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Update from International Office

FPMT International Office is continuing to follow the two approaches outlined below in terms of assessing and updating our safeguarding and grievance procedures, and responding to the concerns raised by the allegations regarding Dagri Rinpoche. 1. Approach of providing spiritual ... Read more »
Take a Look! The Sanghata Sutra in Print

Take a Look! The Sanghata Sutra in Print

The Sanghata Sutra is a Mahayana sutra containing stories illustrating the power of invoking the bodhisattva wish when interacting with others; and the power of past and present actions to produce expansive results. Imbued with the blessings of the power ... Read more »
FPMT Students Made an Auspicious Pilgrimage to Nepal with Gen Thubten Dondrub

FPMT Students Made an Auspicious Pilgrimage to Nepal with Gen Thubten Dondrub

In February 2018 a group of FPMT students traveled together from Australia to Kathmandu, Nepal, for a pilgrimage led by Gen Thubten Dondrub*, FPMT resident teacher at Buddha House, an FPMT center in Australia. In addition to encountering Lama Zopa ... Read more »
FPMT Students Experienced that FPMT Family Feeling in Nepal

FPMT Students Experienced that FPMT Family Feeling in Nepal

In February 2018 a group of FPMT students traveled together from Australia to Kathmandu, Nepal, for a pilgrimage led by Gen Thubten Dondrub*, FPMT resident teacher at Buddha House, an FPMT center in Australia. In addition to encountering Lama Zopa ... Read more »
Goats Liberated and Sponsored in Maratika, Nepal

Goats Liberated and Sponsored in Maratika, Nepal

In 2016 Lama Zopa Rinpoche saved three goats that were destined to be killed in Maratika, Nepal. The goats were blessed and offered animal liberation practice which includes various mantras, beneficial prayers, tying blessed red cloth around their necks, and ... Read more »
In Praise of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

In Praise of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

At the conclusion of the Vajrayogini retreat at Institut Vajra Yogini in France, Lama Zopa Rinpoche was offered a long life puja, where long-time American student Merry Colony recited the following praise for Lama Zopa Rinpoche: In this time of ... Read more »
We Invite You To Read Our June FPMT International Office e-News

We Invite You To Read Our June FPMT International Office e-News

The FPMT International Office e-News for June is out now! This month we bring you: Updates about Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Schedule, FPMT Ethical Policy in More Languages, New from Mandala Publications, Registration Date for Kopan Monastery’s One Month Lamrim Retreat, ... Read more »

Take a Look! Printed Colorful Namgyalma Mantra Card

The Namgyalma mantra on this full-color card printed on pearlized paper is extremely powerful and is the main mantra to purify and liberate beings from the lower realms, purify negative karma, and help those who are dying or have died. ... Read more »
Interfaith Retreat at Maitreya Instituut Focuses on Compassion

Interfaith Retreat at Maitreya Instituut Focuses on Compassion

Maitreya Instituut in the Netherlands hosted an interfaith dialogue that transcended the usual exchange of words. Buddhist and Sufi students came together to learn about each other’s traditions and to practice during a four-day retreat focused on compassion. Interfaith activities ... Read more »
Continued Investment in the Geluk International Foundation

Continued Investment in the Geluk International Foundation

For the second year in a row, the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund has invested in the Geluk International Foundation which was established to preserve and promote Buddhist heritage in general and the Gelug tradition in particular. This year, approximately US$18,000 ... Read more »
Living with Bodhichitta Is the Happiest Life

Living with Bodhichitta Is the Happiest Life

Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught on how everything we receive, even the motivation of bodhichitta, comes through the kindness of other sentient beings during teachings given at Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore in September 2018. Lama Zopa Rinpoche explained why and ... Read more »
The Final Week of the Vajrayogini Retreat with Lama Zopa Rinpoche: ‘Amazing, Amazing, Amazing, Amazing’

The Final Week of the Vajrayogini Retreat with Lama Zopa Rinpoche: ‘Amazing, Amazing, Amazing, Amazing’

The five-week Vajrayogini retreat with Lama Zopa Rinpoche, hosted by Institut Vajra Vogini in the south of France, draws to a close on Saturday, June 15. FPMT students from around the world are attending the retreat. (Read a report from ... Read more »