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New Lama Chopa eBook

New Lama Chopa eBook

The existence of the complete Buddhist path to enlightenment in our world depends solely upon those who have generated both the intellectual understanding of the teachings and the realizations of the path within their minds. Those who have done this ... Read more »
Praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche [video]

Praise to Lama Zopa Rinpoche [video]

By Tenzin Ösel Hita Read to FPMT spiritual director Lama Zopa Rinpoche by Tenzin Ösel Hita, the recognized reincarnation of FPMT founder Lama Yeshe, during the long life puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Land of Medicine Buddha, Soquel, California, ... Read more »

The Stupa Fund Contributes to The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion

The Stupa Fund was delighted to offer US$50,000 in 2011 toward the building of The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in Bendigo, Australia. Recently a video was produced with a camera attached to a mini-drone and shows the incredible awe-inspiring ... Read more »
New Prayer Wheels at the Garden of Enlightenment

New Prayer Wheels at the Garden of Enlightenment

From Garrey Foulkes At the Garden of Enlightenment, a project of Chenrezig Institute in Queensland, all of the spaces for prayer wheels along the front wall of the main shrine building are now taken. The main building of the stupa ... Read more »
Geshe Lobsang Sherab Passes Away

Geshe Lobsang Sherab Passes Away

Geshe Lobsang Sherab was born in 1965 to a local family in Manang, a mountainous area in Nepal near Annapurna. He went to Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu in 1974 and was ordained there. Geshe Sherab studied at Sera Monastic University ... Read more »
Sera Je Food Fund’s Abundant Monthly Offerings

Sera Je Food Fund’s Abundant Monthly Offerings

Each month, the Sera Je Food Fund offers an incredible amount of food to the monks of Sera Je Monastery. In July, 1,308,787 Rs. (approximately US$20,872) were spent on food for meals offered at breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. The ... Read more »
Messina “City of Compassion”

Messina “City of Compassion”

“What’s happening in Messina these days has been amazing,” wrote Guglielmo Margio coordinator of Shakyamuni Study Group in Messina, Sicily. The study group organized a retreat on lo-jong, attended by more than 20 people. The group has also arranged meetings ... Read more »
Wisdom Publications Announces New Website

Wisdom Publications Announces New Website

Publishing Dharma books and materials is a central mission of FPMT Education. Eight publishers have taken this mission to task and we are thrilled to announce that FPMT’s oldest publisher, Wisdom Publications, has launched a new content-rich website. The clean ... Read more »
First Long Life Puja for Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi at Amitabha Buddhist Centre

First Long Life Puja for Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi at Amitabha Buddhist Centre

By Ven. Tenzin Tsultrim In July 2013, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi accepted his first long life puja in the presence of some 200 students and well-wishers at Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC) in Singapore. Khen Rinpoche, who is ABC’s resident teacher ... Read more »
Roof Repair Offered to Tenzin Osel Hita’s Teacher, Geshe Gendun Chompel

Roof Repair Offered to Tenzin Osel Hita’s Teacher, Geshe Gendun Chompel

The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund recently offered US$14,463 for the roof repair of Tenzin Ösel Hita’s teacher, Geshe Gendun Chompel. Ösel requested that Lama Zopa Rinpoche help in this way because the roof was very old and extremely hot ... Read more »
A Spiritual Journey to Tsum

A Spiritual Journey to Tsum

In 2012, Canadian travel writer Jane Marshall visited Nepal’s remote Tsum Valley while researching a book about Kushok Lobsang Dhamchöe, a Tibetan Buddhist monk originally from Tsum and now living in Edmonton. “It’s a place etched permanently in my memory,” ... Read more »
‘I Realized That My Life Couldn’t Be the Same Again’

‘I Realized That My Life Couldn’t Be the Same Again’

Australian nun Ven. Margaret McAndrew arrived at Kopan in 1974, and like many long-time students of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche who attended the Kopan Courses, she saw her life changed profoundly. Mandala has been collecting these stories in ... Read more »