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Food Offering Practice

Food Offering Practice

Eating is something we must do every day and offering our daily meals is an excellent way to practice generosity and create merit as we nourish our own bodies. FPMT Education Services has create a Food Offering Practice book which ... Read more »
A Community of Monks Help Serve One Another

A Community of Monks Help Serve One Another

Starting at 4 a.m. every morning, on-duty cooks start the work of preparing breakfast for 2,500. These cooks are monks studying at Sera Je Monastery who also benefit daily from the three nutritious meals offered by the Sera Je Food ... Read more »

Shopping Buddha

Sarah Shifferd reflects on how Buddhist ethics can positively affect how and what we buy: … I show the candy bar to my mother, my best pleading look on my face. “Mommy?” She looks down. “No. We – we don’t ... Read more »
Update from MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya

Update from MAITRI Charitable Trust in Bodhgaya

From Adriana Ferranti, director of MAITRI Charitable Trust Since February, MAITRI Charitable Trust, an FPMT-affiliated project in Bodhgaya, India, has been carrying out sterilizations of street dogs from Bodhgaya with a major three-week camp and two smaller ones. We’ve seen ... Read more »
Rinpoche Sends His Thanks for Practices Done

Rinpoche Sends His Thanks for Practices Done

My very very dear friends, From my heart I would like to express billions, zillions, trillions of thanks, I highly appreciate you doing practices for me. This is also puja for yourself. Even if you don’t think that it naturally ... Read more »
Making Vegetarian Puffs for 2,500 monks

Making Vegetarian Puffs for 2,500 monks

A giant batch of delicious vegetarian puffs were prepared for 2,500 monks as a test for a possible new addition to the regular rotation of menu items offered every day to the monks of Sera Je Monastery through the Sera ... Read more »
Rinpoche Available Online 24/7

Rinpoche Available Online 24/7

Webcasts of Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching this year (and in previous years), including the teachings Rinpoche gave during this year’s Light of the Path retreat are available online 24/7 on FPMT’s livestreaming webpage. Also, all Light of the Path Retreat ... Read more »
Do Ngak Sung Juk Centre Liberates More Than 1,000 Fish for Compassion Day

Do Ngak Sung Juk Centre Liberates More Than 1,000 Fish for Compassion Day

From Doc O’Connor, director Do Ngak Sung Juk Centre One of the many benefits of a being a small center in a large organization is joining with our global friends in activities to increase blessings. Do Ngak Sung Juk Centre ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche To Sponsor 10 People Doing 108 Nyung-Na Retreats!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche To Sponsor 10 People Doing 108 Nyung-Na Retreats!

The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund is extremely honored to sponsor another 10 people to do 108 Nyung-Nä retreats at Institut Vajra Yogini, France. The 108 Nyung-Nä retreats starts in November 2013 and lasts until June 2014. In 2012 the ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Joins 100 Million Mani Retreat in Mongolia

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Joins 100 Million Mani Retreat in Mongolia

On the morning of August 15, Lama Zopa Rinpoche joined the 100 Million Mani Retreat currently taking place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. FPMT Mongolia organized the retreat, which is being held at Idgaa Choizinling Dratsang (College), Gandan Monastery. The retreat began ... Read more »
FPMT Education Study Programs

FPMT Education Study Programs

FPMT Education offers study programs to students at all stages of their Buddhist education. You can learn at home, online, or at an FPMT center near you. If you have any questions about how to take the next step with ... Read more »
1974: ‘The Biggest Buddha, Dear’

1974: ‘The Biggest Buddha, Dear’

In 1974, FPMT founders Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche were continuing to teach Kopan meditation courses at the request of their Western students. The courses, which are still offered annually, exposed students to their unique and experiential understanding of ... Read more »