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The Time for Big Thoughts

The Time for Big Thoughts

“It is said that there will come a time soon when there will no more qualified teachers to guide us. The teachings will still exist in books, and perhaps our wish to progress on the path will be there, but ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on a Hard Life

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on a Hard Life

A hard life is very good for learning, it is a teaching, it shows the nature of suffering. Look at it that way, as a teaching, to give you inspiration, liberate you, and free you from samsara. Seeing sentient beings’ ... Read more »
Construction at Nalanda Monastery

Construction at Nalanda Monastery

Spiritual program coordinator Ven. Losang Tendar wrote to Mandala describing the recent construction completed as part of Nalanda Monastery’s 15-year master plan. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has expressed the importance of continually developing Nalanda Monastery’s facilities and study programs in order ... Read more »
Prayers and Practices to be Reborn in Sukhavati

Prayers and Practices to be Reborn in Sukhavati

FPMT Education Services is pleased to release a new practice booklet. Prayers and Practices to be Reborn in Sukhavati includes “The Swift Path to Sukhavati” by Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyältsen as well as “The Benefits of the Pure Land Sukhavati,” ... Read more »
Online Video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Australia

Online Video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Australia

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings from the recently concluded Australia retreat as well as the long life puja can be watched online on FPMT.org. During the final few days of the retreat, Rinpoche gave oral transmission and explanation of several mantras, ... Read more »
No Need to Worry

No Need to Worry

Rather than staying worried, recite mani mantras to purify past negative karma, then there’s no need to worry. Everything dies – everything grows and dies, comes and goes – so our main aim should be enlightenment. All other things are ... Read more »
New Stupa Being Constructed in Washington State

New Stupa Being Constructed in Washington State

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Stupa Fund, just offered US$5,000 toward a new stupa that is under construction at Pamtingpa Center in Washington State. One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions is for the creation of 100,000 stupas around the ... Read more »
Seeing the Enemy as a Virtuous Friend

Seeing the Enemy as a Virtuous Friend

From Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s “Compassion Is of the Upmost Need”: A Kadampa geshe said, “Holy beings of the land of Dzambu (this world) respond to harm with good actions.” When ordinary people are harmed they retaliate with harm. Holy beings ... Read more »
Happiness Starts When We Renounce This Life

Happiness Starts When We Renounce This Life

“The terms ‘renouncing this life’ or ‘renouncing suffering’ both mean renouncing the mind that is the cause of the problems, the thought of the eight worldly dharmas. Therefore ‘Dharma’ includes even pragmatic, transient techniques to stop attachment from arising. This ... Read more »
Tsa Tsas and Stupas Made Daily for Those Who Are Sick or Have Died

Tsa Tsas and Stupas Made Daily for Those Who Are Sick or Have Died

On Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s request, the Sangha at Kachoe Dechen Ling make tsa-tsas and stupas every day. This activity is sponsored by the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund. The holy objects created are: 1. Long life tsa-tsas (Three long life ... Read more »
Rinpoche in Oz

Rinpoche in Oz

Lama Zopa Rinpoche recently showed off his Ozzie side. Taking time to pose for photos, Rinpoche wore his iconic, new Akubra hat, offered to him during the long life puja at the conclusion of the Australia retreat, and stood next to a newly offered and painted kangaroo statue. ... Read more »
Land of Medicine Buddha to Host Foundation Service Seminar

Land of Medicine Buddha to Host Foundation Service Seminar

From January 23-28, 2015, Land of Medicine Buddha, located in Soquel, CA, will host a Foundation Service Seminar. FPMT service seminars provide support and training to those offering service within FPMT centers, services, and projects. The seminars help develop a ... Read more »