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Geshe Kelsang Wangdu

In 1996, Geshe Kelsang Wangdu told Mandala about his daily routine at Sera Je Monastery two decades earlier. Just by describing his time there, he transmits some important teachings about offering service, guru devotion, and why we shouldn’t criticize Western ... Read more »

The Fourteen Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation

In The Fourteen Dalai Lamas, author Glenn H. Mullin vividly brings to life the myth and succession of all 14 Dalai Lamas in one volume for the first time. The book contains a chapter on each Dalai Lama (except Dalai ... Read more »

Love and Freedom

A simply written poem, “Love and Freedom” illustrates some of the struggles of Tibet’s younger generation in exile. From Mandala September 2002.

Mandala eZine Rich Archive!

The Mandala eZine is a rich source of teachings, audio, video, and community discussions/photos. The eZine archive now has 12 outstanding issues which you can access freely, please explore!

October 5 2011

Dear Friends, Rinpoche’s treatment continues here in France. The flight from Nepal was smooth, it took some days of rest after the flight to recover. The treatment is going well, especially with Khandro la’s assistance. We are hoping with 4 ... Read more »

Leaving Mirages for Firm Ground

A discussion of the relationship between psychotherapy and Buddhism called “Leaving Mirages for Firm Ground,” by Renate Ogilvie, from Mandala, May 1996.

Don’t Throw Dharma at me When I’m in a Bad Mood

Ven. Chonyi Taylor has been telling it like it is through her Mixed Motives and Dharma Realities columns in Mandala for the past three years. This installment, “Don’t Throw Dharma at Me When I’m in a Bad Mood,” from Jan-March ... Read more »

The Attendant Who Pledged Her Life

Published in March, 2003, “The Attendant Who Pledged Her Life,” includes reflections from Jacie Keeley about the precious teachings she received through serving as Lama Yeshe’s attendant.

What Are Your Personal Retreat Goals?

We need your input for our eZine’s community bulletin board. Please answer our recent reader question: “What are your personal retreat goals for this lifetime?” You can post your answers of Facebook or email them to Michael Jolliffe. We may ... Read more »

Photos of You and New Mandala are Needed!

Have you received the October-December 2011 issue of Mandala? Please take a photo of yourself (and friends) with the recent magazine next to your favorite spot. We would like to publish your photo in the December 2011 eZine. Help us ... Read more »

Intimate Reflections on the Early Days of FPMT

The April-June 2009 issue of Mandala featured a special tribute to commemorate Lama Yeshe’s life, 25 years after his passing. The article focused on reflections from the early students of FPMT as well as first hand accounts from Lama Yeshe ... Read more »

Inner Peace and Happiness during Three-Year Retreat

In 2008, Ven. Thubten Gyatso (Adrian Feldmann) completed a three-year retreat at De-Tong Ling Retreat Centre on Kangaroo Island off the South Australian coast. In an interview with Owen Cole, Ven. Gyatso describes the retreat as the most powerful experience ... Read more »