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Wisdom Publications Announces New Website and New Distribution

Wisdom Publications Announces New Website and New Distribution

It’s a big week for Wisdom Publications, a leading publisher of Buddhist books and an affiliate of FPMT. The Somerville, Massachusetts-based publisher announced a new website with a new blog as well as a new distribution arrangement with the international ... Read more »
Animal Liberations for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Health

Animal Liberations for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Health

Ven. Roger Kunsang recently requested that all FPMT centers need to begin, or continue, regularly offering animal liberations for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s health and long life. The Animal Liberation Fund sponsors weekly animal liberations as well as large animal liberations ... Read more »
Ideas on Self-Acceptance and Bringing Dharma to the Community: An Interview with Alan Carter

Ideas on Self-Acceptance and Bringing Dharma to the Community: An Interview with Alan Carter

In the print edition of Mandala October-December 2013, we spoke with Alan Carter, who served as resident teacher at Chandrakirti Centre in New Zealand and now works as a life coach, about how self-acceptance is key to a successful Dharma ... Read more »

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Wish for Us to Actualize Realizations

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been commenting very specifically this year about the need for FPMT students to actualize the lam-rim teachings and achieve realizations. Rinpoche’s main wishes are to organize a special group of lam-rim retreatants and to encourage others ... Read more »
‘A Transforming Experience in a Completely Unexpected Way’: Masters Program Students Near End of Studies at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

‘A Transforming Experience in a Completely Unexpected Way’: Masters Program Students Near End of Studies at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa

The second cycle of the FPMT Masters Program at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa (ILTK), Pomaia, Italy, is coming to a close. Students of the Masters Program class of 2008-2013 at ILTK are currently preparing for their final exams. Marina Brucet ... Read more »
Shakyamuni Buddha Puja eBook

Shakyamuni Buddha Puja eBook

Shakyamuni Buddha Puja – The Source of Good Collections: A Rite of Homage, Worship, and Prayer to the Teacher, the King of Sages, Remembering His Previous Lives and Biography by Ngawang Paldan is an extensive puja including elaborate offerings, praises ... Read more »
Dry Food for Summer Rain Retreat Distributed

Dry Food for Summer Rain Retreat Distributed

Each year, the monks in Sera Je Monastery observe the Yarney or “Summer Rain Retreat” for 45 days according to the Monastic Rules and Practices. This year’s Summer Rain Retreat ended on September 4, followed by about 10 days of ... Read more »
Sera Je Food Fund’s Dramatic Impact on the Monks of Sera Je Monastery

Sera Je Food Fund’s Dramatic Impact on the Monks of Sera Je Monastery

In Mandala October-December 2013, Geshe Thubten Jinpa writes about the benefits of the Sera Je Food Fund, an FPMT Charitable Project dedicated to offering three meals a day to the 2,500 monks of Sera Je Monastery. A 78-year-old monk walks ... Read more »
Cat Rescue as a Means to Creating Merit

Cat Rescue as a Means to Creating Merit

Long-time student Amy Barton-Cayton shares how she used Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice to turn cat rescue into Buddhist practice as part of Mandala’s October-December 2013 online content: In 2007, I had a huge karmic upheaval, mostly manifesting in my body. ... Read more »
Open Your Heart to the Cost of Abundant Happiness

Open Your Heart to the Cost of Abundant Happiness

Sera Je Food Fund’s Dramatic Impact on the Monks of Sera Je Monastery By Geshe Thubten Jinpa A 78-year-old monk walks back and forth two times every day for the meal being served in the main prayer hall of Sera ... Read more »
Land of Joy: An Interview with Andy Wistreich

Land of Joy: An Interview with Andy Wistreich

Land of Joy is a retreat community project in the United Kingdom, currently in its preliminary stages. For Mandala October-December 2013, Thomas Warrior, a Land of Joy team member, interviewed project coordinator Andy Wistreich, a long-time student and FPMT registered ... Read more »
The Sera Connection: An Interview with José Cabezón

The Sera Connection: An Interview with José Cabezón

José Cabezón is a respected professor of religious studies and the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Endowed Chair in Tibetan Buddhism and Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He studied at Sera Monastic University in South India and completed ... Read more »