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Advice on Guru Devotion

Advice on Guru Devotion

“Guru devotion is the quickest way to collect the most extensive merit, the means to achieve enlightenment,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche once told a group of students at Kopan Monastery. “Of course, the main thing is having the right motivation, bodhicitta, ... Read more »
Retreat Prayer Book Update Now Available

Retreat Prayer Book Update Now Available

This FPMT Retreat Prayer Book is used in retreats with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, especially the annual Light of the Path retreat in North Carolina, USA. Students are also encouraged to use this collection in their personal retreats as it includes ... Read more »
Taking Care of Your Child with Great Compassion

Taking Care of Your Child with Great Compassion

“Bodhichitta is thinking to benefit all sentient beings, to free them from suffering and to bring them to full enlightenment, therefore we have to achieve enlightenment, therefore we do this practice, this action, so in this way all the time ... Read more »
The Cause of Death

The Cause of Death

“In reality, even if we believe that we will live for a long time, that we have so many years to live – like 100 years or more, and maybe after 100 years, we expect another hundred years (I’m joking) ... Read more »
Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour Update (and New Blog!)

Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour Update (and New Blog!)

“So far, 2014 has proved a busy year for Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour [a collection of over 1,000 Buddhist relics],” reports the tour’s Michael Fouts. ”There have been relic events throughout Mexico, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Belgium, France, ... Read more »
What the Practice of Dharma Really Means

What the Practice of Dharma Really Means

In February 1990, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave a series of teachings as part of the Third Enlightened Experience Celebration, which took place in Bodhgaya, India. His discourse was based on the 15th-century text Opening the Door of Dharma. During the ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Mantra Recitations Volume 1

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Mantra Recitations Volume 1

In this new collection of studio recordings, Lama Zopa Rinpoche chants several deities’ mantras at different speeds, allowing students to become familiar with Rinpoche’s pronunciation and also Rinpoche’s preferred tunes. This collection of MP3 recordings include: Green Tara mantra, Maitreya ... Read more »
2500 Monks Enjoy 3 Vegetarian Meals Every Day

2500 Monks Enjoy 3 Vegetarian Meals Every Day

Every day, many volunteers at Sera Je Monastery shop, prepare, offer and clean up after each of the three meals offered to all 2,500 monks through the Sera Je Food Fund. The cost of offering all the food to all ... Read more »

Three New Advices

Peace in the World: Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered advice to help bring peace to Israel and Palestine. Extensive Advice on Practices to Dispel Fire: Last month, Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered advice regarding the wildfires that were burning in Washington State, ... Read more »
Essential Mantras for Holy Objects

Essential Mantras for Holy Objects

“It is not good to leave statues or stupas completely empty. To leave a statue empty is like offering nothing to the buddhas and can create obstacles,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche instructs in “Essential Mantras for Holy Objects.” “Therefore, it is ... Read more »
The Root of the Path

The Root of the Path

“In the lam-rim, or graduated path to enlightenment, the first meditation outline is the root of the path: how to devote to the virtuous friend. Why is guru devotion the root of the path to enlightenment? Enlightenment is like a ... Read more »
Geshe Lamsang’s Heart Advice

Geshe Lamsang’s Heart Advice

In the July-September 2014 issue of Mandala, Steve Milton, director of Centro Nagarjuna Valenica in Spain, shared that on “Tuesday evenings at Centro Nagarjuna Valencia in Spain, Geshe Lamsang, the center’s resident geshe, gives an hour-and-a-half talk or teaching. … ... Read more »