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Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Visit to Penang, Malaysia

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Visit to Penang, Malaysia

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teaching tour of Southeast Asia continues in Malaysia. In mid-March Rinpoche arrived at Chokyi Gyaltsen Center (CGC) in Penang after a 10-hour drive from Singapore. Rinpoche went straight into the center’s gompa and did an hour of ... Read more »
Human Spirit: Bridging Buddhism and Psychoanalysis in Israel

Human Spirit: Bridging Buddhism and Psychoanalysis in Israel

By Ven. Sangye Khadro The news about Israel in the international media is usually gloomy, but, as is the case everywhere, there are bright stories that don’t make the headlines. One such story is a new project, the Human Spirit ... Read more »
April FPMT International Office E-news Out Now!

April FPMT International Office E-news Out Now!

We hope you enjoy our April edition of the FPMT International Office E-news. Highlights include: Photo collage of Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Long Life Puja – update and thanks, Visualise a Food Offering for 30,000, New Online ... Read more »
Free Downloadable Audio from Lama Zopa Rinpoche Available from the Foundation Store

Free Downloadable Audio from Lama Zopa Rinpoche Available from the Foundation Store

Many important audio resources from Lama Zopa Rinpoche are available for download via the Foundation Store. Acquiring audio can often be cost prohibitive for students due to shipping costs. By ordering these digital files, you can access the materials right ... Read more »
Advice for the Malaysian Economy

Advice for the Malaysian Economy

Dr. Goh Pik Pin, director of Losang Dragpa Centre and president of Kasih Hospice Service, asked Lama Zopa Rinpoche during his recent visit to Malaysia, “The Malaysian economy is going down and our money is losing value. Is there any ... Read more »
‘A Thousand Hands: How the Chenresig Statue Arose at ABC’ [Video]

‘A Thousand Hands: How the Chenresig Statue Arose at ABC’ [Video]

In late January, Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC) in Singapore released A Thousand Hands: How the Chenresig Statue Arose at ABC, a six-part video illustrating the creation of the large Thousand-Arm Chenrezig statue sculpted by Denise and Peter Griffin. Each video ... Read more »
Offering Meals to the Monks of Sera Je Monastery

Offering Meals to the Monks of Sera Je Monastery

Since 1991, the Sera Je Food Fund has been offering three meals a day to every monk studying at Sera Je Monastery. Some monks do not need to rely on this service due to various reasons such as having personal ... Read more »
Thanks and Update from Ven. Roger Kunsang

Thanks and Update from Ven. Roger Kunsang

A message from Ven. Roger Kunsang, assistant to Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the CEO of FPMT, Inc.: Dear Friends, The special long life puja offered to Rinpoche in Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore went very well. I think this was due ... Read more »
Advice for Eclipse Days and Buddha Multiplying Days

Advice for Eclipse Days and Buddha Multiplying Days

On lunar and solar eclipses, Lama Zopa Rinoche advises that the merit generated is multiplied by 700,000 and 100 million, respectively, and any beneficial practices can be done. In particular, Rinpoche recommends: Recitation of the names of the Thirty-five Confession ... Read more »
‘Listening to the Teachings on Emptiness Collects Much Greater Merit’

‘Listening to the Teachings on Emptiness Collects Much Greater Merit’

“It’s also mentioned in the Meeting of Father and Son Sutra that compared with the merit of practicing the five paramitas – patience, charity, morality, perseverance and concentration – for ten eons, listening to teachings on emptiness collects much greater ... Read more »
Grant Offered to Rolwaling Sangag Choling Monastery to Rebuild Gompa

Grant Offered to Rolwaling Sangag Choling Monastery to Rebuild Gompa

Thanks to the kindness of a generous benefactor who provided a grant, the Social Services Fund was able to recently offer US$173,599 to Rolwaling Sangag Choling Monastery for the rebuilding of their gompa. Rolwaling Monastery is the main monastery in ... Read more »
Even Raising a Doubt Breaks Samsara in Pieces

Even Raising a Doubt Breaks Samsara in Pieces

“It is said that even rising a doubt about emptiness, even rising a doubt, even that breaks samsara in pieces,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche says in “Teachings on the Heart Sutra,” an excerpt of a March 2000 teaching now available through ... Read more »