
FPMT International Office produces two podcasts: Lama Zopa Rinpoche Essential Extracts Podcast, which shares Rinpoche’s indispensable wisdom in a concise audio format, and Lama Zopa Rinpoche Full-length Teachings Podcast, which features the unedited audio from recent teachings by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. To learn more, see below.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Essential Extracts Podcast

The Essential Extracts Podcast, which launched in May 2022, captures the essence of Rinpoche’s teachings. Each fifteen to thirty minute episode focuses on a single topic, and features edited and condensed audio extracts from longer teachings by Rinpoche. 

The Essential Extracts Podcast is available through popular podcasting apps and platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Cast, and so forth. To find the show in a podcast app, search for the series title “Lama Zopa Rinpoche Essential Extracts.”

You may also listen to the Essential Extracts Podcast episodes on FPMT.org by visiting our Essential Extracts Podcast Episodes page, where we share the episodes that have been released.

For those using an RSS reader app, the RSS feed link is feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/lama-zopa-rinpoche-essence/.

About the Essential Extracts

Essential Extracts are focused teachings by Rinpoche, excerpted from longer teachings that Rinpoche has offered in videos and at retreats and other teaching events. We have already published a collection of Essential Extract videos, many of which have been shared in Advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche blogs. The Essential Extracts Podcast shares edited and condensed version of these videos.

Each Essential Extract covers a specific topic, many covering lamrim topics that are often emphasized by Rinpoche. The lamrim is a textual tradition that organizes Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings into a complete step-by-step path to enlightenment. For more on lamrim and resources to support your lamrim practice, please see our lamrim page.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Full-length Teachings Podcast

This podcast is available in English and Italian. Each episode of the Full-length Teachings Podcast corresponds to a new teaching in the ongoing video series of Rinpoche’s thought transformation teachings. Episode are published in conjunction with the release of a new video teaching from Rinpoche.

We are making this podcast series available only through popular podcasting apps and platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Cast, and so forth. To find the show in the podcast app, search for the series title “Lama Zopa Rinpoche Full-length Teachings.” For the Italian version of this podcast, search for “Lama Zopa Rinpoce insegnamenti completi.” 

For those using an RSS reader app, the RSS feed link is feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/lama-zopa-rinpoche-full-length/

About the Thought Transformation Series

sample podcast episode image with text and Rinpoche's smiling face

While staying at Kopan Monastery during the COVID-19 lockdown, Lama Zopa Rinpoche is recording video teachings on thought transformation (lojong). In these teachings, Rinpoche urges us to use these difficult times to develop our Dharma practice.

While offering advice, oral transmissions, and instruction on practice, Rinpoche emphasizes the opportunities available to us to transform our minds using the Buddha’s teachings. By looking at the pandemic with Dharma in our minds, our daily practice of bodhicitta and wisdom can be quickly developed so that we can be most beneficial. 

You can read an in-depth summary of Rinpoche’s thought transformation teachings given in 2020 in the Mandala 2021 article “The Time to Practice Is Now.”

Please note: If you have questions on how to listen to podcasts through an app, a search of the internet offers many resources to help you.