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Support Offered to the Animal Liberation Sanctuary in Nepal

Support Offered to the Animal Liberation Sanctuary in Nepal

In June the Animal Liberation Fund was happy to offer a US$9,800 grant to the Animal Liberation Sanctuary in Nepal in support of their incredibly compassionate work providing shelter and care for animals rescued from being killed, so that they ... Read more »
‘Practicing Patience Is So, So, So, Important’

‘Practicing Patience Is So, So, So, Important’

“It is extremely important to pay attention to patience in everyday life,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche said in “The Most Important Practice of Patience,” a teaching made available as part of Mandala‘s July-December 2015 online content. “Not only we who want ... Read more »
Amitabha Buddhist Centre Celebrates 25 Years with ‘The Heart of Our Happiness’ [VIDEO]

Amitabha Buddhist Centre Celebrates 25 Years with ‘The Heart of Our Happiness’ [VIDEO]

In 2014, Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC) in Singapore celebrated its 25th anniversary. To commemorate the anniversary, the center commissioned two videos, one of which was The Heart of Our Happiness , a short documentary reflecting on ABC’s growth and accomplishments ... Read more »
What We Do to Protect This Nonexistent Real I

What We Do to Protect This Nonexistent Real I

“If we do some profound scientific analysis, some inner scientific analysis, we can see how much we believe in this totally real I that actually does not exist,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche says in a teaching in the just published Lama ... Read more »
FPMT Online Learning Center Has Reached 20,000 Users

FPMT Online Learning Center Has Reached 20,000 Users

The FPMT Online Learning Center (OLC) is providing access to FPMT Education programs for an incredible amount of people. The OLC recently passed 20,000 total registered users and gets over 4,000 visitors per month! Discovering Buddhism Module 2: How to ... Read more »
Thought Transformation

Thought Transformation

A student wrote Lama Zopa Rinpoche: You asked me to read an article about how to transform depression into the path and also to concentrate on purification practices like confession to the Thirty-five Buddhas. I did not faithfully do them ... Read more »
Grant from Education and Preservation Fund Offered to Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom

Grant from Education and Preservation Fund Offered to Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom

FPMT’s founder, Lama Yeshe, established what he called “Universal Education” which was an education of human hearts focusing on the universal language of compassion and wisdom, rather than emphasizing a strictly Buddhist approach. Lama Yeshe’s view was that the aims ... Read more »
How to Think During Relationship Problems

How to Think During Relationship Problems

A student was going through relationship problems and Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered some advice on how to think while experiencing them: All the problems are very good because they purify negative karma accumulated in the past. All those difficulties and ... Read more »
Choe Khor Sum Ling Consecrates Statues

Choe Khor Sum Ling Consecrates Statues

On April 25-27 FPMT center Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL) in Bangalore, India carried out the wishes of Lama Zopa Rinpoche by organizing the consecration of its gompa statues. Student Danyèle Grignon shared the news with Mandala: The auspicious set ... Read more »
Grant Offered to Assist Rolwaling Sangag Choling Monastery School, Nepal

Grant Offered to Assist Rolwaling Sangag Choling Monastery School, Nepal

After receiving an appeal (below) from the Rolwaling Sangag Choling Monastery School, the Social Services Fund raised $US39,200 to assist with a desperately needed hostel for young Nepali school children. After raising this money to help, Nepal suffered the 7.9 ... Read more »
You Have So Much to Rejoice About in This Life

You Have So Much to Rejoice About in This Life

A student completed Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice of accumulating 200,000 Vajrasattva mantras and wrote Rinpoche to let him know. Rinpoche responded with thanks and teachings on the power of bodhichitta: My very dear, most precious, most kind, wish-fullfilling one, Thank ... Read more »
Helping Rebuild Lawudo Retreat Centre After the Earthquake

Helping Rebuild Lawudo Retreat Centre After the Earthquake

For students of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Lawudo, which is situated high in the Himalayan mountains of eastern Nepal, holds particular significance. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the reincarnation of the Lawudo Lama, Lama Kunzang Yeshe, who lived and practiced in Lawudo ... Read more »