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The Wind Moaning Down the Valley Is Your Breath

Kathy Perlman wrote this poem on March 16, 1984, just 13 days after Lama Yeshe passed away. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.

Lama Was a Great Yogi

Geshe Wangchen, a close friend of Lama Yeshe, wrote this brief note shortly after Lama Yeshe’s passing in 1984. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.

Journey to Spiti

John Wright, newly-appointed program director of Atisha Centre near Melbourne, was one of a small group of Westerners who traveled to the remote north Indian state of Spiti to attend the Kalachakra initiation given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama ... Read more »


Francesca Hampton’s short story about a young monk trying to help an emotionally disturbed Western man shows what it really means to practice, to be a spiritual teacher and to help someone who is suffering. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.

July 29 2011

Dear Friends, Rinpoche is doing well with his recovery. Now the main emphasis is on keeping a strict daily discipline of exercise, massage  specializing in clearing the blockages for helping to restore normal use of the right side) and physio ... Read more »

Getting away from It All

Lori de Aratanha talks to American nun Thubten Angmo, not long before Lama Yeshe “locked her in” for her three-year retreat at Tushita, Dharamsala. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.

A Prayer for the Kind Father Guru to Return Quickly

Lama Zopa Rinpoche composed long and short requests shortly after Lama Yeshe’s death pleading for Lama Yeshe to return quickly in order to continue guiding his students. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.
History of the Sera Je Food Fund

History of the Sera Je Food Fund

The Sera Je Food Fund began in 1991 when Tenzin Ösel Hita, the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe, entered Sera Je Monastery in southern India at age six. It is customary for a monk’s sponsor to make offerings to all Sangha ... Read more »

The Activities That Lama Yeshe Performed Are the Activities of All Holy Beings

Geshe Jampa Tegchok describes Lama Yeshe’s intensive education before meeting his first Western disciples. From Wisdom #2 – 1984.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche: One of the Young Lamas Who Is Special

After Lama Yeshe died in March 1984, Lama Zopa Rinpoche became the sole spiritual head of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. In order to firmly establish the connection between Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche for ... Read more »

They Can Change Their Minds and They Can Become More Harmonious

Lama Zopa Rinpoche talks briefly to the people attending Lama Yeshe’s funeral on March 7,1984 at Vajrapani Institute, California. Rinpoche makes some interesting comments on the reasons for Lama’s death and how students can generate the causes for Lama’s quick ... Read more »

Willing to Do Anything to Help

Jon Landaw wrote this brief tribute to Lama Yeshe after his death in 1984. It includes the story of Jon’s first encounter with Lama Yeshe and is demonstrative of how Lama effortlessly hooked his students and empowered them to let ... Read more »