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The Puja Fund Sponsors Pujas and Offerings to Holy Objects Every Month

The Puja Fund Sponsors Pujas and Offerings to Holy Objects Every Month

Every month the Puja Fund sponsors pujas and offerings dedicated to the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama; the removal of obstacles to all FPMT Dharma activities; FPMT students; benefactors of every FPMT center, service, and project, as ... Read more »
Rinpoche Remembers Geshe Dugda, Who Helped Restore Buddhism in Kalmykia

Rinpoche Remembers Geshe Dugda, Who Helped Restore Buddhism in Kalmykia

While Lama Zopa Rinpoche was in Kalmykia, Russia, in May 2017, a traditionally Buddhist area of Russia settled centuries ago by migrants from Mongolia, he stayed at the former home of Geshe Tenzin Dugda (Tib.’brug-sgra), a Tibetan geshe who lived ... Read more »
Investing in the Lugsum Samduling Home for the Aged and Disabled in Bylakuppe, India

Investing in the Lugsum Samduling Home for the Aged and Disabled in Bylakuppe, India

Last year, the Social Services Fund offered several grants to elderly homes in India occupied by Tibetan refugees. Without such facilities, many elderly, first-wave Tibetan refugees, who often are without families of their own, have little prospect of accommodation or ... Read more »
Visit the New FPMT Education Services!

Visit the New FPMT Education Services!

On June 6, 2017, FPMT Education Services launched its homepage redesign, which features a fresh, dynamic interface to help connect FPMT students with hundreds of pages of free information and materials to support Dharma practice. Come visit us at FPMT.org ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Kalmykia, Russia, May 2017 [Video]

Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Kalmykia, Russia, May 2017 [Video]

From May 20 to 24, 2017, Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught in Elista, the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia, an autonomous region within Russia. Rinpoche taught on Atisha’s Lamp of the Path and gave two initiations. He also attended performances ... Read more »
Skies of Merit on Saka Dawa, June 9

Skies of Merit on Saka Dawa, June 9

Each year on Saka Dawa—the celebration of Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana—Buddhist practitioners around the world engage in many auspicious and merit-making activities such as personally devoting oneself to the path; sponsoring beneficial pujas, practices, and prayers; and making ... Read more »
‘Make Use of Relationships to Practice Dharma’ [Video]

‘Make Use of Relationships to Practice Dharma’ [Video]

Can our relationships help us progress on the path? Lama Zopa Rinpoche says yes! Here is what he has said about relationships: “You should consider having a relationship to be an opportunity to practice Dharma … In particular, you should ... Read more »
Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore

Support Offered to the Central Tibetan Administration in Bangalore

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is an organization based in India with the stated goals of “rehabilitating Tibetan refugees and restoring freedom and happiness in Tibet.” The CTA attends to the welfare of the Tibetan exile community in India, who ... Read more »
‘Guru Is Buddha,’ A Living in the Path Module

‘Guru Is Buddha,’ A Living in the Path Module

The foundation of the path to enlightenment is the realization of guru devotion—seeing the guru as a buddha. On the basis of this, one makes offerings, offers service, and most importantly, requests advice and follows it. There is no quicker ... Read more »
Life-Saving Surgeries for the Dear Animals in Nepal

Life-Saving Surgeries for the Dear Animals in Nepal

In March of this year, Tree of Compassion brought veterinarian Dr. Howard Ralph to the Animal Liberation Sanctuary in Nepal to perform critical surgeries on animals who would otherwise suffer and die without them. The visit also gave Dr. Howard ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Visit to Nepal’s Maratika Caves, April 2017

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Visit to Nepal’s Maratika Caves, April 2017

On his recent trip to Nepal, Lama Zopa Rinpoche visited the Maratika Caves, an important holy site associated with Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche). Lama Zopa Rinpoche has visited Maratika on pilgrimage before and spoken about how good it is to do ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Withdrawing Life Support [Video]

Lama Zopa Rinpoche on Withdrawing Life Support [Video]

In a conversation with a student in 2015, Lama Zopa Rinpoche discussed how to make a difficult decision: whether and when to remove a patient who is not expected to recover from life support. He mentioned the importance of maintaining ... Read more »