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Hundreds of Thousands of Animals Sacrificed in Gadhimai Festival

Hundreds of Thousands of Animals Sacrificed in Gadhimai Festival

On November 28-29, hundreds of thousands of animals will be sacrificed as part of the Gadhimai Festival, a Hindu religious festival that occurs every five years in Bariyarpur, Nepal, about 90 miles (145 km) south of Kathmandu. In 2009, Lama ... Read more »
Jamyang Bath Blessed by Visits from Geshe Tashi, Geshe Kelsang Wangmo and Geshe Sherab

Jamyang Bath Blessed by Visits from Geshe Tashi, Geshe Kelsang Wangmo and Geshe Sherab

“Jamyang Bath has a full program this autumn,” said study group coordinator Sandra Whilding. “We hosted a weekend of talks by Geshe Tashi Tsering on the subject of buddha nature. It was a great success and lots of people came ... Read more »
New eBook by Rinpoche: Practicing the Unmistaken Path

New eBook by Rinpoche: Practicing the Unmistaken Path

Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive has recently published the first book in a new ebook series of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teachings: Practicing the Unmistaken Path: Lam-rim Teachings from Kopan 1991. You can read more about the book, which was edited by ... Read more »
The Benefits of Offering to Buddha

The Benefits of Offering to Buddha

“Offering one tiny flower to a statue or picture of Buddha receives immeasurable, limitless, merit. All the paths to happiness result from that. With just one grain of rice or one tiny flower, you can enter the path and achieve ... Read more »
Supporting Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery

Supporting Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, through the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund, continues to support the nuns of Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery (also known as Bigu Nunnery) by sponsoring the 100 million mani retreats which the nuns continue to offer at least ... Read more »
Tokyo Continues Annual Nyung Nä Tradition

Tokyo Continues Annual Nyung Nä Tradition

Every year the students of Tokyo’s Do Ngak Sung Juk complete a nyung nä, an intensive two-day retreat connected with Chenrezig. Doc O’Connor reports: On September 12-15, Do Ngak Sung Juk (DNSJ) had their annual nyung nä. The past two ... Read more »
‘Life Is Very Short’

‘Life Is Very Short’

During Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s stay at Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery near Bendigo in Australia, Rinpoche had several signs made to go with toy animals that had been placed along the path from the monastery to the Great Stupa of Universal ... Read more »
Offering Animals a Good Rebirth

Offering Animals a Good Rebirth

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has given much advice on benefiting animals. Here is a suggestion for helping your pets and other animal friends: “It’s also extremely good to bless food before you give it to animals. If you can’t do it ... Read more »
Monthly Offering to Swayambhunath and Boudhanath Stupas

Monthly Offering to Swayambhunath and Boudhanath Stupas

Every month on the full moon the Puja Fund sponsors offerings towards the holy Bouddhanath and Swayambunath Stupas in Nepal. These offerings are made on behalf of the entire FPMT organization and kindly arranged by Kopan Monastery. Offerings of white ... Read more »
‘Everything Is in Your Hand’

‘Everything Is in Your Hand’

“Lama Zopa: everything is in your hand –happiness or suffering, hell or enlightenment. Keeping your mind happy is not easy, but your business.” – From Ven. Roger Kunsang’s Twitter page, posted on November 17, 2014 Ven. Roger Kunsang, Lama Zopa ... Read more »
Recieve the Oral Transmission of the Sutra of Golden Light ONLINE

Recieve the Oral Transmission of the Sutra of Golden Light ONLINE

During the retreat in Australia September-October 2014, Lama Zopa Rinpoche agreed to allow those who listen to a recording of Rinpoche giving the oral transmission of the Sutra of Golden Light to receive the transmission in full. You may receive ... Read more »
Ten Translators-To-Be Complete First Half of LRZTP 6

Ten Translators-To-Be Complete First Half of LRZTP 6

Yaron Bahir, director of Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program, recently shared this update with Mandala : The first two years of the Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program 6 finished on October 16. All 10 students successfully passed their exams. It ... Read more »