadro-la

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Travels to Bhutan and Visits Kyichu Lhakhang with Khadro-la

In May, Lama Zopa Rinpoche traveled to Bhutan, a Buddhist country located in the Eastern Himalayas. On his first day there, he was joined by Khadro-la (Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme) and they had lunch and visited the holy temple ... Read more »
Translating His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Teachings into Tibetan

Translating His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Teachings into Tibetan

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has offered a grant for the translation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler’s Art of Happiness series from English into Tibetan. These translated books will be offered to the Tibetan community free of ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Making Offerings [Video]

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Making Offerings [Video]

While Lama Zopa Rinpoche was at Maitreya Instituut Loenen in July 2015, he gave a short impromptu talk during lunch on offerings. Rinpoche talked about the incredible merit that one can collect making offering to different beings from parents up ... Read more »
Supporting Elderly Tibetan Refugees in India

Supporting Elderly Tibetan Refugees in India

Due to the kindness of a generous benefactor, FPMT has been able to invest more resources into taking care of the elderly Tibetans living in India, many of whom fled Tibet starting in 1959. In 1950 His Holiness assumed full ... Read more »
Resources Available to FPMT Students

Resources Available to FPMT Students

FPMT Education Services makes available a variety of resources for students wishing to deepen and strengthen their Buddhist study and practice. Please explore all that is available to you! News Students can keep up with news and updates from FPMT ... Read more »
Happiness Follows a Good Heart

Happiness Follows a Good Heart

On May 2, Ven. Roger Kunsang shared on his Twitter page this very brief teaching from Lama Zopa Rinpoche: Lama Zopa ; quoting HHDL [His Holiness the Dalai Lama] … If you follow delusion only suffering follows, if you follow ... Read more »
Nalanda Monastery Installs 19 Dharma Nesting Boxes

Nalanda Monastery Installs 19 Dharma Nesting Boxes

Garden manager Ven. Tenzin Yonten designed, manufactured and installed 19 Dharma nesting boxes, placing them in the trees of Nalanda Monastery’s grounds in southern France: “These nesting boxes have been designed and built to attract the widest possible variety of ... Read more »
Mental Illness and the Chenrezig Mantra

Mental Illness and the Chenrezig Mantra

A student wrote Lama Zopa Rinpoche: “I have suffered from a torturing mental illness for eight years. I have seen doctors and even counselors, but nothing helps. I’m completely unable to control my mind to think any positive thing.” My ... Read more »
Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Blessing Rabbits [Video]

Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Blessing Rabbits [Video]

While staying at Osel Labrang at Sera Je Monastery in January 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave blessings to the rabbits there. You can watch a video of the blessings on FPMT.org’s “Lama Zopa Rinpoche Videos” page, where short videos of ... Read more »
Two Kopan Nuns Take Final Exam for Geshema Degree

Two Kopan Nuns Take Final Exam for Geshema Degree

In early May, 20 nuns sat at Geden Choeling Nunnery for a fourth and final round of examinations for the Geshema degree, including two nuns from Khachoe Ghakyil Ling (Kopan Nunnery) – Vens. Namdrol Phuntsok and Jangchub Gyalmo. According to ... Read more »