Zangdog Palri: Guru Rinpoche Pure Land Project
Building a three-dimensional Pure Land of Guru Rinpoche at Lawudo
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Lawudo Retreat Centre is located in a secluded corner of the Himalayas, in Solo Khumbu, the Everest region of Nepal, fourteen thousand feet above sea level. The retreat center has been built around the cave where Rinpoche’s previous incarnation, the first Lawudo Lama, Kunsang Yeshe, meditated, and not far from the village where Rinpoche was born.
This ambitious endeavor, which involves the construction of a four-story Guru Rinpoche Pure Land is expected to span several years.
Zangdog Palri refers to the Glorious Copper Colored Mountain, and is the pure land of Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche), the great tantric master who brought Buddhism to Tibet. The outer Zangdog Palri is a majestic place of wisdom, power, and blessings, where one can be reborn with favorable qualities to progress swiftly on the path to enlightenment. The palace in Zangdog Palri, is based on an eight-sided jewel and a thousand-petaled lotus, with four gates, four arches and eight pillars. In the four directions are walls made of precious substances – crystal in the East, lapis lazuli in the South, ruby in the West and sapphire in the North. It has three levels. The Dharmakaya (top) level is Buddha Amitayus, the Sambhogayaka (middle) level is four-armed Avalokiteshvara, and the Nirmanakaya (bottom) level is Padmasambhava.
Model of the Zangdog Palri temple (top-left) to be built near the Lawudo gompa (right).
Zangdog Palri is a highly and intricately detailed mandala representing the enlightened qualities of Padmasambhava.
For those who see, touch, enter or remember this sacred structure, it is said that a connection is made to quicken spiritual development and to realize one’s innate compassion.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche has identified a Lama with the specialized knowledge required to assist in building this unique and sacred palace. Rinpoche personally met with this Lama on multiple occasions to discuss the building of the Zandog Palri in Lawudo. At this stage, the project is still in its preliminary phase, and actual construction has not yet commenced.
Aerial image of the Lawudo retreat land showing where the temple will be constructed.
In accordance with Rinpoche’s guidance, certain preparatory works have been carried out. Rinpoche advised that before embarking on the actual construction of the Zangdog Palri, a seven-foot Kalachakra statue and a small temple needs to be established in Lawudo. This initial step is crucial to accumulate merits and overcome any obstacles to the actual building of the Zangdog Palri. The Kalachakra statue was completed and brought to Lawudo via helicopter in 2024 and now graces the Lawudo gompa.
A local consulting firm has prepared a comprehensive estimate for the construction project. This estimate covers various aspects including civil works, cement, art works, regular paintings, and thangka paintings. The projected cost for all these elements is approximately US$760,000.
Basic dimensions and model design of the outside of the Zangdog Palri temple.
May this Zangdog Palri temple quickly create the cause for the swift return of our precious Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and for all his wishes to be actualized exactly as he planned.
Offer your compassionate support
The Zangdog Palri Temple Project is a sub-fund of Holy Objects Fund is a project of FPMT Inc. and is administered by FPMT International Office located in Portland, Oregon, United States. All donations made to this fund are tax-deductible within the United States in accordance with IRS Code article 501(c)(3) to the extent allowed by law.
For donations by wire transfer or check, please contact FPMT Donor Services.
For more information about this project, please contact the Charitable Projects Coordinator.