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We Invite You Into the August FPMT e-News

We Invite You Into the August FPMT e-News

We hope you enjoy the August FPMT International Office e-News, out now! This month we bring you: The opportunity to help create a Zangdog Palri temple, A new resource to help benefit animals, News about the next Foundation Service Seminar, ... Read more »
Benefiting Animals on FPMT.org

Benefiting Animals on FPMT.org

Students can now find information and resources on how to benefit animals on a new page on FPMT.org. Students can access the page to learn about how to complete animal liberation practices; perform animal blessings with mantras and holy objects; ... Read more »
Training the Mind in Generosity

Training the Mind in Generosity

It is always a challenge for a Dharma center to balance the wish to benefit all sentient beings with the practical day-to-day needs associated with running a nonprofit organization. Funds are needed not only for the expenses of rent or ... Read more »
Join us in Offering 1,000 Buddha Statues to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Join us in Offering 1,000 Buddha Statues to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

On behalf of the entire FPMT organization, Lama Zopa Rinpoche is planning to offer one thousand statues of Shakyamuni Buddha to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. These nine inch statues are currently being made, painted, filled and consecrated. The statues ... Read more »
Kadampa Center Practices Compassion in Action

Kadampa Center Practices Compassion in Action

Kadampa Center, an FPMT center in Raleigh, North Carolina, US, shares about their community service program, Compassion in Action. Community Service and Interfaith Activities are two of FPMT’s Five Pillars of Service. Elise Strevel, the center’s outreach coordinator, a member ... Read more »

Update from International Office and FPMT Inc. Board of Directors

FPMT International Office and the FPMT Inc. Board of Directors continue in our commitment to help FPMT centers, projects, and services uphold a safe and respectful environment, where people’s minds and hearts can be transformed into their highest potential for ... Read more »
Whatever Appearances We See Are the Result of Past Karma

Whatever Appearances We See Are the Result of Past Karma

Lama Zopa Rinpoche sent the following advice to three students who had written him complaining about a center director. … Yes, I have also heard complaints from the director as well as from you. The reality is that there is ... Read more »
Rejoicing in Prayers Offered in Sponsored Community Hall at Tibetan Settlement

Rejoicing in Prayers Offered in Sponsored Community Hall at Tibetan Settlement

In 2015 a grant was offered from the Social Services Fund to Rabgayling Tibetan Settlement in Hunsur, India to build a community hall. The settlement is now actively utilizing this space for pujas, prayers, public talks, retreats, community events, workshops, ... Read more »
How to Make Your Life Most Beneficial for Sentient Beings, Even with Your Speech

How to Make Your Life Most Beneficial for Sentient Beings, Even with Your Speech

Lama Zopa Rinpoche dictated this advice during a Light of the Path retreat and had it distributed to the retreat participants. Rinpoche then also wanted it shared with people offering service at FPMT centers, projects, and service as well as ... Read more »
Listen Up! Dharma CDs in the Foundation Store

Listen Up! Dharma CDs in the Foundation Store

Students can find over a dozen Dharma CDs in the Foundation Store available by donation! Find these titles and more in the Foundation Store: Recitations for the Time of Death, Lama Zopa Rinpoche recites mantras and texts that are especially ... Read more »
Bengungyal Center Benefited Animals

Bengungyal Center Benefited Animals

Bengungyal Center, an FPMT center in Aguascalientes City, Mexico, organized animal blessing and liberation practices on February 11 and May 25, 2019. Laura Lugo Vàzquez, center director shares the story. Following the Mahayana Buddhist teachings, Bengungyal Center carried out an ... Read more »
Six Years of Support to Ngari Institute, Ladakh, India

Six Years of Support to Ngari Institute, Ladakh, India

The Social Services Fund has been supporting the school children and staff of Ngari Institute in Ladakh, India, since 2014. This year, a grant for US$26,682.61 was offered to cover the costs of daily meals for eighty-three students and staff ... Read more »