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Helping Rebuild Lawudo Retreat Centre After the Earthquake

Helping Rebuild Lawudo Retreat Centre After the Earthquake

For students of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Lawudo, which is situated high in the Himalayan mountains of eastern Nepal, holds particular significance. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the reincarnation of the Lawudo Lama, Lama Kunzang Yeshe, who lived and practiced in Lawudo ... Read more »
Twelve Months of Extensive Most Secret Hayagriva Pujas Sponsored

Twelve Months of Extensive Most Secret Hayagriva Pujas Sponsored

Twenty years ago, Lama Zopa Rinpoche established the Puja Fund as a way to sponsor ongoing prayers and practices dedicated to the success and longevity of the entire FPMT organization. One puja that Rinpoche advised was particularly important for FPMT ... Read more »
Grant Offered to Build New Community Hall in Tibetan Settlement

Grant Offered to Build New Community Hall in Tibetan Settlement

A grant for a new community hall in south India was offered to Rabagayling Tibetan Settlement at Garupuru. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Social Services Fund, raised and was able to offer US$116,848 for this important new building due to ... Read more »
Lunch Offered to Children of the Central School for Tibetans for the Second Year

Lunch Offered to Children of the Central School for Tibetans for the Second Year

For the second year in a row, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Social Services Fund, offered US$8,242 for lunch for all of the young children attending the Central School for Tibetans in Bylakuppe, South India. In addition to this same ... Read more »
The Sera Je Food Fund Increases Food Offering Over Winter Months

The Sera Je Food Fund Increases Food Offering Over Winter Months

Every day of every year the Sera Je Food Fund offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner to 2,500 monks studying at the Sera Je Monastery. An additional 800 monks join for breakfast every day. Offering this requires a tremendous amount of ... Read more »
Extensive Pujas, Practices and Prayers Will Be Done on Chokhor Duchen by 15,650 Ordained Sangha

Extensive Pujas, Practices and Prayers Will Be Done on Chokhor Duchen by 15,650 Ordained Sangha

Each year on Chokhor Duchen (commemorating Lord Buddha’s first teaching) the Puja Fund sponsors pujas and offerings all over the world dedicated to success of the entire FPMT organization. The practices are offered by up to 15,650 monks and nuns. ... Read more »
Geshe Tenley Discusses the Benefits and Impact of the Sera Je Food Fund

Geshe Tenley Discusses the Benefits and Impact of the Sera Je Food Fund

In November 2014, staff at Kurukulla Center in Medford, Massachusetts hosted a presentation introducing students and volunteers to FPMT’s unique culture, structure and history. At the end of the presentation, Geshe Tenley, who is the resident geshe at Kurukulla Center ... Read more »
Charities Work Together to Bring Much Needed Aid to Tsum Valley, Nepal

Charities Work Together to Bring Much Needed Aid to Tsum Valley, Nepal

The Tsum Valley, which is located in the northern border area of Nepal close to Tibet, was badly affected by the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks that struck Nepal earlier this year that toppled homes, temples and other buildings, resulting in ... Read more »
Stupa for Rescued Retired Horses in Italy

Stupa for Rescued Retired Horses in Italy

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Animal Liberation Fund, recently offered US$1,000 toward the building of a stupa for rescued race horses in Italy. These perfectly healthy horses were slotted to be put to death as they are no longer considered ... Read more »
Long Life Puja Offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Long Life Puja Offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

An important priority for FPMT is offering long life pujas every year for our immeasurably precious teachers: His Holiness the Dalai Lama and our Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche. All FPMT centers, projects and services as well as many FPMT ... Read more »
Kopan Helping Hands Work Continues Despite Danger and Difficulty

Kopan Helping Hands Work Continues Despite Danger and Difficulty

Kopan Monastery and Nunnery have been actively involved since the very beginning with relief efforts for those devastated by the Nepal earthquake and subsequent aftershocks. The Nepal Earthquake Support Fund, set up by FPMT International Office at the request of ... Read more »
Pujas for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life Sponsored

Pujas for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life Sponsored

Every year, Ven. Roger Kunsang, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s faithful assistant for 29 years and CEO of FPMT Inc. checks with high lamas about any pujas that are needed to be done for the health and long life of Lama Zopa ... Read more »