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By Remembering Impermanence-death, Everything You Do Becomes Holy Dharma

By Remembering Impermanence-death, Everything You Do Becomes Holy Dharma

Our time to practice Dharma is fleeting. We don’t know when we will die. Lama Zopa Rinpoche regularly encourages us to think about impermanence and death so we don’t procrastinate doing our Dharma practice. Below is an excerpt on this ... Read more »
Why We Need a Guru

Why We Need a Guru

Lama Thubten Yeshe, who founded the FPMT organization with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, is fondly remembered for his ability to communicate the essence of Buddhist teachings in a way that continues to connect with Western students. Lama Yeshe offered teachings at ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Recent Auspicious Activities in Nepal

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Recent Auspicious Activities in Nepal

Since our last update, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has remained in Nepal, concluding his teachings at Kachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery, celebrating a birthday, visiting Pokhara and Patan for a variety of auspicious activities, and taking a pause from teachings. We invite ... Read more »
Find Prayers and Dharma Materials to Support Your Practice on FPMT.org

Find Prayers and Dharma Materials to Support Your Practice on FPMT.org

In order to make it easier for FPMT students to find prayers and practice materials, we’ve created a new page: “Full Catalogue of Prayers and Practices.” From this page, you can find a collection of all FPMT Education Services prayers, ... Read more »
Support Offered for a Renovated Temple at Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement

Support Offered for a Renovated Temple at Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement

A priority for FPMT Charitable Projects is to offer support to Tibetan settlements in various ways. Over 94,000 Tibetan refugees currently reside in India, where our support is focused. Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement is located near Dehru Dun, India. The Social ... Read more »
The True Nature of the Mind

The True Nature of the Mind

Lama Thubten Yeshe, who founded the FPMT organization with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, is fondly remembered for his ability to communicate the essence of Buddhist teachings in a way that continues to connect with Western students. In the following excerpt, Lama ... Read more »
With Patience, We Have Genuine Peace

With Patience, We Have Genuine Peace

The Six Perfections: The Practice of the Bodhisattvas by Lama Zopa Rinpoche has recently been released in a paperback edition. In the book, Rinpoche walks us through the six perfections, which are a key Mahayana Buddhist teaching. Here’s an excerpt ... Read more »
Rejoicing in Twenty-one Tara Statues Completed at Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore

Rejoicing in Twenty-one Tara Statues Completed at Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore

Recently, Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC) in Singapore completed an ambitious holy object project advised by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. The three-year project added statues of all the Twenty-one Taras, each standing twenty-four inches high, to the altar in ABC’s beautiful gompa. ... Read more »
Reflections on a Three Year Retreat: Know Yourself, Love Yourself

Reflections on a Three Year Retreat: Know Yourself, Love Yourself

The French nun Ven. Thubten Lhamo took refuge at Kopan Monastery in Nepal with Lama Thubten Yeshe in December 1979. She was ordained at Kopan in April 2017, on her sixty-sixth birthday. On November 13, 2017, under Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s ... Read more »
The Real Meaning of Practicing the Dharma

The Real Meaning of Practicing the Dharma

In the following short video from a teaching given in Madrid, Spain, in 2018, Lama Zopa Rinpoche discusses what it means to truly practice Dharma. At beginning of this video, Rinpoche recalls how, many years ago while staying at Lawudo ... Read more »
We Can Use Our Perfect Human Rebirth to Purify Negative Karma

We Can Use Our Perfect Human Rebirth to Purify Negative Karma

With the new year approaching, many of us are reflecting on the past year— rejoicing in the blessings we received, and also assessing mistakes we have made. Fortunately, we have methods at our disposal to help us purify negative karma ... Read more »
Buddha House in Australia Celebrates Its Fortieth Anniversary

Buddha House in Australia Celebrates Its Fortieth Anniversary

Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche inspired thousands of students from around the world through the teachings they offered at Kopan Monastery in Nepal during the 1970s and 80s. The centers started by those early students formed the basis for ... Read more »