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Annual Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Annual Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche

The annual long life puja offered on behalf of the centers, projects, services and students of FPMT to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, will be offered at Kopan Monastery on Dec 9th 2013. This puja is offered every year on behalf of ... Read more »
Rinpoche Arrives at Kopan Monastery

Rinpoche Arrives at Kopan Monastery

Rinpoche arrived at Kopan Monastery in Nepal on November 22. Rinpoche visited the Kopan nunnery, Kachoe Ghakyil Ling, first. The nuns greeted Rinpoche, who went into the gompa at the nunnery to make prostrations. Then he went up Kopan hill, ... Read more »
Lhabab Duchen Is Almost Here

Lhabab Duchen Is Almost Here

Lhabab Duchen, also known as Buddha’s Descent from Tushita, is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar and takes place this year on Sunday, November 24. As a Buddha Multiplying Day, karmic results of actions on ... Read more »
Incredible Array of Pujas and Practices Offered on Lha Bab Duchen

Incredible Array of Pujas and Practices Offered on Lha Bab Duchen

Every year on Lha Bab Duchen (Buddha’s Descent from Tushita) the Puja Fund sponsors an incredible array of pujas and offerings performed by Sangha around the world. This year, Lha Bab Duchen is celebrated on November 24 and the Puja ... Read more »
What Comes After FPMT Masters Program Exams?

What Comes After FPMT Masters Program Exams?

The 2008-2013 class of the FPMT Masters Program have “just completed their final exams with the intention to enter retreat in 2014,” Olga Planken, Basic Program and Masters Program coordinator for FPMT Education Services, reported to Mandala this week. Mandala ... Read more »
‘You Have to Remember Buddha Nature’

‘You Have to Remember Buddha Nature’

You have to remember buddha nature. In the emptiness of your heart, remember you have buddha nature. Delusions are not permanent, they are not part of you, they are temporary. You can be free from delusions and negative karma. Like ... Read more »
The Way to Meditate: The Importance of Mindfulness

The Way to Meditate: The Importance of Mindfulness

Founder and president of Maitripa College Yangsi Rinpoche talks about the development of mindfulness in the August-September 2007 issue of Mandala: In order to have a faultless practice of calm abiding, we need to develop very strong concentration supported by ... Read more »
Benefiting Animals

Benefiting Animals

Lama Zopa Rinpoche regularly does animal liberation practice. At Kachoe Dechen Ling, Rinpoche’s home in California, animal liberation practice is done on a weekly basis even when Rinpoche is not there. Rinpoche has given the following advice on how to ... Read more »
Rinpoche in the Garden

Rinpoche in the Garden

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, while in the garden at Kachoe Dechen Ling, said, “Everywhere you look, you are reminded of Dharma … not samsara.” Learn more about FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche and his beneficial activities by visiting Rinpoche’s homepage, where you will find links to Rinpoche’s schedule, new advice, recent video, photos and ... Read more »
News from Do Ngak Sung Juk in Japan

News from Do Ngak Sung Juk in Japan

Do Ngak Sung Juk is the FPMT center in Tokyo, Japan. Center director Doc O’Connor shares news of hosting two esteemed teachers: Do Ngak Sung Juk in Tokyo had their annual nyung nä with FPMT Taiwan’s Ven. Thubten Dechen September ... Read more »
Baby Naming at Chenrezig Institute

Baby Naming at Chenrezig Institute

Ven. Lozang Pema shares how some nuns at Chenrezig Institute in Queensland, Australia, support the Buddhist and non-Buddhist members of their local community: Although many members of the Chenrezig Nuns Community are engaged in the study program at Chenrezig Institute, ... Read more »
Making Ordinary Life Actions Meaningful

Making Ordinary Life Actions Meaningful

[When] you go shopping, watch your motivation, prepare your motivation. When you are in the shop either fulfill the wishes of the guru or shop to benefit and serve other sentient beings. Think that the ultimate purpose is to fulfill ... Read more »