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The Benefits of Guru Devotion

The Benefits of Guru Devotion

“Up to now, what we have been able to accomplish, benefiting this world in various ways, is, I think, basically through the kindness of the guru: His Holiness [the Dalai Lama], who is the only object of refuge of all ... Read more »
38,931.14 Pounds of Rice & Flour Offered in One Month from the Sera Je Food Fund

38,931.14 Pounds of Rice & Flour Offered in One Month from the Sera Je Food Fund

In order for the Sera Je Food Fund to offer three meals per day to all 2,500 monks studying at Sera Je Monastery (3,300 monks join for breakfast), the Sera Je Kitchen must acquire, prep, cook, and clean-up after an ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice for Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Advice for Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice

Compiled from various teachings by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Benefits of Medicine Buddha Mantra and Practice details the many blessings associated with engaging in Medicine Buddha practice. FPMT Education Services is happy to freely offer this compilation. The Medicine Buddha encompasses ... Read more »
The Value of the Lam-rim

The Value of the Lam-rim

“Lam-rim is what you should focus on your whole life, even while you are doing your job. You should keep your mind in this. It is the most meaningful, most profound practice, doing each action with the mind in bodhichitta. ... Read more »
Burnout: Is It Really a Problem?

Burnout: Is It Really a Problem?

More than 40 people from 17 countries came together in late October for the FPMT Foundation Service Seminar, organized by FPMT Education Services and hosted by Jamyang Buddhist Centre London. The gathering drew together a wide array of dedicated FPMT ... Read more »
Ling Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

Ling Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Jangchup Lamrim Teachings

The 2013 Jangchup Lamrim teachings by His Holiness the Dalai Lama successfully concluded on January 3 with His Holiness conferring the 1000-Armed Chenrezig initiation. His Eminence Ling Rinpoche is the main organizer of the Jangchup Lamrim teaching series. “This year, ... Read more »
Guhyasamaja Center Student Ordains

Guhyasamaja Center Student Ordains

From Fairfax, Virginia, US, Guhyasamaja Center spiritual program coordinator Gabriel Mata shares the exciting news of one student’s transition into monkhood: On October 11, 2013, Guhyasamaja Center celebrated the ordination ceremony of one of its members and membership coordinator, Matt ... Read more »
US$10,000 Offered to Vajrapani Institute for Life-Sized Statue of Lama Yeshe

US$10,000 Offered to Vajrapani Institute for Life-Sized Statue of Lama Yeshe

Lama Zopa Rinpoche was very happy to make an offering of US$10,000 toward a new life-sized statue of Lama Yeshe which Vajrapani Institute, Boulder Creek, CA, USA is having built. This will be the second life-sized statue of Lama Yeshe ... Read more »
Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom Launches New Website

Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom Launches New Website

The Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW) is an FPMT-affiliated project “dedicated to promoting peace in the world through Universal Education for Compassion and Wisdom [UECW], a system of inner development that enables people of all ages, cultures and ... Read more »
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Sponsors Kitchen for Bylakuppe School for Tibetans

Lama Zopa Rinpoche Sponsors Kitchen for Bylakuppe School for Tibetans

Sera Monastery is located in the Tibetan settlement Bylakuppe near Mysore, Karnataka in South India. Lama Zopa Rinpoche sponsored the new kitchen at the Bylakuppe School for Tibetans, which was inaugurated on December 19, 2013. Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the spiritual director of ... Read more »
Gold Leafing and Equipment Offered to 70 ft Statue of Padmasambhava

Gold Leafing and Equipment Offered to 70 ft Statue of Padmasambhava

The Padmasambhava Project for Peace is dedicated to fulfilling Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s goal of building many large statues of Padmasambhava around the world in order to create the cause for peace for all beings In October of 2013 the project ... Read more »
Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour: A New Name for a Timeless Experience

Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour: A New Name for a Timeless Experience

The Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour has a new name: the Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour. The tour brings the sacred relics of Buddhist masters to Buddhists and non-Buddhists around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people on six continents have ... Read more »