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The Proper Motivation for Dharma Centers

The Proper Motivation for Dharma Centers

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered this advice during a teaching at Chenrezig Institute in June 2018. There are so many wars. Hundreds of thousands get killed again and again. So many people get killed by bombs. Then so many people escape, ... Read more »
New Abbreviated Vajrayogini Self-Initiation and Tsog Practices!

New Abbreviated Vajrayogini Self-Initiation and Tsog Practices!

Students can now find two new Vajrayogini texts—Quick Path to Khechara: An Abbreviated Daily Self-Initiation of Vajrayogini Naro Khechari and A Pleasing Uncontaminated Feast: An Abbreviated Tsog Offering of the Venerable Vajrayogini, the Powerful Lady Naro Khechari—through the Foundation Store. ... Read more »
Visiting Friends in a Russian Nursing Home

Visiting Friends in a Russian Nursing Home

Social or Community Service is one of FPMT’s Five Pillars of Service. Five years ago a group of volunteers from FPMT center Ganden Tendar Ling Center in Moscow, Russia, asked what they could do for Old and Happy, a nonprofit ... Read more »
Support of Dorje Pamo Monastery, a New Community for Nuns in France

Support of Dorje Pamo Monastery, a New Community for Nuns in France

Dorje Pamo Monastery is in the process of becoming a new nunnery for approximately twelve FPMT nuns in the South of France. The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund was pleased to offer US$93,760 toward the building of a gompa, reception area, ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Three Months in the United States

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Three Months in the United States

Before traveling to India at the end of August and then Singapore in September, Lama Zopa Rinpoche spent nearly three months in the United States. Rinpoche stayed for two months at Buddha Amitabha Pure Land (BAPL) in a remote part ... Read more »
We Invite You to Read Our e-News!

We Invite You to Read Our e-News!

We hope you will enjoy the September FPMT International Office e-News. This month we bring you: The Date for the Official Long Life Puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Highlights of Advice from Lama Zopa RInpoche, Problem Solving in the FPMT ... Read more »
‘The Eight Mahayana Precepts,’ a Living in the Path Module

‘The Eight Mahayana Precepts,’ a Living in the Path Module

In the complimentary Living in the Path module “The Eight Mahayana Precepts,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche shows us the importance of taking and keeping these special one-day vows based on the Mahayana motivation of bodhichitta. If you have not previously received ... Read more »
Centro Shiwa Lha Studies Bodhicharyavatara with Geshe Lobsang Jamphel

Centro Shiwa Lha Studies Bodhicharyavatara with Geshe Lobsang Jamphel

FPMT center Centro Shiwa Lha in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hosted Geshe Lobsang Jamphel, abbot of Nalanda Monastery in France, in July 2018. Ruth Saldanha, event production volunteer, shares the details of Geshe Jamphel’s visit. Geshe Jamphel graciously accepted our ... Read more »
Support Continues for Rabgay Ling Old Aged Home, Hunsur, India

Support Continues for Rabgay Ling Old Aged Home, Hunsur, India

Since 2015, the FPMT Social Services Fund has been supporting Rabgay Ling Old Aged Home in Hunsur, India, which serves 20 elderly residents. A grant for US$26,839.69 was offered this year to cover the cost of food for 2017 and ... Read more »
Animals on the Path at Buddha Amitabha Pure Land

Animals on the Path at Buddha Amitabha Pure Land

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s care for animals is well known. What’s perhaps less well known is Rinpoche’s creative whimsy with animal statues and the signs he has created for them. At Buddha Amitabha Pure Land, in a remote part of Washington ... Read more »
Foundation Service Seminar Held in London

Foundation Service Seminar Held in London

The Foundation Service Seminar (FSS) is the “FPMT immersion retreat.” It provides essential information and nourishment for all serving, or wishing to serve, in the FPMT organization. The FSS Retreat is key to deeply understanding the FPMT organization and the ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Visits Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies in Massachusetts, US

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Visits Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies in Massachusetts, US

“There are no words to adequately describe the immense feelings of blessings, love, and bliss that everyone experienced in the presence of our beloved teacher Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche,” Margaret Anderberg, a fundraising volunteer at Kurukulla Center, in Medford, Massachusetts, ... Read more »