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Please Rejoice in the Building Progress of Ngari Khangtsen

Please Rejoice in the Building Progress of Ngari Khangtsen

Ngari Khangtsen, the khangtsen of Khensur Rinpoche Jampa Thegchok in south India, has been making progress on their Temple Project, a project to build a much-needed new prayer hall that can seat 150 monks comfortably. Earlier this year, Lama Zopa ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra

“The Medicine Buddha encompasses all the buddhas. This means that when we practice the seven-limb prayer and make offerings with the seven limbs, we receive the same merit as we would if we had made offerings to all the buddhas. ... Read more »
Kadampa Center Beautifully Captures Two Years of Building a Stupa

Kadampa Center Beautifully Captures Two Years of Building a Stupa

Building a large holy object, like the 18-foot tall Kadampa Stupa now finished at Kadampa Center in North Carolina, requires a tremendous amount of work and dedication from many. Lead volunteer David Strevel carefully documented every stage of the process ... Read more »
A Real Cause for Excitement

A Real Cause for Excitement

“People get excited about strange things. I recently saw a group of men kicking a ball into a big net between two sticks and hundreds of thousands of people were cheering and throwing their hands up in the air, while ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the Benefits of Lam-rim Retreat

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the Benefits of Lam-rim Retreat

“Why retreat on the lam-rim? Because of every single teaching of Buddha, of all three vehicles, even one syllable appears as an instruction, as the practice of one person to achieve enlightenment. Not even one syllable should be left out ... Read more »
On Being Vegetarian

On Being Vegetarian

During the 2014 Light of the Path Retreat in North Carolina, Rinpoche spoke on the subject of vegetarianism. The transcript of these teachings is currently being worked on for future modules to the Living in the Path study program. Here ... Read more »
Challenging Orthodoxy in Tibetan Buddhism

Challenging Orthodoxy in Tibetan Buddhism

In the July-September 2014 issue of Mandala, Master Program graduate and FPMT-registered teacher Patrick Lambelet answers the questions: How do I challenge orthodoxy in Tibetan Buddhism but still correctly rely on a spiritual guide? How do the ways in which ... Read more »
Analyze Your Time According to the Benefits

Analyze Your Time According to the Benefits

A nun wrote to Lama Zopa Rinpoche with questions about practice and expressing her concern at not being able to find time to study and do her practice commitments while she was working at a Dharma center. Here’s part of ... Read more »
Support for Dharma Teachings in Nepal

Support for Dharma Teachings in Nepal

In 2006, for the first time in the history of the Nalanda Tradition, Nyingma, Kagyü, Sakya and Gelug traditions have formed an umbrella organization called Nepal Buddhist Federation (NBF). Among many other projects, NBF is organizing a regular broadcast of ... Read more »
FPMT Mission Statement Updated

FPMT Mission Statement Updated

Lama Zopa Rinpoche wished to update the FPMT Mission Statement in order to make it clear that FPMT’s mission of preserving the Mahayana tradition includes listening to correct teachings of the Buddha, then reflecting, meditating on, practicing and actualizing those ... Read more »
Why We All Need to Develop Compassion

Why We All Need to Develop Compassion

“Whatever we are doing, in our everyday life or our Dharma practice – listening, reflecting and meditating – our basic motivation, our attitude, has to be compassion,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught during the 24th Kopan Course in 1991. This teaching ... Read more »
Buddha Amitabha Invited to Buddha Amitabha Pure Land

Buddha Amitabha Invited to Buddha Amitabha Pure Land

In early July, the residents of Buddha Amitabha Pure Land, the FPMT retreat land in Washington State in the United States, students of the near by Pamtingpa Center welcomed a large Amitabha statue to the retreat land property welcomed a ... Read more »