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Ongoing Efforts to Improve the Sera Je Food Fund’s Operations

Ongoing Efforts to Improve the Sera Je Food Fund’s Operations

Since its inception in 1991, the Sera Je Food Fund has strived to assess and make adjustments and improvements to operations, procedures, and services offered to help ensure that this project is bringing the most benefit to those it serves. ... Read more »
‘You Have to Actualize the Right Path’

‘You Have to Actualize the Right Path’

“… In Buddhism whatever suffering you experience is all temporary. It’s not forever,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche said in the advice “Purifying the Karma of Harming Others,” published on the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive. “Of course, in Christianity, if you are ... Read more »
24-Hour New Year’s Kshitigarbha Mantra-thon at Land of Medicine Buddha [VIDEO]

24-Hour New Year’s Kshitigarbha Mantra-thon at Land of Medicine Buddha [VIDEO]

Ven. Losang Drimay reports on Land of Medicine Buddha’s 24-hour New Year’s Kshitigarbha “mantra-thon” to help fulfill Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice to pacify earthquakes, particularly those on the West Coast of the United States. Rinpoche has asked FPMT students to ... Read more »
Ongoing Practices to Pacify Earthquakes

Ongoing Practices to Pacify Earthquakes

After receiving news that scientists were forecasting a huge earthquake and possible tsunamis on the West Coast of the United States, Lama Zopa Rinpoche began offering advice about how to help mitigate the effects of karma that can result in ... Read more »
Foundation Service Seminar Offered September 2016 at Land of Joy, United Kingdom

Foundation Service Seminar Offered September 2016 at Land of Joy, United Kingdom

A Foundation Service Seminar (FSS) is planned for September 19-25, 2016 at Land of Joy, located at Greenhaugh Hall near Hexham, in Northumberland, UK. This seminar will be lead by Wendy Ridley and Charlotte Elliot. FSS provides support and training ... Read more »
Our Problems Are Created by Our Mind

Our Problems Are Created by Our Mind

“Things appear as truly existent when we fail to analyze them, but when we do analyze them we can see that everything is created by our mind. There is nobody else who has come and created our problems for us ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teaches at Kopan House at Sera Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teaches at Kopan House at Sera Monastery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave a teaching to hundreds of Sangha and lay students at Kopan House at Sera Monastery in India on the evening of January 1. The Jangchup Lamrim teachings with His Holiness the Dalai Lama had concluded, completing ... Read more »
Meditate on Death and Impermanence to Help Your Practice

Meditate on Death and Impermanence to Help Your Practice

“If the mind has sunk down and it is difficult to practice, then you must meditate on death and impermanence. That is very important. It takes care of so many problems, solves everything. It cuts attachment to people, places, and ... Read more »
Support to Tashi Chime Gatsal Nuns Following the Earthquake in Nepal

Support to Tashi Chime Gatsal Nuns Following the Earthquake in Nepal

Following the earthquake of April, 2015, the conditions at Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery (also known as Bigu Nunnery), located in a remote area of Nepal, were such that the nuns living there had to evacuate and take up temporary shelter ... Read more »
Thanks for Practice

Thanks for Practice

An FPMT center wrote Lama Zopa Rinpoche about a New Year’s “sutra-thon,” where students recited the Heart Sutra , the Vajra Cutter Sutra and other sutras. They dedicated for a multitude of things, especially the health and long life of ... Read more »
The Benefits of Vajrasattva Practice

The Benefits of Vajrasattva Practice

“Of course by purifying negative karma collected since beginningless rebirth and by collecting extensive merits, this allows you to have realizations on the path to enlightenment and for your mind to change,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote to a student who ... Read more »
Retreat Cabin Sponsored for Ordained Sangha

Retreat Cabin Sponsored for Ordained Sangha

Due to the kindness of a generous benefactor, the Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund was able to sponsor the International Mahayana Institute’s building of a retreat cabin specifically to be used by Sangha at Thakpa Kachoe Retreat Land. This new cabin, ... Read more »