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New Photo Album from Kopan Monastery and Nunnery

New Photo Album from Kopan Monastery and Nunnery

During the coronavirus pandemic, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been staying at Kopan Monastery in Nepal. We’ve added a new photo album for the months July through October 2020 with more than eighty photos of day to day life at Kopan ... Read more »
An Introduction to and Video Tour of a Sand Mandala

An Introduction to and Video Tour of a Sand Mandala

The circular representations of universes inhabited by particular deities are known as mandalas in Tibetan Buddhism. There are many types, but the sand mandala is the most difficult to create. Millions of colored sand grains are meticulously arranged, using a ... Read more »
There’s No External Enemy

There’s No External Enemy

The following advice from Lama Thubten Yeshe, who founded FPMT with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, comes in response to a student’s question: “ How should we deal with people who consider us as their enemies or people who don’t trust us?” ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice for Prayers and Practices to Do for Turkeys Killed for Thanksgiving

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice for Prayers and Practices to Do for Turkeys Killed for Thanksgiving

This year, the holiday of Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States on Thursday, November 26. Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered the following advice on how to help the tens of millions of turkeys being killed for the holiday, and also ... Read more »
New Video to Support Your Practice of The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment)

New Video to Support Your Practice of The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment)

Having a good motivation is important to all aspects of our life and practice. Because of this, Lama Zopa Rinpoche created a daily motivational practice for his student called The Method to Transform a Suffering Life into Happiness (Including Enlightenment) ... Read more »
How Does the Merely Labeled I Exist on the Aggregates?

How Does the Merely Labeled I Exist on the Aggregates?

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent video: Rinpoche begins this video reminding us what he has been covering in recent teachings on emptiness ... Read more »

Update from FPMT Inc.

In our last announcement on November 13, we stated we would publish “a summary report on the fact-finding assessment” into the claims of misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche “after we complete our remaining work with FaithTrust Institute.” We received a DRAFT ... Read more »
November FPMT e-News Out Now!

November FPMT e-News Out Now!

A warm welcome to our November FPMT International Office e-News. This month we bring you news about: Studying Masters and Basic Program is Preliminary Practice, The Big Love Festival, New and Updated Practice Materials, Statement Regarding Conclusion of Dagri RInpoche ... Read more »
Supporting the Important Projects of Lelung Rinpoche: Preserving the Buddha Dharma

Supporting the Important Projects of Lelung Rinpoche: Preserving the Buddha Dharma

Lelung Rinpoche was born in 1970. When he was twelve years old he visited Kyabje Ling Rinpoche and following Ling Rinpoche’s advice, he went to study at Drepung Monastery, India. Two years later, he went to Dharamsala to receive teachings ... Read more »
Sutra of Great Liberation on Lhabab Duchen

Sutra of Great Liberation on Lhabab Duchen

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: On the auspicious occasion of Lhabab Duchen, November 7, 2020, Lama Zopa Rinpoche continued offering the ... Read more »
The Whole World Exists in Nothing More Than Mere Name

The Whole World Exists in Nothing More Than Mere Name

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings on thought transformation from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Rinpoche begins this teaching reminding us that the I does not exist from its own side, ... Read more »

Update from FPMT Inc.

This is an update to our previous announcements concerning our fact-finding assessment undertaken in response to multiple allegations of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche. As part of that assessment, the FPMT Inc. Board has received the confidential report of the ... Read more »