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The Unimaginable Qualities of Lama Yeshe’s Body, Speech and Mind

“The Unimaginable Qualities of Lama Yeshe’s Body, Speech and Mind” is a touching tribute to Lama Yeshe’s qualities from Lama Zopa Rinpoche. From Mandala, March-April 2000.

El fallecimiento de Khensur Rimpoche Lama Lhundrup Rigsel

El 7 de setiembre de 2011 a las 11 de la noche, luego de una vida de estudio del Dharma, práctica y servicio altruista a incontables seres, Lama Lhundrup dejó de respirar y se introdujo en la luz clara de ... Read more »

Giving Life to a Statue of the Buddha

German artist Andy Weber started studying Tibetan art in 1975, mainly with the great Thargye-la in Boudhanath, Nepal. “I want you to teach painting!” Lama Yeshe exhorted him at Kopan in 1982 – and he has been doing so, throughout ... Read more »

Death of a Son

Wonderfully moving, inspiring and heartbreaking story about a father losing his son and what they both learned. From Mandala January 2000.

Tuning the mind to make a sweet melody

Ven. Tenzin Palmo (Jetsunma since 2008), subject of Vicki Mackenzie’s book Cave in the Snow, which tells Ven. Palmo’s life story and of her twelve years in solitary retreat, met with participants in Tushita Dharamsala’s Lam-rim retreat and other Dharma ... Read more »

A Sea of Red

Bodhgaya, India — January 8, 2012 From Ven. Roger: They are saying that 400,000 or more people are at the Kalachakra Initiation, among them thousands of monks and nuns. It’s a spectacular sea of red when you look out over ... Read more »

Another Airport

India — December 26, 2011 From Ven. Roger: Well, we were late to the airport, but so was the plane! So we made the flight to Delhi OK. Today we had to rush to the airport again. I don’t know ... Read more »

Family Disharmony

From Mandala, February 2004: “A woman said there was some disharmony between her parents and her siblings. She asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s advice in improving relations, to bring about harmony between them.”
Ösel in the Sera Je Food Fund Kitchen

Ösel in the Sera Je Food Fund Kitchen

January 2012: Tenzin Ösel Hita visited Sera Je Monastery and made a point to check out the Sera Je Food Fund kitchen.
Osel’s Message to the South Asian Regional Meeting, January 2012

Osel’s Message to the South Asian Regional Meeting, January 2012

Osel gave this message at the January 2012 South Asian Regiona Meeting. Pictured below is Osel with other participants of this meeting. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is such an inspiration and someday he will have private time for himself. Up until ... Read more »

A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness

“A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness” an interview with Lama Yeshe. Excerpted from Make Your Mind an Ocean, published by LYWA, and previously published in Mandala, May 1999.
The Sera Je Food Fund Menu

The Sera Je Food Fund Menu

A Typical Day’s Food Offering for the Monks of Sera Je Monastery through the Sera Je Food Fund Breakfast 1-2 pieces of large bread (10-12 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick) Choice of Tibetan or Chai Tea More photos ... Read more »