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The Inside Story: Microfilm, Holy Objects, and the Passion of Tai Vautier

The Inside Story: Microfilm, Holy Objects, and the Passion of Tai Vautier

By Donna Lynn Brown Who hasn’t spun a prayer wheel? Whether a massive work of art that we propel with our whole bodies, a desktop ornament we twist with our fingertips, a decorated paint can on a spoke or a ... Read more »
Auspicious Nectar Rain

Auspicious Nectar Rain

“March 27 was Rinpoche’s final night in Bodhgaya and so we went to the stupa to offer robes to the Buddha at the Mahabodhi Stupa,” said Ven. Sarah Thresher, who has been sharing news about Lama Zopa Rinpoche beneficial activities ... Read more »
What Is Samsara?

What Is Samsara?

“Many former pandits and yogis from India, Nepal and Tibet, so many, achieved full enlightenment within some years by practicing and integrating their life with this practice, the Guru Puja (Lama Chöpa),” Lama Zopa Rinpoche said during the 25th Kopan ... Read more »
Tenzin Ösel Hita Visits Losang Dragpa Centre in Malaysia During Losar

Tenzin Ösel Hita Visits Losang Dragpa Centre in Malaysia During Losar

In February 2015, Losang Dragpa Centre, Malaysia, was pleased to welcome Tenzin Ösel Hita for Guru Puja on Losar, Tibetan New Year. Following the puja, Ösel gave an inspiring talk to the group. You can see a snippet of this ... Read more »
Let Go of the Fire

Let Go of the Fire

During March 2015, Lama Zopa Rinpoche taught at Sujata, India, the site where Buddha practiced austerities for six years before later attaining enlightenment at the site of the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya. Ven. Roger Kunsang shared some brief quotes from the teaching: “First, you don’t harm others, that’s the basis. Then as much as you can, benefit others.  ... Read more »
Family Camp 2014 at Milarepa Center

Family Camp 2014 at Milarepa Center

Kasia Beznoska, a long-time student and a mother, wanted FPMT students everywhere to know about the benefits of Buddhist-inspired family camps such as that of Milarepa Center in Barnet, Vermont, United States: The weekend of July 31- August 3, 2014, ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Chanting Lama Chöpa Tunes NOW AVAILABLE

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Chanting Lama Chöpa Tunes NOW AVAILABLE

FPMT Education Services is pleased to announce the release of three new videos in which Lama Zopa Rinpoche chants the Lama Chöpa tunes in three ways: fast-paced, medium-paced, and slow-paced. These videos provide an incredibly precious resource for FPMT students ... Read more »
We Should Use Education to Benefit Others, Not Destroy Them

We Should Use Education to Benefit Others, Not Destroy Them

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been at Root Institute in Bodhgaya, India since February 2, taking every opportunity to offer blessings to many people and animals. Rinpoche has also been visiting the students of Root’s Maitreya School, a free school benefiting ... Read more »
Bringing Dharma into the Corporate World: Rasmus Hougaard Talks about the Potential Project

Bringing Dharma into the Corporate World: Rasmus Hougaard Talks about the Potential Project

Rasmus Hougaard is the founder and managing director of the Potential Project, an international program based in Copenhagen, Denmark, that works with corporations and organizations to equip their leaders and employees with methods to be more more kind, clear-minded, focused ... Read more »
A Personal Account of the Benefits of the Sera Je Food Fund

A Personal Account of the Benefits of the Sera Je Food Fund

Recently Ven. Roger Kunsang accompanied Lama Zopa Rinpoche when Rinpoche met with Geshe Gelong, a Sera Je Monastery monk, in southern India. Ven. Roger made notes of the conversation, in which Geshe Gelong expressed the importance of the Sera Je ... Read more »
Bringing Dharma into the Corporate World: Rasmus Hougaard Talks about the Potential Project

Bringing Dharma into the Corporate World: Rasmus Hougaard Talks about the Potential Project

Rasmus Hougaard is the founder and managing director of the Potential Project, an international program based in Copenhagen, Denmark, that works with corporations and organizations to equip their leaders and employees with methods to be more kind, clear-minded, focused and ... Read more »
Happy Year of the Sheep from Animal Liberation Sanctuary!

Happy Year of the Sheep from Animal Liberation Sanctuary!

Co-director Phil Hunt of Enlightenment for the Dear Animals provides a brief update on the Animal Liberation Sanctuary, a refuge for animals near Kopan Monastery, FPMT’s mother monastery in Nepal. The Animal Liberation Sanctuary (ALS), Nepal, has had its first ... Read more »