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Happiness Doesn’t Depend on Only Material Development

Happiness Doesn’t Depend on Only Material Development

“If happiness depended on only material development, rich countries such as America would be very happy places,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche reflects in “In Search of a Meaningful Life” in Teachings from Tibet, an updated and reprinted collection of lineage master ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche in New York

Lama Zopa Rinpoche in New York

On Sunday, August 30, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave a Most Secret Hayagriva long life initiation for New York‘s Sherpa community. The event was organized by Ogmin Jangchub Sishu Tsogpa, the association of former Kopan Monastery monks and nuns living in ... Read more »
Robes Offered to the Buddha Statue in Mahabodhi Temple Every Month

Robes Offered to the Buddha Statue in Mahabodhi Temple Every Month

Every month on the full moon, the Puja Fund sponsors the offering of robes, made of the most precious material, to the most holy Buddha statue in Mahabodhi temple, Bodhgaya, India. During the robe offering, students and Sangha from Root ... Read more »
The Analogy of Lightning

The Analogy of Lightning

“We can also use the lightning analogy to explain emptiness in a very simple way,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche says in The Perfect Human Rebirth: Freedom and Richness on the Path to Enlightenment, part of the FPMT Lineage Series from Lama ... Read more »
Ling Rinpoche’s First Visit to Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore

Ling Rinpoche’s First Visit to Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore

“Amitabha Buddhist Centre gave a warm welcome to His Eminence the 7th Ling Rinpoche as he visited the center for the very first time on August 2,” reports Ven. Tenzin Tsultrim. “Rinpoche kindly made time for the brief Sunday morning ... Read more »
Update from Buddha Amitabha Pure Land

Update from Buddha Amitabha Pure Land

“It’s exhausting,” Ven. Gyalten Yarphel told Mandala in a phone call on Thursday afternoon, August 27. “Breathing all the smoke, it’s hard to be energetic.” Ven. Yarphel (John Jackson) was speaking from Buddha Amitabha Pure Land (BAPL) in North Central ... Read more »
New Prayer Wheel Being Built in Mongolia

New Prayer Wheel Being Built in Mongolia

One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the FPMT organization is to build 100,000 large prayer wheels around the world. The Prayer Wheel Fund recently offered a grant to the creation of a new very large prayer wheel in ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Receives Oral Transmissions from Khyongla Rato Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Receives Oral Transmissions from Khyongla Rato Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche traveled at the end of July 2015 to New York City, where he is spending the month of August. The primary reason for Rinpoche’s visit to New York was to receive oral transmissions from Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, ... Read more »
Newest Online Feature: ‘Finding Freshness: Ven. Losang Drimay Attends the Interfaith Gethsemani Encounter IV’

Newest Online Feature: ‘Finding Freshness: Ven. Losang Drimay Attends the Interfaith Gethsemani Encounter IV’

In May 2015, Ven. Losang Drimay, teacher and resident at Land of Medicine Buddha in Soquel, California, was one of 12 Buddhists to meet with 17 Catholics at Gethsemani Encounter IV. The first Encounter took place nearly 20 years earlier ... Read more »
Dharma Is Developing the Mind

Dharma Is Developing the Mind

“Since we want only happiness and no suffering, it is extremely important for us to practice Dharma,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche says in “In Search of a Meaningful Life” in Teachings from Tibet, an updated and reprinted collection of lineage master ... Read more »
It’s Wiser to Make Preparations for the Next Life

It’s Wiser to Make Preparations for the Next Life

“The conclusion is that we can’t say past and future lives don’t exist just because we can’t remember them,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche says in Creating the Causes of Happiness , the second volume in a Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive s ... Read more »
Respect Other Religions, But Analyze Animal Sacrifice [VIDEO]

Respect Other Religions, But Analyze Animal Sacrifice [VIDEO]

“Of course, we should respect all the religions, all the major religions in the world,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches in a new video on FPMT’s YouTube channel. “People don’t have the karma and are unable to be Christian, unable to ... Read more »