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Introducing Life on the Road with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Welcome to this special new feature of the Mandala website, our first blog: Life on the Road with Lama Zopa Rinpoche. FPMT’s CEO, Ven. Roger Kunsang, is on the road with Lama Zopa Rinpoche most of the year serving as ... Read more »
Large Thangkas Around the World

Large Thangkas Around the World

One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for FPMT is for FPMT centers to display large thangkas and host festival days where these thangkas can be enjoyed. Thangkas are painted or appliquéd depictions of deities, venerated spiritual figures, or common ... Read more »

Welcome to Mandala Publications’ New and Improved Site

For twenty-two years, Mandala has served as the official publication of FPMT, bringing the international community relevant teachings, feature stories and worldwide FPMT news. Those of you who have been involved with the organization over the years have seen Mandala ... Read more »
Letter from Osel June 2009

Letter from Osel June 2009

Dear Friends,  It is important to have a good experience of what life is. I have been really lucky to be able to experience both western and eastern cultures and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me ... Read more »

Osel’s Letter for the FPMT Annual Review 2009

The following, from Osel, was included in FPMT’s Annual Review, February 2009: Lama Yeshe taught really well on so many aspects of life, religion, Buddhism, your mind, and the interior universe we all have. One of the things he taught ... Read more »

Update about Osel for the FPMT Annual Review 2006

Ven. Roger Kunsang gave the following update about Osel for the 2006 FPMT Annual Review: In September, we had a surprise visit from Osel. He suddenly appeared in Aptos, California at Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s house – actually, he was on ... Read more »

Long Life Prayer

It is customary to make prayers (pujas) for the long life of those considered to have potential to greatly benefit others. Previously there were references on this site to long life prayers for Tenzin Ösel Hita. In this regard, while ... Read more »