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200 Million Mani Retreat Sponsored by the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund

200 Million Mani Retreat Sponsored by the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund

Since 2009 the Lama Zopa Rinpoche Bodhichitta Fund has sponsored a small nunnery, Tashi Chime Gatsal Nunnery, located in a remote area of Nepal, to undertake annual 100 million mani retreats. In 2012 the fund started to sponsor two 100 ... Read more »
New Video About the Sera Je Food Fund

New Video About the Sera Je Food Fund

Please enjoy this inspiring new video, filmed by Ven. Thubten Kalden and edited by Ven. Lhundrup Daychen, that shows the annual Hayagriva Retreat of Sera Je Monastery. The entire retreat was dedicated to all the kind benefactors of the Sera ... Read more »
News from O.Sel.Ling, Spain

News from O.Sel.Ling, Spain

From Ven. Fabio Poza, O.Sel.Ling Centro de Retiros spirtual program coordinator On July 22, we organized a procession of the Kangyur to celebrate the temporary installation of the texts in the center’s big gompa. On August 2, we finished our ... Read more »
108,939,500 Manis Recited in Mongolia!

108,939,500 Manis Recited in Mongolia!

The 100 Million Mani Retreat in Mongolia concludes on Friday, August 30, with a long life puja offered to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, who led the retreat. FPMT Mongolia organized the retreat, which began August 1 at Idgaa Choizinling Dratsang (College), ... Read more »
New Gyalwa Gyatso Self Initiation eBook

New Gyalwa Gyatso Self Initiation eBook

As Gelong Tenzin Namdak explains in his introduction to Chenrezig Gyalwa Gyatso Self-Initiation by Jampal Gyatso, “Self-initiation is a powerful practice in which you take the four empowerments on your own, thereby renewing your bodhisattva and tantric vows.” This self-initiation ... Read more »
Milarepa Center’s Interfaith Celebration and a Tiny House

Milarepa Center’s Interfaith Celebration and a Tiny House

From Ven. Amy Miller, director Milarepa Center On July 6, Milarepa Center celebrated our Fifth Annual Milarepa Festival Day. This year, we incorporated the enchanting music of Tibetan anthro-musicologist Penpa Tsering with an interfaith service to celebrate our region’s Compassion ... Read more »
Chokhor Duchen Activities Sponsored by the Puja Fund

Chokhor Duchen Activities Sponsored by the Puja Fund

This year Chokhor Duchen, the annual celebration commemoration of Lord Buddha’s first teaching, took place on July 12. Please rejoice in the incredible array of pujas and activities sponsored by the Puja Fund with strong prayers. Some of these activities ... Read more »
Mind Training, The Tibetan Tradition of Mental and Emotional Cultivation: Part II

Mind Training, The Tibetan Tradition of Mental and Emotional Cultivation: Part II

Scholar and chief translator for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Geshe Thupten Jinpa , continues his discussion of the Tibetan tradition of mind training, which forms the basis of his important book Mind Training: The Great Collection. One of the ... Read more »
Chandrakirti Centre Starts Studying Its Second Subject of the Basic Program

Chandrakirti Centre Starts Studying Its Second Subject of the Basic Program

From Phillipa Rutherford, director Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre Nine students at Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre, in Richmond, New Zealand, completed their first subject from the Basic Program , passing their exam after studying the Wheel of Sharp Weapons. ... Read more »
Cherishing Life and a Recipe for Mushroom and Kale Pâté

Cherishing Life and a Recipe for Mushroom and Kale Pâté

Inspired by Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s message to students in FPMT Annual Review 2011: Cherishing Life, FPMT International Office’s Carina Rumrill – former editor of Mandala and present editorial support for the office – and her partner, Nick Dickison, took their ... Read more »
Land of Medicine Buddha Keeps Busy

Land of Medicine Buddha Keeps Busy

Land of Medicine Buddha (LMB) in Soquel, California, has had a busy summer. In June, they celebrated their Eleventh Medicine Buddha Festival Day, which also included a visit from the Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour. Hundreds of people attended the ... Read more »
Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teaching in Mongolia

Watch Lama Zopa Rinpoche Teaching in Mongolia

Live and recorded webcasts of Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaching during the 100 Million Mani Retreat in Mongolia can be watched on FPMT’s livestreaming webpage. Several videos of Rinpoche’s teachings, the first from August 16, have already been posted. Rinpoche will ... Read more »