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FPMT Education eBooks Available on Amazon and the Foundation Store

FPMT Education eBooks Available on Amazon and the Foundation Store

Students can access FPMT Education materials, prayers and practices in a variety of formats including eBooks. A wide selection of eBooks can be found at the Foundation Store and a growing number are being made available on the Amazon Kindle ... Read more »
Dying with Tong-len Is the Best Olympic Game

Dying with Tong-len Is the Best Olympic Game

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has given advice to many students who have cancer and are preparing for death. Here is an excerpt from a letter title, “Prepare for Death Everyday”: … Also, if you can, chant these verses from the Guru ... Read more »
Lojong: The Quickest Way to Lam-rim Realizations

Lojong: The Quickest Way to Lam-rim Realizations

“I asked [Gen Jampa Wangdu], ‘What is the quickest way to have success in the realizations of the lam-rim?’ That is the other thing I asked. He said, ‘Practicing the remedy to the self-cherishing thought,'” Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches in ... Read more »
The Pure Land Incense Factory at Kopan Nunnery

The Pure Land Incense Factory at Kopan Nunnery

Since 1997, the Pure Land Incense Factory has employed nuns from Khachoe Ghakyil Ling (also known as Kopan Nunnery) in Kopan, Nepal to make traditional, Tibetan-style stick incense. Income from the sales helps cover the everyday expenses of the nunnery, ... Read more »
Verses to Inspire Offering

Verses to Inspire Offering

… Dear friends, Once you have understood that wealth is like dew on the tip of a blade of grass And that your friends, body and life are like a bubble, Then you must engage in virtues such as making ... Read more »
Rebuilding the Kopan Chenrezig Gompa Following the Earthquake

Rebuilding the Kopan Chenrezig Gompa Following the Earthquake

The Chenrezig gompa at Kopan Monastery is one of FPMT’s most precious destinations. Since the early days of the organization, this gompa has been a place for new and seasoned students to engage with the Dharma, strengthen their practice, and ... Read more »
Meditate Until You Realize the Prasangika’s View of Emptiness

Meditate Until You Realize the Prasangika’s View of Emptiness

“First, you see the ultimate truth of the table. Then, with that as a cause, as a result you see the merely labeled table. [The ultimate truth of the table] supports, helps, the existence of the table merely labeled by ... Read more »
Jamyang Buddhist Centre Welcomes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Thubten Jinpa and Tashi Lhunpo Monks

Jamyang Buddhist Centre Welcomes His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Thubten Jinpa and Tashi Lhunpo Monks

Alison Murdoch and Natascha Sturny share news from Jamyang Buddhist Centre in London, which recently helped welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama in September and Geshe Thubten Jinpa, His Holiness’ principle English interpreter, in June. In June, Jamyang enjoyed the ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teaches in California

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teaches in California

After concluding his Latin American teaching tour in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in late September, Lama Zopa Rinpoche made his way to the United States to spend time at his home in California and visit the many FPMT centers in ... Read more »
Pujas and Offerings Sponsored This Lhabab Duchen (November 3)

Pujas and Offerings Sponsored This Lhabab Duchen (November 3)

Please rejoice in the amazing array of pujas and offerings which will be sponsored by the FPMT Puja Fund this year on Lhabab Duchen (November 3 this year), one of the year’s holy Buddha Multiplying Days. 15,650 Sangha will participate ... Read more »
‘Tell Everyone’: Reciting the ‘Sutra of Golden Light’ at Vulture’s Peak

‘Tell Everyone’: Reciting the ‘Sutra of Golden Light’ at Vulture’s Peak

FPMT registered teacher Ven. Sarah Thresher shares the recent story of reciting the Sutra of Golden Light with friends at Vulture’s Peak in India, where the sutra is said to originate: The first time we recited the Sutra of Golden ... Read more »
The Benefits of Prayer Flags

The Benefits of Prayer Flags

“If we raise prayer flags, they bless the elements that touch the mantras, for example, the wind. Then, animals and insects who feel this wind are purified of their negative karma, and it transfers their consciousnesses to higher realms. Also, ... Read more »