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How to Think While Getting Chemo

How to Think While Getting Chemo

A student wrote that she had cancer that was removed, but the surgeon said it had spread. The doctor advised getting chemotherapy. The student requested advice from Rinpoche on what she should do. My most dear, most precious, most kind, ... Read more »
Tenzin Ösel Hita Talks to North American Regional Meeting

Tenzin Ösel Hita Talks to North American Regional Meeting

In May of 2013, participants of the North American Regional Meeting, which took place in Portland, OR, were delighted to hear a motivating talk from Tenzin Ösel Hita. In this talk, Ösel shares his wisdom on many topics such as ... Read more »
Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling Celebrates Mani Retreat and New Resident Geshe

Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling Celebrates Mani Retreat and New Resident Geshe

Ven. Tsenla, director of Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling in Mongolia, shared with Mandala news of the center’s activities over the last year, including the second annual 100 Million Mani Retreat and the arrival of their resident geshe: Please rejoice ... Read more »
What Is the Mind?

What Is the Mind?

During a 1991 talk in Adelaide, Australia, Lama Zopa Rinpoche responded to a question about low self-esteem with a teaching on the nature of the mind. Here’s a short excerpt from this talk, published by the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive: ... Read more »
Kopan Helping Hands Continues to Offer Essential Aid in Nepal

Kopan Helping Hands Continues to Offer Essential Aid in Nepal

Immediately following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, causing extensive devastation, the monks and nuns of Kopan Monastery and Nunnery (which were both badly damaged) did not hesitate to spring into action by establishing Kopan ... Read more »
Building a Retreat House

Building a Retreat House

Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave this translation of a Tibetan text on how to build a retreat house, published in November 2013 on the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive: As requested by Pungsang, Buddha states how to make a meditation room: On ... Read more »
Dharmarakshita Study Group Shares Dharma in Mauritius

Dharmarakshita Study Group Shares Dharma in Mauritius

Shilpa Ramphul shared with Mandala some photos from Dharmarakshita Study Group’s March 2015 outreach activities in at at the Caudan Waterfront in Port Louis, Mauritius. “Dharmarakshita members and friends gathered to create more awareness of Buddhism and share mantras and ... Read more »
The Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice

The Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice

“The seven Medicine Buddhas, attainers of bliss, strongly prayed for the temporal and ultimate happiness of yourself and all sentient beings. They vowed that their prayers would be actualized during these degenerate times when the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha are ... Read more »
Please Rejoice on Saka Dawa for the Prayers and Practices Offered by 15,650 Sangha

Please Rejoice on Saka Dawa for the Prayers and Practices Offered by 15,650 Sangha

Each year on Saka Dawa (Day 15 of Month 4: Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana), the Puja Fund sponsors an extensive array of offerings and pujas. Please rejoice that today, on Saka Dawa, 15,650 ordained Sangha members are offering ... Read more »
Purifying Your Forefathers’ Killing Karma

Purifying Your Forefathers’ Killing Karma

A student wrote Lama Zopa Rinpoche with a serious confession: “My forefathers have done very heinous sins, which is the major cause of suffering in our family now. My grandma’s father and his friends a long, long time ago killed ... Read more »
Work a Day for Rinpoche Campaign for Saka Dawa

Work a Day for Rinpoche Campaign for Saka Dawa

With the great full moon of Saka Dawa, the 2015 Work a Day for Rinpoche campaign is culminating on Tuesday, June 2. Since 2007, students in the FPMT international community have been celebrating the birth, enlightenment and Parinirvana of Lord ... Read more »
Support Continues for Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Ongoing Work in Nepal

Support Continues for Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Ongoing Work in Nepal

The Nepal Earthquake Support Fund has been contributing to the work of Losang Namgyal Rinpoche’s Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund. Losang Namgyal Rinpoche, a Kopan Rinpoche and a high lama for the Tamang people, has been coordinating with Kopan on ... Read more »