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The Yoga of Going to Sleep

The Yoga of Going to Sleep

“When you go to bed, when you go to sleep … this is what you are about to do when you get back to your room. Or maybe here! Maybe, if I continue a little bit, then maybe here!” Lama ... Read more »
News from Nagarjuna C.E.T. Granada, Spain

News from Nagarjuna C.E.T. Granada, Spain

Spiritual program coordinator Antonio Jabaloy Sánchez shared some brief news about Nagarjuna C.E.T. Granada in Spain: Here in Nagarjuna C. E. T. Granada, we are having a busy time. We have rented a commercial office in the historic center of ... Read more »
Plan to Practice Never Seems to Happen

Plan to Practice Never Seems to Happen

A student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote: “The reason I’m writing is that I feel that I do not progress, I feel blocked, seemingly blocked by myself. I have clear moments where I have the motivation and plans for practicing, ... Read more »
Continuous Light Offerings to Holy Objects in Mongolia

Continuous Light Offerings to Holy Objects in Mongolia

The Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund sponsors the electricity for lotus light offerings to all the holy objects on the altar at Idgaa Choizinling College in Mongolia. The lights are offered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Among ... Read more »
The Dancers of the Three Principal Aspects [Video]

The Dancers of the Three Principal Aspects [Video]

In this short video made public by Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gives a swift summary of the three principal aspects of the path: renunciation, bodhichitta and the right view on emptiness. Watch “Rinpoche’s Dharma Gems: The Dancers ... Read more »
The Very Deep Kindness of the Enemy

The Very Deep Kindness of the Enemy

“One time at Dharamsala, the main teacher in the monastery called the Dialectics School walked past me as I was coming down to the palace with ‘the nose up’ as you say, looking down,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche told the attendees ... Read more »
The Golden Light Sutra and the Wasp Nest

The Golden Light Sutra and the Wasp Nest

“Today while clearing a part of the yard, I stumbled upon a wasp nest and suddenly was enveloped by a swarm of angry wasps!” said student Martine Darrou from Dunedin, New Zealand. “Trying to remain calm, I suddenly recalled our ... Read more »
As a Mother Sees Her Most Beloved Child

As a Mother Sees Her Most Beloved Child

“As a mother sees her most beloved child, if our mind has loving kindness, compassion and bodhichitta towards all other beings, then we see all beings – those who help us and even those who harm, whatever they do – ... Read more »
It’s Not Sufficient to Have a Small Good Heart

It’s Not Sufficient to Have a Small Good Heart

“It’s best in our day-to-day life to practice some positive attitude, having some renunciation, having some satisfaction, controlling the dissatisfied mind, attachment,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche said in Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive’s newest ebook, Creating the Causes of Happiness. “We need ... Read more »
2.5 Million Mantras and One Statue for Peace in Spain

2.5 Million Mantras and One Statue for Peace in Spain

Anne Wenaas, director of O.Sel.Ling Centro de Retiros in Spain, shared the center’s recent amazing practice accomplishments: On Christmas 2015, we started a one-week mani retreat. Ven. Yeshe Chodron started to lead it and then Irina, a volunteer here, continued ... Read more »
Rituals Service Seminar Offered in Latvia this April

Rituals Service Seminar Offered in Latvia this April

Ganden Buddhist Meditation Centre, FPMT’s Latvian center, will be hosting a Rituals Service Seminar with Ven. Angie Muir from April 10 – April 13, 2015. This four-day Rituals Service Seminar provides in-depth instruction on Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s method of leading ... Read more »
How to Bless Food with OM AH HUM

How to Bless Food with OM AH HUM

A student wrote Lama Zopa Rinpoche and asked for advice about blessing food as the student’s family owns a factory that makes food that is later sold in shops. My most dear, most kind, most precious wish-fulfilling student, Regarding your ... Read more »