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Life Is Full of Hope

Life Is Full of Hope

“There’s a big difference between those who have met Dharma and those who have not met Dharma,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche says in a teaching in the just published Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive May E-letter. “By having met Dharma, you are ... Read more »
Prostrations and Benefiting People You’ve Killed

Prostrations and Benefiting People You’ve Killed

In the past, a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche killed his parents during a psychotic episode. Rinpoche gave him practice advice then and later the student wrote back, “These days, I do practice as you advised me to: Vajrasattva practice, ... Read more »
Interfaith Dialogue at Centre Kalachakra in Paris

Interfaith Dialogue at Centre Kalachakra in Paris

On March 5, Centre Kalachakra in Paris welcomed local religious leaders representing Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism and Islam. Fifty people attended the dialogue, which focused on the theme of joy and happiness. Geshe Drakpa Tsundue, Centre Kalachakra’s resident geshe, welcomed all ... Read more »
Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teach in Australia Live!

Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teach in Australia Live!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has arrived in Australia, starting his tour of the country with a visit to De-Tong Ling Retreat Centre on Kangaroo Island where he consecrated the Enlightenment Stupa and Padmasambhava statue there. Rinpoche will continue his tour teaching ... Read more »
Creating Compassionate Cultures Celebrates a Major Milestone!

Creating Compassionate Cultures Celebrates a Major Milestone!

“Creating Compassionate Cultures (CCC) recently celebrated the completion of its inaugural Online Institute for Creating Compassionate Cultures (OICCC) certificate program,” reported CCC team member Mer Stafford in May 2015. “Thirty-six students from 10 countries participated in the course.” Developed by ... Read more »
‘The Main Thing Now Is Attainment’

‘The Main Thing Now Is Attainment’

”We have achieved a lot in Dharma education and study,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche said in March 2015 while visiting Root Institute in India. “Now we have to put effort in attaining the path. I don’t mean just doing three-year retreat ... Read more »
Offerings, Pujas, and Support to Sangha on Saka Dawa for the Benefit of the Entire FPMT

Offerings, Pujas, and Support to Sangha on Saka Dawa for the Benefit of the Entire FPMT

Each year on Saka Dawa (Day 15 of Month 4: Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana), the Puja Fund sponsors an extensive array of offerings and pujas. The practices are done by up to 15,650 ordained Sangha and offerings are ... Read more »
Our Self-Cherishing Mind Is a Dictator

Our Self-Cherishing Mind Is a Dictator

On May 16, Ven. Roger Kunsang shared this from Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings at Chandrakirti Centre on his Twitter page: Lama Zopa: Our self-cherishing mind is a dictator, like a guru we serve constantly. Ven. Roger Kunsang, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s ... Read more »
FPMT Attends First-Ever White House-US Buddhist Leadership Conference

FPMT Attends First-Ever White House-US Buddhist Leadership Conference

On May 14, three FPMT students attended the first White House-US Buddhist Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., which brought Buddhist leaders together to discuss politics and the policies most relevant to the country with current White House administration. Long-time student ... Read more »
Why We Need the Three Jewels

Why We Need the Three Jewels

“So, why do we take refuge?,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche asked during a 2013 refuge ceremony at Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore. “To be free from pervasive compounding suffering, from where the suffering of pain and the suffering of change arises ... Read more »
Help Offered to over 5,000 Families in Need in Nepal

Help Offered to over 5,000 Families in Need in Nepal

Please rejoice that US$49,799 USD was raised to help those in need in Nepal. For this offering, FPMT’s Nepal Earthquake Support Fund offered US$17,543.18 (1,792,000.00 NPR), Kopan’s Helping Hands Project offered, US$11,502.92 and US$20,752.63 was raised locally. This money was ... Read more »
Escape Problems Forever

Escape Problems Forever

“The wisdom realizing emptiness gives us the possibility to escape from problems forever,” said Lama Zopa Rinpoche in a 1990 teaching in Florence, Italy. “Achieving this ultimate happiness mainly depends on this realization. As I mentioned before, only the wisdom ... Read more »