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Destroying Delusions

Destroying Delusions

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered the following advice on the value of retreat during lunchtime at one of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings on “The Wheel of Sharp Weapons”: You should always remember retreat means making war on delusions. You ... Read more »
News from Milarepa Center

News from Milarepa Center

“During the past few months Milarepa Center has had the honor of hosting an array of teachers that have benefited the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont in the United States greatly,” said office assistant Tommy Nimrod. “Geshe Konchog from Florida visited ... Read more »
Making Homage to the Relics [Video]

Making Homage to the Relics [Video]

In the Sutra of Golden Light, Chapter 18, it says: “Then the Tathagata struck the surface of the earth with his hand, whose palm was soft as the newly bloomed lotus and marked with a thousand-spoked wheel. As soon as ... Read more »
Lawudo Family Reunion

Lawudo Family Reunion

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s current visit to Lawudo Gompa and Retreat Centre in Solu Khumbu, Nepal, is special for many reasons. Lawudo cave was the meditation cave of Rinpoche’s previous incarnation Kunsang Yeshe, more commonly known as the Lawudo Lama. Rinpoche ... Read more »
A New Era of Mandala Magazine

A New Era of Mandala Magazine

Long gone are the days when we only received news of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the FPMT organization through the mail. Between blog posts, Mandala’s expanded online features and social media like Facebook, engaged FPMT students around the world have ... Read more »
Practice Awareness of Karma When You Walk Outside

Practice Awareness of Karma When You Walk Outside

“When you are working outside and see a beautiful flower that pleases you, that is your karmic view,” said Lama Zopa Rinpoche during the 16th Kopan course in 1983. “That view comes from your own mind, from virtuous thoughts. Anything ... Read more »
How to Make a Million Mantras

How to Make a Million Mantras

When someone tells you a prayer wheel contains so many millions or billions of mantras, do you ever stop and think, “How can they all fit in there?” In the latest online feature from Mandala, Donna Lynn Brown shares the ... Read more »
Practicing 108 Nyung Näs to Become a Trillion, Billion Times Greater than an Olympic Champion

Practicing 108 Nyung Näs to Become a Trillion, Billion Times Greater than an Olympic Champion

One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the FPMT organization is to sponsor others to complete 1,000 nyung nä retreats. Institute Vajra Yogini (IVY), France, upon hearing this incredible vision of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, immediately started hosting 108 nyung ... Read more »
An Easy Way to Benefit Animals

An Easy Way to Benefit Animals

“When Lama Zopa Rinpoche was traveling from Gaya airport to Root Institute on the day of his arrival in early February 2015, he noticed the roadside shops that sell live chickens,” said long-time student Ven. Sarah Thresher. “The chickens are ... Read more »
A Hundred Eons Is Nothing

A Hundred Eons Is Nothing

“How can you recover completely from the heavy disease of the disturbing, unsubdued mind, which has been there from beginningless previous lifetimes?” Lama Zopa Rinpoche asked during the 12th Kopan course in 1979. “How can you recover within one month, ... Read more »
FPMT North America Representatives Find Inspiration at Land of Medicine Buddha

FPMT North America Representatives Find Inspiration at Land of Medicine Buddha

By Laura Miller, Mandala managing editor In late January, I had the pleasure to be among the more than 40 people who attended the FPMT Foundation Service Seminar held at Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB) near Santa Cruz, California. The ... Read more »
Rinpoche’s Pillar Altar

Rinpoche’s Pillar Altar

“When Rinpoche’s room at Root Institute in Bodhgaya, India, was expanded, a support pillar was left exposed in the middle of the room,” said long-time student Ven. Sarah Thresher, who has been sharing news of Rinpoche’s activities in Bodhgaya. “Rinpoche ... Read more »