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Jade Buddha for Universal Peace Seen by Millions

Jade Buddha for Universal Peace Seen by Millions

FPMT News Around the World The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace continues its world tour in Thailand. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra officially opened the Thai showing of the Jade Buddha, which runs June 15 – July 7 at CentralWorld in ... Read more »

The Seventeen Pandits of Nalanda Monastery

Maitripa College professor Jim Blumenthal writes the inaugural article for our new section Nalanda Masters, providing a brief introduction to the Seventeen Pandits of Nalanda Monastery. These pandits are “a grouping of seventeen of the most important and influential Mahayana ... Read more »

Begin with Doubt by Thubten Yeshe (T.Y.)

Thubten Yeshe (T.Y.), FPMT registered teacher, provides suggestions for students without direct access to a teacher. She also takes a look at the role of doubt on a practitioner’s spiritual path: “Doubt is an essential aspect of our practice and ... Read more »
108 Yaks: A Journey of Love and Freedom

108 Yaks: A Journey of Love and Freedom

In 2011, more than 108 yaks’ lives were saved in Nepal through the efforts of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Geshe Thubten Jinpa and with the support from FPMT’s Animal Liberation Fund and Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore. In order to ... Read more »

The Simile of a Cloud from “Insight into Emptiness” by Khensur Jampa Tegchok Rinpoche

Khensur Jampa Tegchok Rinpoche describes the simile of a cloud, a famous simile about the nature of reality from the Vajra Cutter Sutra (a.k.a. Diamond Cutter Sutra) from his new Wisdom Publications’ book Insight into Emptiness. From Mandala July-September 2012. ... Read more »
New stories on Mandala Magazine online!

New stories on Mandala Magazine online!

Over a dozen fresh online stories from the new issue of Mandala are waiting for you! Here are a few highlights: In our continuing “Road to Kopan” series, Ven. Karin Valham describes her first Kopan course in November 1974: “Rinpoche’s ... Read more »

Bistro Blinds: Creating Protection for the Mind

By Ven. Chönyi Taylor I live in an incredible beautiful part of Australia: down south, near Wilson’s Promontory. It is so beautiful, and also so windy that Shallow Inlet, curving around behind the town, is considered one of the best ... Read more »

Recent Disbursements

The Stupa Fund supports the making of over 1,000 small Kadampa stupas each year. These stupas are made by resident Sangha at Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s home in California and are dedicated for students who have passed away. The fund has ... Read more »

The Life of a Hidden Meditator: Choden Rinpoche

His Eminence Choden Rinpoche is a compelling figure in the world of Tibetan Buddhism, known for meditating secretly in his small, dark, empty room for 19 years in occupied Tibet. At the request of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Choden Rinpoche has ... Read more »
Message from Osel Hita June 5, 2012

Message from Osel Hita June 5, 2012

Occasionally Osel Hita shares his thoughts and experiences on his Facebook page. In this update, he discusses the evolution of our specials and updates us on the condition of his mother, Maria. Hello, Everybody! Long time no talk! So here ... Read more »
Saka Dawa Celebrated Around the World

Saka Dawa Celebrated Around the World

FPMT News Around the World FPMT centers, projects and services around the world celebrated Saka Dawa, the day commemorating Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana, yesterday. We rejoice in all of the events and activities that took place! Here are highlights ... Read more »

Dharma in the Workplace

Is it possible to be a Buddhist and compete in your job? Or spread the Dharma in the workplace? Depending on your field, your motivation and your karma, it may not be easy. Or it may. From Mandala September-November 2002 ... Read more »