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US$3,321 Offered to Small Tibetan Settlement for Gompa Repair

US$3,321 Offered to Small Tibetan Settlement for Gompa Repair

Lama Zopa Rinpoche offered US$3,321 to a small Tibetan settlement in the hills of Kulli Manali, India, for repairs to their gompa’s roof. This Tibetan settlement is where Zong Rinpoche’s mother lived previously. This is the second offering from the ... Read more »
Blessing All Sentient Beings in the Ocean with Rinpoche [Video]

Blessing All Sentient Beings in the Ocean with Rinpoche [Video]

Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche as he blesses all the sentient beings in the ocean. While Rinpoche has been staying in California, he frequently goes with Sangha and Namgyälma mantra boards to a wharf near Kachoe Dechen Ling or to the ... Read more »
Monthly Full Moon Offering of Gold and Robes to Jowo Buddha

Monthly Full Moon Offering of Gold and Robes to Jowo Buddha

Every month on the full moon the Puja Fund sponsors the offering of gold and robes to the holy Jowo Buddha Statue in Tibet. This month, the full moon falls on November 17. Lama Zopa Rinpoche recently explained some of ... Read more »
‘Guru Devotion is the Root of the Path to Enlightenment’

‘Guru Devotion is the Root of the Path to Enlightenment’

“… All the suffering of samsara comes from the mind. Happiness, liberation and enlightenment come from the mind. Suffering comes from the unsubdued mind. Liberation and enlightenment come from the subdued mind, therefore, subduing the mind is essential. So what ... Read more »
Second 100 Million Mani Retreat Sponsored

Second 100 Million Mani Retreat Sponsored

Since 2009 the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund has sponsored a small nunnery, Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery, located in a remote area of Nepal, to undertake annual 100 million mani retreats. In 2012 the fund started to sponsor two 100 ... Read more »
A Buddhist’s Loss of a Beloved Pet

A Buddhist’s Loss of a Beloved Pet

By Tania Duratovic ‘How Long Will It All Take?’ Today I found out that one of our loving cats, Pema, has got cancer. It is in her nose and her throat and there is not much anyone can do. On ... Read more »
Sutra on What is Most Precious to a Monk

Sutra on What is Most Precious to a Monk

This sutra from the “Vinaya Basket, ” Sutra on What is Most Precious to a Monk, discusses the meaning of and motivations for monastic engagement, exploring what kind of mind constitutes one of monastic practice. It explains why that which ... Read more »
Rinpoche and Tenzin Ösel at a Vegan Restaurant

Rinpoche and Tenzin Ösel at a Vegan Restaurant

In early November, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Tenzin Ösel Hita ate at a vegan restaurant in Santa Cruz, California, where they discussed the menu. According to Rinpoche’s assistant Ven. Roger, Rinpoche is creating his own cook book. Rinpoche has been ... Read more »
Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour Breaks Records in Bhutan

Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour Breaks Records in Bhutan

The Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour, a collection of sacred relics of the Buddha and other Buddhist masters assembled by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, broke a record for most visitors in Thimphu, Bhutan, the country’s capital. The relics were showcased in ... Read more »
Rinpoche Prays for Those Who Have Died in the Philippines, Vietnam and Somalia

Rinpoche Prays for Those Who Have Died in the Philippines, Vietnam and Somalia

“[Late Sunday night] Lama Zopa Rinpoche did many prayers for all those who have died in the Philippines, Vietnam and also Somalia (Vajrasattva, Ksitigarbha and later planning to do the Eight Prayers to Benefit the Dead) as well as for ... Read more »
‘You Don’t Have to Feel Alone’

‘You Don’t Have to Feel Alone’

Lama Zopa: You don’t have to feel alone. There are numberless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas always with you. They understand you with compassion. – From Ven. Roger Kunsang’s Twitter page, posted on September 7, 2013 Ven. Roger Kunsang, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s ... Read more »
Monthly Medicine Buddha Puja Offered

Monthly Medicine Buddha Puja Offered

The Puja Fund recently offered US$2,843.49 for six months of monthly Medicine Buddha pujas performed by the monks of Sera Mey Monastery, South India. This monthly puja is offered on the Tibetan 8th day of every month. 2,000 monks attend ... Read more »