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Learn the Life Story of Lama Tsongkhapa in a New Video Series

Learn the Life Story of Lama Tsongkhapa in a New Video Series

A new video series shares the story of the life of Lama Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) as told through fifteen thangkas depicting his life. The videos are the result of a retreat at Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL), the FPMT center ... Read more »
Advice for Saka Dawa Duchen

Advice for Saka Dawa Duchen

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: This video begins with Geshe Losang Sherab explaining how he came to be the Kopan Monastery chant leader (umze), ... Read more »
Preventative and Ongoing Measures at Doeguling Home for the Elderly and Disabled

Preventative and Ongoing Measures at Doeguling Home for the Elderly and Disabled

Doeguling Home for the Elderly and Disabled is located in the Doeguling Tibetan Refugee Settlement in Mundgod, India, and is offering care for 103 elderly residents. The Social Services Fund has supported this elderly age home since 2016. In 2020 ... Read more »
Nalanda Monastery Monks Attend Monlam Chenmo in Nepal

Nalanda Monastery Monks Attend Monlam Chenmo in Nepal

In March, Fifteen monks from Nalanda Monastery, the FPMT monastery in Lavaur, France, traveled to Nepal to participate in the Monlam Chenmo (Great Prayer Festival), organized by Kopan Monastery. Kopan has been convening a Monlam Chenmo for the Gelug monasteries ... Read more »
Blessings and Rejoicing, Amazing Offering to Holy Statues in Tibet on Saka Dawa

Blessings and Rejoicing, Amazing Offering to Holy Statues in Tibet on Saka Dawa

Please join us in rejoicing in a most precious offering that occurred on Saka Dawa (June 5, 2020): Gold was offered to two statues in Tibet! The offering was made on behalf of the entire FPMT organization—including all students; volunteers; ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Describes the Multiplying Effects of Saka Dawa

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Describes the Multiplying Effects of Saka Dawa

Recently, Lama Zopa Rinpoche described the multiplying effects of the fifteenth day of Saka Dawa, a Buddhist holy day, which this year is on June 5. Saka Dawa commemorates three of the Buddha’s major life events—the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and ... Read more »
How to Avoid Wasting Your Life and the Sufferings of Pretas

How to Avoid Wasting Your Life and the Sufferings of Pretas

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings from Kopan Monastery in Nepal. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: Lama Zopa Rinpoche begins this teaching explaining how his current video teaching series from Kopan Monastery started, due to ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offering the Eight Mahayana Precepts on Video

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Offering the Eight Mahayana Precepts on Video

Students wishing to take the eight Mahayana precepts on the merit multiplying day of the fifteenth day of Saka Dawa, which is June 5 this year, may watch a specially created video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche offering the precepts. During ... Read more »
Prayers for the World Multiplying 100 Million Times on Saka Dawa

Prayers for the World Multiplying 100 Million Times on Saka Dawa

Saka Dawa falls on June 5 this year and is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar commemorating Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment and parinirvana. June 5 is also an eclipse day this year. The Puja Fund is ... Read more »
Video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche on How to Bless Beings in the Water

Video of Lama Zopa Rinpoche on How to Bless Beings in the Water

Even in difficult times, we can engage in activities to bless and care for animals. Lama Zopa Rinpoche offers us inspiration to do this as he has blessed animals and beings living in the water around the world, including in ... Read more »
Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom Celebrates Online Learning

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom Celebrates Online Learning

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW), an international FPMT project, is offering online programs in response to the challenges of the coronavirus crisis. Victoria Coleman, executive director, shares the story. Following a swift move into the online environment to ... Read more »
Jealousy Comes from I-Grasping Ignorance, and We Are All in the Process of Dying

Jealousy Comes from I-Grasping Ignorance, and We Are All in the Process of Dying

Lama Zopa Rinpoche continues his video teachings from Kopan Monastery in Nepal during the coronavirus pandemic. Here is a summary of the most recent teaching: This video begins with a continuation of Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi’s life story and ... Read more »