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The Start of Ramadan: The Muslim Holy Month

The Start of Ramadan: The Muslim Holy Month

For Muslims all over the world, Ramadan is a happy time. It just started, on the evening of Friday, May 26, and it runs until late June. Ramadan is the month in which the first verses of the Quran, Islam’s ... Read more »
Rejoicing in Seven Years of 108 Nyung Nä Retreats at Institut Vajra Yogini, France

Rejoicing in Seven Years of 108 Nyung Nä Retreats at Institut Vajra Yogini, France

Seven dedicated individuals are in the process of finishing 108 nyung nä retreats at Institute Vajra Yogini (IVY), France. One of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for the FPMT organization is to sponsor others to complete 1,000 nyung nä retreats. ... Read more »
Dutch Monk Geshe Tenzin Namdak Completes Final Geshe Examination

Dutch Monk Geshe Tenzin Namdak Completes Final Geshe Examination

On April 26, 2016, Ven. Tenzin Namdak, Sera IMI House monk and FPMT registered teacher, received the title of “Geshe” after completing coursework for the geshe studies program at Sera Je Monastic University in South India. On May 8, he ... Read more »
Nalanda Monastery’s Five-Year, Full-Time Basic Program

Nalanda Monastery’s Five-Year, Full-Time Basic Program

The FPMT Basic Program is an in-depth Buddhist education program designed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and developed by FPMT Education Services. In-depth Program Coordinator Olga Planken reports on the success of the Basic Program held at Nalanda Monastery in France: ... Read more »
Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teach Live from Moscow

Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teach Live from Moscow

You can watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche teach live from Moscow starting on Saturday, May 27. The teachings run from May 27 through June 3 and will be live-streamed. Details can be found here: http://en.lamazopa.ru/ Rinpoche’s teachings in Moscow—organized by Ganden ... Read more »
Sponsorship of Light Offerings to Holy Objects

Sponsorship of Light Offerings to Holy Objects

Lama Zopa Rinpoche often explains the benefits of offering to holy objects and encourages extensive offerings around the world. “We are not aware of the limitless skies of benefits we achieve from the practice of offering, what we can achieve ... Read more »
Rinpoche Explains the ‘Lung’ or Oral Transmission [Video]

Rinpoche Explains the ‘Lung’ or Oral Transmission [Video]

A lung (pronounced loong) is the oral transmission of a text, mantra, or practice by an authorized holder. Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains more about lungs in a video below. In Tibetan the word for oral transmission is spelled lung (ལུང་). ... Read more »
Twenty-Four Kopan Monks Receive Management and Communication Training

Twenty-Four Kopan Monks Receive Management and Communication Training

In March 2017, twenty-four Kopan Monastery monks who also serve in staff positions at the monastery received coaching and training for six days in management, communication, and leadership from French student Bertrand Beauregard, director of Institut International de Coaching Humaniste ... Read more »
May 2017 FPMT International Office e-News Out Now!

May 2017 FPMT International Office e-News Out Now!

We invite you to read our May 2017 FPMT International Office e-News. This month you’ll find: a new, dynamic photo album chronicling Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s beneficial activities during March–April 2017 in Nepal, a thank-you message to all who have started ... Read more »
Nyung Nä Practice on Saka Dawa, June 9

Nyung Nä Practice on Saka Dawa, June 9

Saka Dawa is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar, commemorating Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing into parinirvana. During Saka Dawa, karmic results are multiplied by one hundred million, as cited by Lama Zopa Rinpoche ... Read more »
‘Zina Was Unlike Other People’: Rinpoche Hears First-Hand Account

‘Zina Was Unlike Other People’: Rinpoche Hears First-Hand Account

In the late 1960s, Zina Rachevsky requested Dharma teachings from Lama Yeshe—and that was the beginning of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching Westerners and the planting of the seed that became FPMT. The story is told in detail ... Read more »
The Sera Je Food Fund’s New Chapter: Self Sustainability and Ongoing Support to Sangha

The Sera Je Food Fund’s New Chapter: Self Sustainability and Ongoing Support to Sangha

An Incredible Accomplishment: An Endowment Supporting the Monks of Sera Je Monastery Long into the Future For the last ten years FPMT International Office has been building an endowment large enough to support the long-term health of the Sera Je ... Read more »